Swift Empoleon (TCG)

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The Swift Empoleon Deck from the 2007 World Championships special expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Water type Pokémon. It is based around Akira Miyazaki's deck during the 2007 World Championships.



In the Empoleon evolution chain, every Stage is capable of making a strong contribution. Piplup, which has 60 HP, a higher than average HP for a basic Pokémon. In its first stage of evolution, Prinplup’s Aqua Shower attack will do 10 damage to each and every one of your opponent’s Pokémon in play. That’s a potential 60 total damage for only 1 Energy. Its second attack, Brine, allows it to do 40 damage to one of your opponent’s Pokémon, as long as your opponent’s Pokémon already has at least one damage counter on it. In the final stage of evolution, Empoleon can continue doing 40 damage to any Pokémon with its Ice Blade attack, or for 3 Energy its Aqua Jet attack can inflict 70 damage to the Defending Pokémon and a possible 20 damage to a Benched Pokémon. With its 130 Hit Points, Empoleon can take a lot punishment before it’s Knocked Out.

Corsola's main function is to get the Empoleon evolution chain into play as quickly as possible. Corsola’s Cry for Help attack lets you search the deck for a Water Pokémon and put it into the player's hand.


With so few Pokémon, the deck has plenty of room for Trainer, Supporter, Stadium, and Special Energy cards. Aside from the normal mix of cards used for searching and drawing, the deck has a few cards with special functions. All of the Pokémon have no Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies, so cards like Cursed Stone and Cessation Crystal do not affect the Pokémon.


There are three copies of Scramble Energy, which provides 3 Energy of any color as long as the players have more Prize cards left than the opponent. By having Scramble Energy available, the player can keep Prinplup out front and spread damage quickly.

Deck List

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
4x Empoleon Water Rare
3x Prinplup Water Uncommon
4x Piplup Water Common
2x Corsola Water Uncommon
1x Holon's Electrode Lightning Rare
4x Holon Transceiver T Uncommon
2x Holon Mentor T Uncommon
2x Holon Adventurer T Uncommon
2x Holon Scientist T Uncommon
1x Holon Farmer T Uncommon
4x Celio's Network T Uncommon
1x Steven's Advice T Uncommon
2x Castaway T Uncommon
1x Copycat T Uncommon
4x Cursed Stone T Uncommon
4x Cessation Crystal T Uncommon
3x Rare Candy T Uncommon
3x Scramble Energy E Uncommon
1x Double Rainbow Energy E Rare
12x Water Energy E Common

Additional Information

Like other World Championships Deck, Swift Empoleon also includes a World Championships Booklet.

Pokémon World Championships
Pokémon Trading Card Game only 2004-2008; TCG and Video Games 2009-on
2004: Blaziken TechMagma SpiritRocky BeachTeam Rushdown
2005: Bright AuraDark TyranitarKing of the WestQueendom
2006: B-L-SEeveelutionsMewtrickSuns & Moons
2007: FlyveesLegendary AscentRamboltSwift Empoleon
2008: Bliss ControlEmpotechIntimidationPsychic Lock
2009: StallgonCrowned TigerQueengarLuxdrill
2010: LuxChomp of the SpiritHappy LuckPower CottonweedBoltevoir
2011: MegazoneReshiphlosionThe TruthTwinboar
2012: Pesadelo PrismTerraki-MewtwoEeltwoCMT
2013: Anguille Sous RocheAmerican GothicDarkraiUltimate Team Plasma
2014: Plasma PowerTrevgorEmerald KingCrazy Punch
2015: The Flying HammerPunches 'n' BitesHonorStoisePrimal Groudon
2016: Black DragonBebe DeckMagical SymphonyNinja Blitz
2017: Infinite ForceGolisodorIce Path FTWSamurai Sniper
2018: Victory MapDragones y SombrasGarbanetteBuzzroc
2019: Pikarom JudgeFire BoxMind BlownPerfection
2022: ADPThe Shape of MewCheryl AgainIce Rider Palkia
2023: Mew's RevengePsychic EleganceColorless LugiaLost Box Kyogre
Champions Jason KlaczynskiJun HasebeRay Rizzo