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Bug Buzz むしのさざめき Insect Noise
File:DPBug buzz.PNG
Normal: May affect anyone but the user (long-range)
Bug Buzz (Japanese: むしのさざめき Insect Noise ) is a damage-dealing Template:Type2 move introduced in Generation IV .
Bug Buzz does damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense .
| style="background: #FFF; font-family:monospace,monospace" | 0123
| style="background: #FFF; text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #FFF" | Scyther
| colspan="1" style="background:#91A119; text-align: center;" | Bug || style="background:#81B9EF" align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1" | Flying
| style="background: #FFF" | Butterfree Venomoth Ledyba , Ledian Yanma , Yanmega Beautifly Dustox Masquerain Volbeat Kricketune Mothim
| style="background: #FFF; font-family:monospace,monospace" | 0165
| style="background: #FFF; text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #FFF" | Ledyba
| colspan="1" style="background:#91A119; text-align: center;" | Bug || style="background:#81B9EF" align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1" | Flying
| style="background: #FFF" | Ledyba , Ledian Volbeat Butterfree Venomoth Beautifly Dustox Masquerain Mothim Kricketune Yanma , Yanmega
| style="background: #FFF; font-family:monospace,monospace" | 0290
| style="background: #FFF; text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #FFF" | Nincada
| colspan="1" style="background:#91A119; text-align: center;" | Bug || style="background:#915121" align="center" colspan="1" rowspan="1" | Ground
| style="background: #FFF" | Butterfree Venomoth Ledyba , Ledian Yanma , Yanmega Beautifly Dustox Masquerain Volbeat Kricketune Mothim
| style="background: #FFF; font-family:monospace,monospace" | 0313
| style="background: #FFF; text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #FFF" | Volbeat
| colspan="2" style="background:#91A119; text-align: center;" | Bug
| style="background: #FFF" | Butterfree Ledyba , Ledian Venomoth Beautifly Yanma , Yanmega Dustox Masquerain Dustox Kricketune
| style="background: #FFF; font-family:monospace,monospace" | 0314
| style="background: #FFF; text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #FFF" | Illumise
| colspan="2" style="background:#91A119; text-align: center;" | Bug
| style="background: #FFF" | Butterfree Ledyba , Ledian Venomoth Beautifly Yanma , Yanmega Dustox Masquerain Dustox Volbeat Kricketune
| colspan="6" | Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution gets STAB from this move. *Indicates Pokémon that can only learn the move through chain breeding .
In other languages
Spanish: Zumbido
French: Bourdon
German: Käfergebrumm
Italian: Ronzio
Template:Project MoveDex notice