Cacturne is a Pokémon that is primarily green in coloration and possesses a humanoid appearance, resembling a scarecrow made of cacti. They have menacing features such as yellow eyes and its mouth being composed of holes on its face. Cacturne has numerous spikes dotted along the length of its arms, legs, and neck. A pattern of green rhombuses extends down from the front of its body. Cacturne possesses a triangular, spiky-tipped feature on their head that is a darker shade of green than most of Cacturne’s body and resembles some sort of hat.
Gender differences
A female Cacturne has a big, dark-green rhombus where a male Cacturne has two small, dark-green rhombuses.
Special abilities
Aside from its numerous poison abilities, Cacturne also carries Sand Veil. In a sandstorm, Cacturne's ability to avoid attacks is raised, giving it a sort of "home field advantage."
In addition, Cacturne's body retains moisture throughout the hot daylight hours. After spending thousands of years in harsh deserts, its blood transformed into the same substances as sand.
Cacturne are usually unmoving during the daytime, being nocturnal Pokémon. At night when the temperature drops it will seek prey that is exhausted from the day’s desert heat, and may pursue travelers in the desert with others of its kind in a ragtag group. Such Cacturne bide their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving.
Cacturne, the Scarecrow Pokémon. Cacturne is the evolved form of Cacnea, and has traits of both Grass and Darktypes. It rarely moves during the day, but is active once the temperature drops at night.
During the daytime, Cacturne remains unmoving so that it does not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun. This Pokémon becomes active at night when the temperature drops.
If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving.
Chinese (Taiwan): 夢歌奈亞 Mèng Gē Nài Yà - 夢歌 (lit: dream song) may be taken from 夜曲 Yèqǔ (nocturne). 奈亞 is a transliteration of "nea" in its Japanese name.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.