Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 15
The guide for those can be found here.
Indigo Plateau
The Ultimate Goal
for Trainers!
You've finally made it to Indigo Plateau, and the game's almost over... well, not really. After defeating the Elite Four, you'll get to travel through Kanto as well.
The Elite Four members aren't called "elite" for nothing, so it's a good idea to train your team members at least to level 50 before challenging them. If you need to leave and do some more training, talk to the old man near the Poké Center area. His Abra can teleport you to your home back in New Bark if needed.
It is recommended to bring a variety of each of the following types with you:
Once you've assembled your team, stop by the Mart if you need extra medicine, and walk northeast towards the stairs. Save your game, and head up to face the Elite Four.
Item | Price |
| |
Ultra Ball | $1,200 |
| |
Hyper Potion | $1,200 |
Max Potion | $2,500 |
Full Restore | $3,000 |
Revive | $1,500 |
Full Heal | $600 |
Other items
| |
Max Repel | $700 |
Elite Four
Battle 1: Will
The first battle is against Will, a master Template:Type2 Trainer.
A powerful Template:Type2 can make short work of his Slowbro and pair of Xatu. A hit from a strong Template:Type2 move (like Flamethrower) can eliminate his Jynx and Exeggutor. If you chose Totodile as your starter, a few bites from Feraligatr's massive jaws can whip through Will's entire team without a problem.
After defeating Will, heal your team, reorganize your party with your Template:Type2 leading, and head through the door to your second battle.
Battle 2: Koga
The second battle is against Koga, a master Template:Type2 Trainer, and former leader of Kanto's Fuchsia Gym.
A strong Template:Type2 can dispatch all five of his Pokémon by itself, while Template:Type2s can easily scorch his Ariados, Forretress, and Venomoth. Be careful with his Venomoth, Muk, and Crobat; all three know Toxic, a venomous move that badly poisons the foe. If afflicted, switching the Pokémon out of battle will cause the poison to lose its potency, degrading to a normal poison condition.
After defeating Koga, heal your team, and make sure that your Template:Type2 is ready for action again.
Battle 3: Bruno
The third battle is against Bruno, a master Template:Type2 Trainer.
Your Template:Type2 will work wonders here, at least until it encounters Bruno's Onix. There's only one thing a Psychic-type should look out for - Hitmontop's Pursuit move is of the Template:Type2, which is super-effective when used on a Psychic-type. Flood the battlefield with your Template:Type2 to take care of his Onix (just watch out for Hitmonchan's ThunderPunch).
After defeating Bruno, heal up if needed, and swap your Template:Type2 leader with a high-powered Template:Type2.
Battle 4: Karen
The fourth battle is against Karen, a master Template:Type2 Trainer.
Your Template:Type2 should be able to take out her Umbreon, Murkrow, and Houndoom with little trouble. Torch her Vileplume with your Template:Type2, and beware of her Gengar's Curse.
After defeating Karen, tend to your team, and swap your Template:Type2 leader with your Template:Type2.
Champion battle: Lance
With the Elite Four behind you, there is only one person left standing between you and the Hall of Fame: Lance, master of Dragons, and Champion of the Pokémon League. This will be your toughest battle yet, but find a way to slay his dragons, and you'll be recognized as the most powerful Trainer in all of Johto and Kanto!
A word of caution: all six of Lance's Pokémon know the devastating move Hyper Beam, so if your team is in trouble, don't risk getting hit - heal up as often as you can.
Start off with your Template:Type2; Lance opens with his Gyarados, which may as well be a big lightning rod. That same Template:Type2 will have the advantage over his entire team (though some more than others). His Charizard and Aerodactyl hate the water, so have your Template:Type2 flood the field to make short work of them. That leaves his trio of Dragonite. As Dragon/Template:Type2s, they are doubly vulnerable to ice, so have your surfer shoot an Ice Beam or call in a blizzard, and his dragons will be nothing but a memory.
After finally defeating the Pokémon League, Lance compliments you, saying how much you've grown with your Pokémon. However, he is interrupted by DJ Mary, who is looking for an interview. She's a little late, but it's not her fault - Professor Oak isn't as quick as he used to be. He applauds your domination of the Pokémon League, and tells you that your Pokémon persevered because they believed in you as a Trainer. Mary is quick to try for that interview, but Lance steps in to take you away from the noise, much to Mary's dismay.
Lance takes you to the Hall of Fame room, saying that it has been a long time since he was last here. He explains the machine in front of you, telling you that this is where League Champions are honored, along with their courageous Pokémon. He activates the machine, registering you and your partners as Hall of Fame members.
The game saves, a slideshow of your team members plays, and the credits roll...
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This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game. |