No Guard (Ability)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
No Guard ノーガード
No Guard
Flavor text
Generation IV
Ensures the Pokémon and its foe’s attacks land.
Generation V
Currently unknown
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

No Guard (Japanese: ノーガード No Guard) is an ability introduced in Generation IV. SixPokémon can have this ability.


In battle

All moves used by or against a Pokémon with this ability cannot miss. It also allows Pokémon to be hit during the semi-invulnerable turn of moves such as Fly, Dive, or Dig.

In Diamond and Pearl, a Pokémon with No Guard can successfully hit an opponent's Pokémon that has used Protect or Detect, but only if the attacker uses a move with less than 100% accuracy; the lower the initial accuracy of the move is, the higher the chance of the move breaking through Protect/Detect. Thus, when used against Protect or Detect, moves like Swift and Aerial Ace will always be blocked. OHKO moves are exempted from this behavior; they will always miss. This was a bug, and as such, would not occur in Platinum or HeartGold/SoulSilver.

In a double battle, the effect only applies to the Pokémon with No Guard and any Pokémon targeting it.

Outside of battle

Outside of battle, if the Pokémon with No Guard is leading the party, then No Guard increases the wild Pokémon encounter rate.

Pokémon with No Guard

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0066 Machop Machop
Fighting Fighting Guts No Guard Steadfast
0067 Machoke Machoke
Fighting Fighting Guts No Guard Steadfast
0068 Machamp Machamp
Fighting Fighting Guts No Guard Steadfast
0588 Kapurumo Kapurumo
Bug Bug Swarm Shed Skin No Guard
0622 Gobitto Gobitto
Ground Ghost Iron Fist Klutz No Guard
0623 Goruggo Goruggo
Ground Ghost Iron Fist Klutz No Guard
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other languages

  • Spanish: Indefenso
  • Italian: Nullodifesa
  • Portuguese: Sem Proteção

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.