Arbok (Pokémon)

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Ekans #023: Ekans
#025: Pikachu Pikachu
アーボック Arbok

Artwork from FR/LG
Poison '
Cobra Pokémon
Intimidate or Shed Skin
Exp. at Lv. 100
Regional Pokédex numbers
Regional Browser numbers
3.5 m
143.3 lbs.
65.0 kg
Dex color
Catch rate
90 (11.8%)
Body style

Gender ratio
50% male, 50% female
Ground and
Dragon groups
21 cycles
(5355 minimum steps)
EV yield
Base Exp.: 147 Battle Exp.: 1471*

Arbok (Japanese: アーボック Arbok) is a Template:Type2 Pokémon.

It evolves from Ekans starting at level 22.



A reptilian with purple scales over most of its body. It has lost the rattle it had on its tail as an Ekans. Like a cobra, it can spread out its ribs into a hood. On its "hood", it has a design much like an angry face. The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.

Gender differences


Special abilities

It has a nasty bite with deadly venom. Terrifically strong, it is capable of crushing opponents by coiling its body around them and constricting. It can even flatten steel oil drums. If it encounters an enemy, it raises its head, intimidating the opponent with the frightening pattern on its body and making eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth. If any part of Arbok's body except for the head is cut off, it can regrow the rest of its body again in a matter of a few weeks. It shares this trait with Onix. It also has the ability to detect vibrations as shown in The Whistle Stop and A Poached Ego.

Seen in Adventures, Agatha's Arbok could change its pattern at any time to increase power to different stats and also give it invulnerability to status ailments. However, if covered, the pattern will not work.


Rather vicious, Arbok are territorial. They lash out at intruders with long fangs tipped with deadly venom. With a vengeful nature, it won't give up a chase after prey or an opponent, no matter how far, once it targets it prey.


Grassland Pokémon

Arbok live in grassy savannas and plains. It is native to Kanto and Johto, but have been encountered in Sinnoh from time to time.


Main article: Pokémon food

In the wild, Arbok are hunters of smaller Pokémon, using the pattern on its hood to immoblize prey and using its venom to finish them off.

In the anime

Arbok in the anime

Major appearances

Jessie's Arbok

Jessie had an Arbok that she obtained as an Ekans. It was extremely loyal to her. It was her primary battling Pokémon until A Poached Ego, when she set it free along with James's Weezing to protect a wild group of Ekans and Koffing.


Minor appearances

In The Ultimate Test, Ash had used an Arbok in the Pokémon League Entrance Exam, against the instructor's Jolteon.

In Ring Masters, Arbok was one of the Pokémon used in the Sumo Conference.

An Arbok was used by one of the students of the Pokémon Trainer's School in Gonna Rule The School! and by a coordinator in What I Did For Love!.

An Arbok is used by one of the students of Pokémon Summer Academy in the first leg of the Pokémon Triathlon in One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!.

In the manga

Koga and Agatha both have Arbok as important parts of their teams in Pokémon Adventures. In Pokémon Adventures, the pattern on an Arbok's belly may give an Arbok special abilities. With the help of Agatha's smoke, Agatha's Arbok had the ability to switch between a bunch of different patterns (see Issue 71), a speed boosting pattern, an attack boosting pattern, and a Invulnerability Pattern that repels poisons, Koga's Arbok, on the other hand, only has one pattern, which was a regenerative pattern that allows it to regenerate any part of its body as long as the head remains intact. According to Pokémon Yellow, that leaves two patterns left undiscovered (if Koga's is the standard one).

An Arbok is one of the antagonists in Magical Pokémon Journey.

Jessie's Arbok appeared several times in the Electric Tale of Pikachu.

Pokédex entries

Manga Chapter Entry
Pokémon Adventures PS071 It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.

In the TCG

Main article: Arbok (TCG)

Game data

NPC appearances

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Generation I
Red It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
Yellow The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Stadium If it encounters an enemy, it raises its head, intimidating the opponent with the frightening pattern on its body.
Generation II
Gold Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
Silver With a very vengeful nature, it won't give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
Crystal To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
Stadium 2 Transfixing prey with the face like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the poisoned victim.
Generation III
Ruby This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
Sapphire This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
Emerald This Pokémon has a terrifically strong constricting power. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body around its foe, escaping is impossible.
FireRed The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.
LeafGreen It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
Generation IV
Diamond The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes when they are frozen in fear.
Pearl The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes when they are frozen in fear.
Platinum The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes when they are frozen in fear.
HeartGold Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
SoulSilver With a very vengeful nature, it won't give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
Generation V
Black {{{blackdex}}}
White {{{whitedex}}}
Black 2 {{{black2dex}}}
White 2 {{{white2dex}}}
Generation VI
X Unknown
Y Unknown

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation I.
Generation I
Red Blue
Uncommon Route 23 and Cerulean Cave (Red only)
Blue (Japan)
None Trade
None Trade
Generation II
Gold Silver
None (Gold)
Few (Silver)
Evolve Ekans (Gold)
Routes 3, 4, 22, 28 (Silver)
Few Routes 3, 4, 26, 27, 28, 42, and Mt. Silver
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire
None Trade
None Trade
FireRed LeafGreen
Common Route 23 and Cerulean Cave (FireRed only)
None Trade
One Cipher Key Lair (Shadow)
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl
Dongle Great Marsh (FireRed)
Dongle Great Marsh (FireRed)
HeartGold SoulSilver
None (HeartGold)
Few (SoulSilver)
Pal Park
Generation V
Black White
None Trade
Black 2 White 2
None Trade
Dream World
Generation VI
None Trade

In side games

Game Location
Pokémon Trozei! Secret Storage 18
Mr. Who's Den
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red/Blue Rescue Team
Evolve from Ekans
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time/Darkness
Shimmer Desert (1F-9F)
Pokémon Ranger Sekra Mountain Range
Pokémon Rumble Rocky Cave

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Red* Blue* Berry (100%)
FireRed LeafGreen Poison Barb Poison Barb (5%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
120 - 167 230 - 324
81 - 150 157 - 295
66 - 133 128 - 260
63 - 128 121 - 251
75 - 144 146 - 282
76 - 145 148 - 284
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
  • This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 65.

Pokéathlon stats

3/4 ★★★
4/5 ★★★★
3/3 ★★★
2/4 ★★☆☆
2/3 ★★
14/19 ★★

Type effectiveness

Template:DP type effectiveness


By leveling up

|- style="text-align:center" | style="text-align:left" | poison | style="background:#9141CB" |  poison 

| style=" background:#FFF" | 4 | style=" background:#FFF" | 1 | style=" background:#FFF" | Arbok | style="display:none; background:#FFF" | {{{6}}} Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Movelist/note


Template:Movelisttm Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Movelist/note

By breeding

Template:Eggmoves Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Eggmoves/note

By tutoring

Template:Tutor Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4 Template:Mtentry4

|- style="background:#B884DD" | colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon
A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game,
while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
|} |}

Special moves

Shadow moves <span style="color:#{{{2}}};">Level 33+ Purified moves
Shadow Half File:Box xd 024.png Refresh Normal
Shadow Rush Sludge Bomb Poison
-- Glare Normal
-- Bite Dark

Side game data

Pokémon Pinball
Acquisition: Evolve
Pokémon Pinball RS
Not available
Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Rare
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
File:MDP RT 024.png Body size: 1
Recruit rate: Evolve
Friend Area: Wild Plains
51%-100% HP Don't mistake this pattern as my real face!
26%-50% HP This isn't good. My HP's down to half.
1%-25% HP I'm in pain... I'm ready to fall...
Level up Leveled up! Watch me intimidate foes!
Partner phrases
51%-100% HP <name>, my HP is between 51% and 100%.
26%-50% HP <name>, my HP is between 26% and 50%.
1%-25% HP <name>, my HP is between 1% and 25%.
Level up Leveled up! Watch me intimidate foes!
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness
and Explorers of Sky
Body size: 1
Recruit rate: -12%
IQ group: C
Pokémon Ranger
Group:  Poison  Poké Assist:
( Poison )
Field move: None
Loops: 6 Min. exp.: 64 Max. exp.: 84
Browser entry  
Arbok will try to avoid capture by spitting devastating blobs of poison.
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Group:  Normal  Poké Assist: None Field move: None
Browser entry  
This Pokémon does not have a browser entry.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Group: Poké Assist: Field move:
 Normal  None Past

( Normal )
None Past

(Electrify ×1)
Browser entry  
This Pokémon does not have a browser entry.
N/A Not
N/A Not
N/A Not
N/A Not
N/A Not
N/A Not
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
PokéPark Pad entry:
This Pokémon has no PokéPark Pad entry.
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Strong: {{{Park2strong}}} Weak: {{{Park2weak}}}
PokéPark Pad entry:
This Pokémon has no PokéPark Pad entry.
HP: Move: {{{ConquestMove}}}
Attack: Ability 1: {{{ConquestAbility1}}}
Defense: Ability 2: {{{ConquestAbility2}}}
Speed: Ability 3: {{{ConquestAbility3}}}
Does not evolve.
Range: 0 Perfect Links: {{{ConquestLink}}}


Rare Candy
Level 22

First Evolution


Gen Game
I Red Blue Yellow Red (Ja) Green Back
II Gold Silver Crystal   Back
III Ruby Sapphire Emerald FireRed LeafGreen Back
IV Diamond Pearl Platinum HeartGold SoulSilver Back
V Black White Black 2 White 2 Back
Arbok For other sprites and images, please see Arbok images on Bulbagarden Archives.


  • In the most infamous Pokémon Trainer's Choice in A Fan with a Plan, Arbok was erroneously claimed to evolve into Seviper.
  • Arbok can learn Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, and Fire Fang, but not Poison Fang. The opposite is true of Seviper.
  • In Generation I games, Arbok had a pair of black stripes in a pattern on its back. This never appeared in any future generation.
  • The "face" pattern on Arbok's chest has subtle differences between generations. This supports Pokédex text which notes subtle differences between Arbok in different regions. The manga also supports this, as Koga and Agatha both have an Arbok, but their patterns are different.
  • Arbok is part of the Dragon egg group, and is one of the three Poison-types to ever be in this group. Its pre-evolution and Seviper are the other two.
    • Coincidentally, all three of them are based on a snake of some sort.
  • Arbok's backwards name is "Kobra", the same happens with Ekans, wich is "Snake"


It is likely that its design was based upon a cobra. However, it is also possible that there is a reference to the legendary basilisk because Arbok and its pre-evolution, Ekans, were originally the only Pokémon to learn Glare. The basilisk was a poisonous serpentine dragon (Arbok is also in the Dragon egg group) that would paralyze and kill people with its stare.

Name origin

Its name is the word cobra spelled backwards and with k instead of c.

In other languages

  • German: Arbok - Kobra (cobra) spelled backwards.
  • French: Arbok - Replacing the c in cobra with a k and spelling it backwards.
  • Korean: 아보크 Abokeu
  • Chinese (Taiwan and Hong Kong): 阿柏怪 Á Bó Gůai - Transliteration of Arbok's Japanese name, which is also Arbok. The last character, 怪, means freak or demon.

Related articles

External links


Ekans #023: Ekans
#025: Pikachu Pikachu
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.