Legendary golems is the collective term used to refer to the trio of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. They are also known as the Regi trio or just the Regis, based on their names.
Unlike previous trios, the golems share very similar names, and their types are further estranged from the original Fire, Ice, and Electric that the birds take on (2 of the beasts share types with the birds, while only one of the golems does). Like them, however, these three have a master (and like the beasts, a creator) in Regigigas.
Also shared among the members of this trio is a weakness to Template:Type2 moves. Each has seven dots for eyes, arranged in a different pattern, similar to the braille that is connected to their legend. Though unlike the birds and beasts, the golems do not have Pressure as their ability, they do share one in Clear Body.
In the anime and outside Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, they appeared as somewhat less important than the previous two trios, even being trained, in Poké Balls, no less, by Brandon, while the birds are said to cause a cataclysm if even one is captured (as happened in the second movie) and the beasts are unable to be captured by conventional means.
One of the many reasons why this trio is seen as "easily attainable" is because of the legends surrounding them. Long ago, Regigigas is said to have pulled the continents into place, and then created the three from an icy mountain, rocks, and magma in its image. Regigigas was apparently worshiped at one time, alongside the other three, by ancient people. Due to it being so powerful, Regigigas was sealed away in the basement of Snowpoint Temple, while the ones it created were spirited to the far-off Hoenn region and locked away in three stone structures, which were then sealed themselves. A message was left in braille to whoever would come to discover the Sealed Chamber, whose only access was via an underwater cavern, in the hopes that one day the Pokémon could be tamed.
In the Hoenn Generation III games, Regirock is found in the Desert Ruins, on Route 111. To encounter Regirock, the player must go two steps to the left, two steps down and then use Rock Smash. Regice is found in the Island Cave, on Route 105 and to encounter it a clockwise lap around the walls of the cave must be taken. Registeel is found in the Ancient Tomb, on Route 120 and it is required to go to the middle of the room and use Fly to open up Registeel's cave.
The three golems are only obtainable in Pokémon Platinum if the player has a level 100, fateful encounter Regigigas in their party. Regirock is obtainable in the Rock Peak Ruins on Route 228, Regice is obtainable in the Iceberg Ruins in Mt. Coronet and Registeel is obtainable in the Iron Ruins on Iron Island.
In Pokémon Colosseum, the event needed to unlock the legendary golems is referenced in Battle Mode's Single Battle Mount Battle. The 90th trainer, Area Leader Axley has a party consisting of Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Flygon, Relicanth, and Wailord. Flygon is likely included because it can know Dig, required to unseal the golems.
Also in Platinum, the trio became able to learn Stomp, which may have been added to prevent any of the trio knowing Explosion upon being encountered in the wild; The golems are encountered at Level 30, and thus with the addition of Stomp have passed the point where they would know Explosion.
Regirock, Regice, and Registeel are the only Pokémon that, after the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver, can only be captured in Generation III (without a special event).
It is the only legendary trio not to appear in the Super Smash Bros. series.
Their types could have been a reference to the 3 major ages in history, the Stone Age, Ice Age, and the Iron Age. Their master, Regigigas, could also be a reference to the era of Pangea, as it is famed by legend to have towed the continents simulating continental drift in the Pokémon world.