Beauty (Trainer class)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 21:17, 29 September 2010 by Coffee (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
Beauty redirects here. For the condition, see Beauty Contest.

A Beauty (Japanese: おとなのおねえさん Grown-up Lady) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that first debuted in the Generation I games. They are generally depicted as attractive and vain young women, who usually care a great deal about their appearance. They raise a variety of Pokémon, mainly those that implement beauty (Glameow), small cute ones (Furret) and pretty pink ones (Corsola), and also pay out a lot of money when they are defeated.

Mew Glitch

Using the third method of the Mew Glitch, the player can battle Beauty with a Pokémon with a Special stat of 218. All of her Pokémon will be level 30.


File:GenIBeauty.png File:GSCBeautyJP.png File:GSC Beauty.png File:RSE Beauty.png File:FL Beauty.png File:DP Beauty.png File:HGSS Beauty.png
Image from
Red and Blue
Image from
Gold and Silver (JP)
Image from
Gold and Silver, and Crystal
Image from
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Image from
FireRed and LeafGreen
Image from
Pokémon XD
Image from
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Image from
HeartGold and SoulSilver

  • In the Japanese versions of the Generation II games, she is wearing short shorts and she is winking at the player. This was changed in the International versions.
  • In Generation I, female swimmers used Beauty sprites while in a battle.


Image from
Image from
Stadium 2

Trainer List

Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire

Pokémon Emerald

Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Pokémon Platinum

Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

In other languages

Language Title
French Canon
German Schönheit
Italian Bellezza
Korean 아가씨 (Agassi)
Spanish Bella
Modelo (IV)

Template:Gen I trainers

This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.