Evolution item

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

An evolution-inducing held item is an item which makes the Pokémon holding it evolve when a certain event happens, such as if the Pokémon is traded or leveled up. The item disappears once the Pokémon has evolved. For evolution-inducing items that are not meant to be held, see the page on evolutionary stones.

List of evolution-inducing held items



Dragon Scale

Dubious Disc


King's Rock


Metal Coat

Oval Stone

  • Japanese: まんまるいし Spherical Stone
  • Pokémon affected: Causes Happiny to evolve into Chansey when raised a level during the daytime.
  • Found:


Razor Claw

Razor Fang

Reaper Cloth


Held items
In-battle effect items
BerriesColored orbsDrivesPower items
Experience-affecting itemsGemsIncenseMega StonesMemoriesPlates
Stat-enhancing itemsType-enhancing itemsZ-Crystals
Out-of-battle effect items
Power itemsIncenseMailScarves
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.