T Promotional cards (TCG)

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Revision as of 22:11, 13 November 2009 by Maverick Nate (talk | contribs)
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The symbol for the T Promotional cards is a black star with the word "PROMO" across it.

T Promotional cards were released exclusively through Trainer Magazine, with three new cards available with each issue until their production stopped. The release of these cards were intertwined with the releases of the P Promotional cards.

Card list

No. Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
001/T Flareon Fire -- Trainer Magazine #14
002/T Vaporeon Water -- Trainer Magazine #14
003/T Jolteon Lightning -- Trainer Magazine #14
004/T Slowpoke Psychic -- Trainer Magazine #15
005/T Slowbro Psychic -- Trainer Magazine #15
006/T Slowking Water -- Trainer Magazine #15
007/T Bayleef Grass -- Trainer Magazine #16
008/T Quilava Fire -- Trainer Magazine #16
009/T Croconaw Water -- Trainer Magazine #16
010/T Ivysaur Grass -- Trainer Magazine #17
011/T Charmeleon Fire -- Trainer Magazine #17
012/T Wartortle Water -- Trainer Magazine #17
013/T Moltres Fire -- Trainer Magazine #18
014/T Articuno Water -- Trainer Magazine #18
015/T Zapdos Lightning -- Trainer Magazine #18
016/T Dratini Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
017/T Dragonair Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
018/T Dragonite Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #19
019/T Larvitar Fighting -- Trainer Magazine #20
020/T Pupitar Fighting -- Trainer Magazine #20
021/T Tyranitar ex Darkness -- Trainer Magazine #20
022/T Imakuni?'s Whismur Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21
023/T Imakuni?'s Loudred Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21
024/T Imakuni?'s Exploud ex Colorless -- Trainer Magazine #21

Template:TCG Expansions