Madame (Trainer class)

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Revision as of 04:21, 1 October 2010 by ArcToraphim (talk | contribs) (Trivia)

A Socialite (Japanese: マダム Madame) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that first debuted in the Generation IV games. They are older women in expensive yet conservative outfits. They appear to be the female counterpart of the Gentleman class.

They generally use Pokémon based on pets or other "refined" Pokémon, like Roselia.


Socialite Sprites
Image from
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

Trainer List

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Pokémon Platinum


  • Socialite Reina, along with Gentleman Jeremy, on Sinnoh Route 212, near the Pokémon Mansion in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, are the second richest Trainers in the whole game. If defeated, they can give up to $24000 with Amulet Coin. The only Trainer who gives more in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl than they do is Cynthia.

Template:Gen IV trainers

This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.