Professor Cozmo

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Professor Cozmo (Japanese: ソライシ博士 Dr. Soraishi) is a meteoriticist, who lives in Fallarbor Town in Hoenn.

In the games

Professor Cozmo leaves either with Team Aqua or Team Magma (Team Magma in Pokémon Emerald) for the Meteor Falls, thinking that they are going to help him excavate meteors. However, the offending Team steals the meteorite, intending to use it to power their machine at Mt. Chimney. After defeating the grunts and the team's leader, the player can take the meteorite from the machine and return it to the Professor in exchange for TM27 (Return).

In the anime

File:Professor Cozmo.png
Professor Cozmo in the anime

In Fight for the Meteorite, Professor Cozmo meets Ash Ketchum on Mt. Chimney. The situation from there is similar to in the games. He is voiced by 西村朋紘 Tomohiro Nishimura in Japanese.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Chuang Yi translation of the fourth chapter, he is referred to as Professor Starstone. This error is rectified when he appears in a flashback during the fifth chapter.

Professor Cozmo believed Team Aqua to be noble heroes, so he assisted them with the meteor and their device on Mt. Chimney.

He's apparently good friends with Roxanne, and was once her teacher.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Professor Cozmo or his Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Professor Cozmo's Discovery T Uncommon EX Deoxys 90/107
EX Holon Phantoms 89/110
EX Trainer Kit 2 10/12



Language Name Origin
Japanese ソライシ博士 Dr. Soraishi 空石 soraishi means "sky rock."
English, Spanish Prof. Cozmo From cosmos.
French, German Prof. Kosmo From cosmos and kosmos, French and German for "cosmos," respectively.
Italian Prof. Cosmi From cosmo, cosmos.
Korean 공석 교수 Professor Gongseok 공석 (same as 空石) means "sky rock".
Chinese 索藍斯教授/索蓝斯教授 Professor Suǒlánsī A loose transliteration of Soraishi.

Professor BirchMomMayBrendanWallyWandaSteven StoneWallaceScottMr. BrineyMr. StoneGabby and TyLanette
BrigetteProfessor CozmoPokémon Fan Club ChairmanRydelWinstrate familyCaptain SternTrick MasterTreasure HunterDock
ApprenticePokémon Center LadiesOld guysMr. BondingTealaAaruneLisiaZinniaLookerInverChazFossil ManiacKiriMemory Girl
Team AquaTeam MagmaGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsBattle ChatelainesGym guideName RaterDay-Care CoupleStats judge

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.