It is located north of Kururi Cove and east of Ratorato Mountain Path on Renbow Island. Pokémon Ranger Talga lives here with his wife Leila and daughter Nema. In the game, it can be counted as the player's Ranger Base. Talga's house is two stories with the upstairs being Leila's study and the room to the right on the first floor being Nema's room. After the main story of the game, Nema will give the player a quest to help her create a machine. Once the machine is completed, the "Try to capture anytime as many times machine" (Japanese: いつでもなんどでも キャプチャに トライできるんだマシンTry to capture anytime as many times machine) will be available for the player to use whenever they would like inside of her room. The Pokémon captured while using the machine will not join the player and Nema will recharge the player's Capture Styler after each battle.