Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 2) (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー!波導のリオル!!(後編)Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu!! (Part 2)) is the 72nd episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 538th episode of the Pokémon anime. It aired in Japan in a one-hour special on March 20, 2008, the day that Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia was released. It and Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1) were released on DVD in Japan on June 20, 2008. It aired in the United States on November 8, 2008.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Template:Incomplete synopsis
Hunter J continues to burn down the forest, and succeeds in capturing Riolu in the process. Dawn and Brock help all the Pokémon escape the forest, and Kellyn enlists 3 Blastoise to use Rain Dance to put out the fire. Meanwhile, in the forest, Ash escapes with the help of Buizel and Chimchar's dig. Ash sneaks aboard J's ship, but J knew about Ash sneaking on board and ejects him herself. Freefalling, Kellyn uses a Staraptor to catch Ash in midair. Kellyn learns that J's client also escaped.
With J's ship hidden and with no other leads it is left to Ash's unique sense of Aura and Kellyn's abilities as a Pokémon Ranger to help them find it. Ash and friends ride Dotrios to get to the rendez-vous point, where the client picks up Riolu. After delivering Riolu, J and her troupes leave the client to battle Ash and company on his own. Ash uses Staravia to cut the tires on the van so the client can't escape; instead, he summons his Fearow and flies away on its back. Solana and Officer Jenny arrive, offering to take care of Jenny; Brock and Dawn stay with them. The client runs into a cave and blocks the entrance with Arbone.
Due to Ash's sensitivity to Aura, which was first introduced in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, he is able to sense Riolu from far distances, making the movie at least partially canon.
Solana has a different uniform than the one she had in her past appearances. The one she wears in this episode is based on Kate's from Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
For an unknown reason, Plusle is not seen with Solana.
This is the second dubbed TV episode to not only retain all of its Japanese background music, but also use no American-made music (unless one counts The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon as a dubbed TV episode).