Latest comment: 15 March 20073 comments2 people in discussion
Just curious.. Why does Hikari have her information split up into a disambiguation page? Why isn't her information on an entire page and seperated into different sections (like Brock and Misty)? --Puff13:35, 13 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Where did you hear that Hikari's English name was Dawn? I'd like to check it out. Carnivine
Cartoon Network. - Paperfairy @ 20:35 03/19/2007 EST
Voicing Dawn?
Latest comment: 5 February 20083 comments3 people in discussion
I'm skeptical about if Emily Williams/Emlyn Morinelli is truly voicing Dawn or not. No VA has been listed for her in the main cast, which I'm sure is what's causing this confusion. But Dawn does not sound particularly similar to other character's she's voiced, such as Officer Jenny, Zoey, or Lucy. I'm really feeling it's a completely different VA. - unsigned comment from Shift (talk • contribs)
Okay, there's official confirmation now: it's Emily Jenness, also known as Emily Bauer. I just made her a page on the main Wikipedia, so go check it out.Shift06:22, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 26 January 200812 comments5 people in discussion
Look, I think that the part In regards to her being the first of ash's friends to have her debut episode dedicated completely to herself has to be tweaked a bit. I mean, yes, it is true that Dawn recieved far more development in this episode than any of Ash's friends prior to her, but it is still far from completely dedicated to herself. I mean, If Ash never appeared At All during the episode (Meaning, not even the ending of the episode.), then, yes, she definitely would have had her debut completely to herself. But, since Ash has appeared in the episodes end, we shouldn't really say that it is completely dedicated to herself. If anything, we should say that she has the most development in her debut episode out of all of Ash's friends.
now, if you don't want it to change, that's fine by me. I just wanted to let you know.
This article is really nothing more than Trivia section composed of silly trivia bits. The entire trivia section should be cut a bit. --Maxim20:09, 19 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
The episode was completely dedicated to Dawn. So Ash had 30 seconds at the end. That doesn't make a difference. My point was that she had more of a premier than the rest of Ash's friends. But Maxim's right. Maybe some of the trivia should be incorporated in he profile. --☆ケンジガール03:35, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
Look, it's your call if you don't want to change it, Kenji_Girl, but, the thing is, 30 second appearance or more than 30 seconds, he still very much appeared, Look, if her debut episode was truly dedicated completely to herself, Ash would NEVER, and i do mean, NEVER, have appeared AT ALL. The definition of completely is an adjactive meaning Absolutely, positively, 100% happened. Since 30 seconds was saved for ash, It really shouldn't follow under the term "Completely dedicated to herself". Now, don't get me wrong, as i have said before, she still had quite a bit more of a debut episode than his other companions, but even still, it is still a far cry from being "Completely dedicated" to herself. How about we say "Dawn is the first of Ash's friends to have her debut episode Primarily dedicated to herself rather than sharing half of it to Ash." and keeping the "Ash only appeared in the end"? that way, we would be far more accurate with the info, and yet still convey what we mean.
sigh... have it your way, but I should just say that Ash's appearance was definitely not a cameo considering that what happened during the 30 seconds was a major plotpoint. a cameo has to deal with an appearance of a person, place, or thing that has no bearing to the plot other than as an easter egg. Since Ash's appearance set the next 2 episodes in motion, It definitely wasn't a cameo. Besides, as I have stated before, even if it was just a cameo, It still Proves that the her debut episode was only primarily dedicated to herself. As I have stated before, If it truly was completely dedicated to her, Ash would Never have appeared AT ALL, not even as the 30-second appearance in the ending. but, it is your decision, now if anyone thinks my views should be followed, fine. if you think that my views are nothing more than, as you call it, Tauros droppings, fine, even if i feel that these statements you said are inaccurate. I thought the whole "Primarily dedicated" part would be more accurate than the "completely dedicated" since, while it is still more than what the other characters got, it is still a far cry from a completely dedicated debut. Now, Jimmy/Yoshi, Marina/Dani, And Vincent/Jackson's debut in "Legend of thunder" Is what I would call a Completely dedicated debut to those three considering that Ash never appeared AT ALL. but, as I said, It's your call.
~~Weedle McHairybug~~
Your "major plot point" lasted until only a couple of eps and didn't affect Ep 1's plot in the slightest. Seriously, you're being too anal about this. Cassius33521:52, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
except for maybe Dawn Meeting Pikachu, Ash, Brock, Paul (not to mention Paul meeting Ash), and Team rocket? Or maybe having Ash catch Starly (really, the only reason why Ash even caught the bird in the first place was to try and find Pikachu. Ash and even Brock explicitly stated that. Really, If TR didn't capture Pikachu in the first DP episode, then Ash wouldn't have caught Starly this early In the saga.)? besides, Ash caught all three Kanto starters in three episodes, and the last time I checked, the majority of the fanbase seemed to count it as an important plot point and affected the plot. If they counted THAT as an important plot point and affected the plot, we can most certainly count the 3-episode arc that began the DP saga as an important plot point as well. but, then again, Ignore my ideas, It isn't going to be the first time. I only thought that I should change it because it was somewhat inaccurate, and since wikis are mostly supposed to be accurate, i figured that it should be edited slightly. Now, i might try and edit it on my own accord, but I usually don't do that unless the talk page is unavailable. aw well, theres a first for everything...
~~Weedle Mchairybug~~
"except for maybe Dawn Meeting Pikachu, Ash, Brock, Paul (not to mention Paul meeting Ash), and Team rocket?"
...Which happened Immediately after the events of the ending of episode 1. If Team Rocket never stole Pikachu, then Dawn wouldn't have Found and Battled Pikachu, Her Bike would never have been Fried, She would not have encountered Team rocket twice, She would NEVER have heard of Ash (remember, she only heard of ash because she was searching for its owner.) She would never have Met Ash, Her Piplup would not have been exhausted from fighting Team Rocket's Mechlekid, thus having it never Meet Brock, etc, etc. BasicallyIf it wasn't for the ending, many of the things that I have listed would never have Happened. But, Hey, it's your call. I just felt it was inaccurate because Completely debuted, to me, makes me think of Vincent/Jackson, Marina/Dani, and Jimmy/Yoshi in Legend of thunder (Meaning, Ash and co., Ash and Co never appeared In that Special at all.)
Oh, and speaking of which, Haruka Uzumaki, even if it seems relatively insignificant, it definitely isn't absolutely nothing. Team Rocket's appearance in the Debut episode of Ash is "Absolutely Nothing", Ash's Group's appearance in Legend of Thunder is "absolutely nothing", Team rocket's appearance in Ash and May! Heated Battles in Hoenn! is "Absolutely nothing", Brock's appearance in the majority of the Orange Islands is "Absolutely nothing", Ash's 30 second appearance in the debut episode of Dawn? That ISN'T Absolutely nothing. No offense, Haruka Uzumaki, just wanting to clear some things up.
Well, as I have said, It is your call if you don't want it edited.
You're overthinking it. You're putting that 30 seconds in the context of the first 3 eps, but the rest of us only talking about the events of Ep 1. While it did lead in to Ep 2, if you take that 30 seconds out, the rest of Ep 1 would be utterly unaffected. Cassius33518:04, 21 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
You know, cassius335, Technically DP001 is actually from the episodes Following a maiden's voyage to When Pokemon Worlds Collide rather than Just "Following a Maiden's voyage", since the first 3 diamond and pearl episodes actually aired as part of a special episode in japan, as well as a TV Movie in the us. but, you do have a point, if you take away 2 and 3. but it should be at least worth noting that she was the first of ash's friends to have her debut episode focused primarily on her rather than half or a third of it to her and half or two-thirds to ash. That way it won't cause confusion to people.
Guys, Sorry If I end up restarting the arguement, but I just want to clear some things up with Kenji-Girl.
even IF you didn't EXPLICITLY say that Ash didn't appear at all, the term "Completely dedicated" usually means "Absolutely all of the Milliseconds, Seconds, Minutes, the ENTIRE half-hour is given to this character", No exceptions (at least, that's what it means to me anyways), which seems to Imply that Ash never appeared in the episode AT ALL. However, Dawn didn't really have her first episode TRULY completely dedicated to herself since, you know, Ash had 30 seconds at the end. It's more 99% dedicated to her than ACTUALLY 100%
(Please don't try and round, since you can't round whole numbers), which, while it IS far more than what the rest of the main cast got (Besides Ash), it isn't really 100% dedicated to Dawn. Do you see my point now?
In regards to what Ash did that was Important in this episode besides the whole "Pikachu is Stolen" factor, He did arrive in Sinnoh, right? that counts as something important.
Umm... ONLY main character aside from Ash to challenge a Gym?
Latest comment: 26 January 20088 comments5 people in discussion
Ok, someone said that in the Trivia section that Dawn is the only Main Character aside from Ash to challenge a Pokémon Gym. But, didn't Team Rocket ACTUALLY challenge Pewter Gym at one point? I mean, this may be debatable, since they were trying to cause a Diversion while Meowth tried to steal the pokéballs (a plan that would have worked if Max didn't stumble upon Meowth doing that.), but still, I'm not sure that Dawn is the First Main character to challenge Gyms besides Ash. I mean, If it said that she was the first of Ash's friends to ACTUALLY challenge a Gym besides Ash, then, yeah, I would agree with you.
Also, in the main article, it was also said that she is the first main character to lose the appeal round, but that honor Actually goes to Jessie. I mean, really, first of Ash's friends I can understand, but first of Main characters?
really, some of these things REALLY need to be changed.
You've got to be kidding me. As you said, they were just battling them as a diversion. Never was the term "gym battle" used. It had nothing to do with a gym battle.
Though you are right. Dawn isn't the only main character to challenge a gym leader besides Ash. Misty did challenge that unofficial gym leader in Johto once. I guess they're just saying that Dawn is the only character aside from Ash to challenge an official gym leader in order to earn a badge. --File:Ani048MS.gifケンジFile:Ani183MS.gifガールFile:Ani123MS.gif23:31, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I hate to agree with Weedle on something, but Jessie IS a main character, so she would be the first main character to lose an appeal (which episode was that, though?) Cassius33512:26, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Cassius, why did you HAVE to remove my edit? I mean, The reason why I even MADE that edit is because, technically, she ISN'T the only Main Character aside from Ash to challenge A gym battle. I mean, Misty ALSO challenged a Gym (REGARDLESS of whether it was an official gym or not, she still challenged one). I mean, even Kenji-girl pointed that out in the first post apart from mine! I edited that part of trivia because it would have made MORE sense if it was mentioned to be that she was the only main character ASIDE from Ash to challenge an OFFICIAL gym.
The episode is Just Add Water, Misty was fighting against the unofficial Water Gym leader of Johto: Dorian, and apparantly beat him with her Psyduck (something that, BTW, he thought was impressive) AFTER he insulted her by calling Lily more beautiful than her. And another thing, we (meaning, bulbapedia's article) know that Ash lost against him, whileas we didn't even mention the outcome of Brock's fight against him.
Character of the day?
Latest comment: 3 March 20082 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 13 May 20084 comments4 people in discussion
The first STARTER that Ash owned was Bulbasaur (GRASS TYPE), Pikachu was a one off.The first STARTER that May owned was Torchic (Fire TYPE).The first STARTER that Dawn owned was Piplup (WATER TYPE). So there first STARTER pokemon owned are grass fire and water,they all ended up with different types, or is that just a coincidence.
Another Pokémon Team/Starter Related Trivia bit? God! No! We're ALREADY full of them. Those are just random observations, they aren't worth noting at all! --Maxim17:37, 13 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Ok I see your point in fact should we get rid of some of the pointless Trivia in the article, it is mostly junk and really makes the article overly long. Sailor Earth
Latest comment: 29 May 20086 comments3 people in discussion
I read but it's not confirmed that while is "Mr.Backlot's" estate Dawn will be battling Team Rocket and catch Swinub.THIS IS
NOT COMFIRMED but from a magzine that made errors like "Lava Badge" that Ash wins.--CoolPikachu!05:44, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
I was on a Spanish Pokemon website and I read that some magazine told what was going to happened in Battle Dimension and one was that while in Mr.Backlot's estate when Dawn is battling Team Rocket,Dawn ends up catching a Swinub.BUT,it had errors because it said Ash won his 5th badge called the "Lava" Badge which is incorrect so I don't believe it much --CoolPikachu!06:02, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply it's probably speculation on their part. Swinub can't be captured in Backlot's mansion. It's the Θρtιmαtum♏Talk|Links06:03 29 May 2008
Guys? The writers could have Dawn catch anything at Mr Backlots Mansion that they want. Yeah, it wouldn't be accurate to the games, but that's never stopped them before. - Cassius33509:02, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh yeah. But, hey, they said POKEMON BATTLE DIMENSION. English? I think so too. Don't think the Jap writers have anything like that in mind. It's the Θρtιmαtum♏Talk|Links13:31 29 May 2008
It's an Australian magazine that can't spell but has been oddly accurate in predicting the Wallace Cup. Still, the policy is to wait until the episode airs before adding the information. --FabuVinny|Talk Page|15:20, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 June 200818 comments6 people in discussion
Why is it so important to you to keep that bit of trivia? Even an admin didn't think it was necessary. It doesn't even have to do with Dawn. Will you look at how much trivia she has compared to her bio? People need to stop contributing to trivia so much and concentrate on expanding the bio a little more. This is a problem that I need to work on myself. --☆ケンジガール23:51, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
I know what trivia is. Don't treat me like a moron. But Dawn has too much trivia. If she had less trivia then it would be okay. I wouldn't have a problem with it. But being that her page is just a shit load of trivia and barely anything for her bio, something has to change. --☆ケンジガール00:00, 14 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
sigh* So are we now going to have to get into an argument over what to delete just so the trivia section is small enough for your taste? Puh-lease.
Save it for the VAs' pages... heck, my question is still why we're bothering with every other foreign language's VAs on Bulba, when we don't even put their German or Polish VAs. Japanese is fine since that's where we get our source from. English is fine because that's the language used here. But do we honestly ever need to know every voice actor for the character, especially since usually now there's two for each main character. TTEchidna01:26, 14 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
So Trivia has to be "necessary" now? Define "necessary".
I swear you guys are only nixing that one because it's new. From her earlier comment, that's certainly the case for Kenji-girl. - Cassius33521:18, 14 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
I said BARELY. It does but not enough. Whatever, I'm so f***ing done with this. Leave it. See if I care. Don't blame me if Sketchies decides to block you. --☆ケンジガール21:36, 14 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Hon, I'm not blocking anyone. The only way I will block is if a revert war occurs. And I know Cassius is a smart enough individual to avoid one of those. -Sketchies21:52, 14 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Anyway, to reiterate a point Kuki brought up, that same bit of Trivia has been on the Misty page for a while now without (IIRC) anyone objecting to it. Why's it such a problem here when it's been no problem over there? - Cassius33513:40, 15 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 4 July 20082 comments2 people in discussion
I have some ideas on shortening the Trivia section, but it's sort of a big edit and I don't want to get into a huge edit war. Instead, I'll put it up here and see if other people agree, so that I can proceed to change the article without any complaints.
* Just like Ash's Pikachu, her Piplup wasn't ready to obey her when they first met. Eventually, they became fast friends.
Okay, yes, it's a piece of trivia, but Piplup wasn't obeying Dawn because she wasn't technically the Pokémon's owner yet. But once it became her Pokémon officially, Piplup and Dawn were already friends. I don't think this point is needed.
* She is the only female main character that doesn't have a sibling.
Yes, it does have some information. So, why don't we do this? Unlike previous female main characters, she does not have any siblings; she does have two childhood friends that appeared in the anime, Kenny and Leona... It lengthens the biography and shortens the trivia, which is two in one!
* Unlike Ash's other friends, Dawn has already crossed a lot of boundaries that have previously only been held by Ash.
It is very interesting, but the continued information about other characters capturing Pokémon is unneeded. Oh yeah, and the Electric Pokémon portion... We don't need to compare it to Ash, because he didn't capture his Electric Pokémon, he just received it.
* All of Dawn's Pokémon have used the Heart Seal on their Ball Capsules.
Um, what? Is this really interesting enough to be put into the trivia? ._. I don't think we really need this.
* May and Misty were girls who traveled with Ash Ketchum. Both of them have Japanese names including the katakana カ ka and dub names starting with M, so some fans believed Dawn would as well have a dub name starting with M, because she had カ in her name. However, this was revealed to be false when her English name was revealed to be Dawn, which appears to reference Pokémon Diamond as Paul references Pokémon Pearl. "Dawn" may also be a reference to "Hikari," which means "light"--dawn is essentially the day's first light.
Well, the first part is interesting, but the last part just makes it really boring-ish. I suggest we remove everything starting from "however," or maybe everything after "Dawn." It starts off with カ & M, and then just suddenly goes on to what the name Dawn could reference. It's already written below on what the name could reference, so we don't really need it.
* She is the only one of Ash's friends to lose the Appeal Round in a contest, which she has done twice.
Already written in the biography.
Okay, that's all that I think are good things to get rid of. Like I said, I don't want to go into an edit war, though I apologize for making a large wall of text to the talk page. Making these changes does shorten the Trivia... considerably. — spontaneousCombusken03:40, 4 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
It mentions in trivia that Hikari and Nozomi are the names of two bullet trains. Should it also be mentioned that the Hikari line and the Nozomi line go in opposite directions?- unsigned comment from crazed pokefan (talk • contribs)
Latest comment: 30 December 20086 comments4 people in discussion
Ok, I was trying to add in this info as to how people reacted to when they saw the DP promo Poster that featured Dawn all by herself:
Prior to the Japanese airing of Diamond and Pearl, a Poster was unveiled showing only Dawn on the poster, causing some people to speculate if she were to replace Ash as the "star" of the Anime.
However, you are claiming that it's not allowed because of "Speculation", even though some parts of the articles, and even an Article itself, in the case of the GSDS, literally reeks with Speculation. I mean, honestly! This happened in the PAST, so the speculation is barely even prevalent. I mean, we were allowed to comment on how Tracey was negatively recieved in the fanbase, as well as how some people hated May and the writers decision to remove Misty, among other things relatively well, so why should this be any different?! Weedle Mchairybug21:55, 24 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Because this never happened. People don't like Tracey cause he replaced Brock for some time. People don't like May because she replaced Misty. Dawn DID NOT replace Ash. It was a speculation made by fans.
As for the GSDS article, that is a totally different circumstance than this. The whole page is speculation we know that. --ケンジのガール22:01, 24 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Er, so this is completely different from before we actually waited for the release date, Pokémon X was thought to evolve into or from Pokémon Y? Gliscor and Drapion spring to mind. — THE TROM — 22:38, 24 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yes, but like I said, how many thought either? I know I thought it was plausible. As for Dawn being the only main cast member? We all wish. TTEchidna07:13, 30 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Ok Gentlemen, Lets talk
Latest comment: 26 May 20095 comments3 people in discussion
Eos. Goddess of Dawn. Her Romanized name is literally Dawn. The goddess heralds the arrival of her brother. Correct? Correct. so why cant it be added under name origins? It makes sense, and as far back as I could trace its the first use of it. It makes more sense than the *it sounds like blank* in the Game sectionDCM((Mock MeEdits))02:32, 5 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Because it doesn't make sense with the character. Just because Brock shares a name with a word for a badger doesn't mean it goes on there. It should refer to the character, or at least follow a pattern with other similar characters. (Edit: Or make a reference to the Japanese name. 02:39, 5 February 2009 (UTC))~ sol02:37, 5 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
But does it make sense. Is Dawn the "Herald for Ash"? Are their other......darker meanings to it? If so why would we have some of name origns that make no sense?DCM((Mock MeEdits))02:53, 5 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
...I just realized that "badger" was actually put on Brock's name origin section. Fine, do what you want with it, since I can't back up my disagreement for it. ~ sol03:01, 5 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Dawn is a legit word. And THIS is probably what they meant when thinking up that name. Also, you obviously have no idea what "romanization" is. Dawn is just a plain translation. Her name is Eos. Dawn IS NOT her name. That means that the name couldn't be based after her. She's simply named after a LEGIT WORD "Dawn". --Maxim14:57, 26 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
Outfit change
Latest comment: 2 May 20095 comments3 people in discussion
Soon as it happens, someone get a clear picture of it (preferably a full shot) and put that thing in the infobox, as it was done with the other two. TTEchidna04:21, 30 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Well duh it won't. She's in DP clothes again by Movie 12, as the poster shows. But in the infobox for the Snowpoint episodes, then on the side later is good. TTEchidna07:30, 4 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 June 200910 comments6 people in discussion
That's untrue. May going from hating Pokes to loving them? Misty going from completely angry and bloodthirsty to kinda calm due to Togepi? That's still development and it's up to the reader to decide if she did or not, and it's still opinion. It should be removed. Plus, the fact that Dawn is overly confident and gets an attitude check when she suffers defeat is the same as Misty's personality shift. --PsychicRiderT - C23:47, 15 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
Dawn had an entire episode dedicated to herself with Ash appearing in the last minute.
Dawn met Team Rocket with out Ash being present.
Dawn saw a Legendary Pokémon before meeting Ash.
Dawn battled an official Gym Leader that isn't related to her.
Dawn battled an Elite Four member.
Dawn Battled a Legendary Pokémon.
Dawn sings the title song with Ash.
Dawn caught 3 Pokémon in the first 35 episodes since her debut.
Now did Misty or May do the above things? No. So May hated Pokémon at first and Misty got the first baby Pokémon big deal. That's nothing compared to Dawn's accomplishments.- unsigned comment from Kenji-girl (talk • contribs)
Alright. Alpha Totodile, Weedle, Kenji and PsychicRider are all looking at ten day blocks (even though Kenji can technically unblock herself). Seriously, a ten edit edit war? C'mon guys, really.--RexRacer00:14, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
None of that is character development, her character is the same. She battled a legendary? She still acts the same? She sang? Still acts the same. Unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure if you understand what character development is. The Dark Fiddler - You enter a poorly lit room...00:15, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
That's not character development just because she saw a legend, or battled a gym leader first. She got Maylene's spirits up from battling someone stronger. --PsychicRiderT - C00:17, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
Okay fine. It's not character development. Sorry. But you do realize that the anime focuses more on her than any other one of Ash's friends. --ケンジのガール00:20, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
And either way, Misty was the first to battle a Gym Leader that's not a family member. (Sure, it may have not been an official Gym Leader, but it's still something, especially since prior to that, Ash was the only one who even faced a Gym Leader of ANY sort, regardless of it being an official gym leader or not.) Weedle Mchairybug00:38, 16 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
Shouldn't Dawn's Page be protected? Due to the fact that she may get a new Pokemon in the following episodes? Possibly Cyndaquil or Chikorita. No one has added a new Pokemon on her page as speculation yet but just letting you guys know. - by User:BAC510 16:13,12 September 2009
Latest comment: 14 January 20107 comments5 people in discussion
This page probably needs protecting due to the fact that in The Greatest - Everyday a Togekiss appears alongside Dawns Buneary when she is releasing her Pokemon.--ポケモン恋人(離す)(貢献)23:13, 7 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
No, it shouldn't. We didn't mention Monferno and Staraptor on Ash's page before the evolution. Also, the opening is the reason many of these articles are protected as it provides "proof".TurtwigA (talk | contribs) 00:59, 14 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Anyone who read this. Just let time tell the story and actually confirm the details regarding this. Just play the waiting game before you actually " improve " any article with speculative information. - Vhayes199201:12, 14 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Dawn's party picture
Latest comment: 18 January 20102 comments2 people in discussion
Can I suggest that the following picture be entered into the article as it's a good picture of Dawn and her party as of the latest Japanese episode?
Latest comment: 30 January 20104 comments2 people in discussion
Before AF The Dubbing House started to dub the current season of the anime, Gaby Ugarte (Dawn's Latin American Spanish voice actress) left the dub of the Pokémon series, reasons yet unknown for me.
According to Wikipedia (in Spanish), her new voice actress is called Leyla Rangel, so I think it would be convenient if this info is added. - unsigned comment from MusicInfernape (talk • contribs)
If you're talking of the episode where the new VA started dubbing her, it is DP105, the first of the Galactic Battles season. But if you're talking of the exact day she was replaced, then I've no idea. -->>Music♦Infernape<<03:55, 27 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 28 January 20101 comment1 person in discussion
I suppose this doesn't necessarily have to go where I'm suggesting it, but it should go somewhere.
While she is the only female main character not to have a sibling, she has two childhood friends that appeared in the anime, Kenny and Leona, both of whom call her Dee Dee (Japanese: ピカリPikari) sometimes. Dawn has prevented them from telling Ash and Brock about the reason why she has this nickname, but in DP161 it was revealed that the reason for the name was due to her hair glittering (ピカピカ pikapika) after being shocked by the class pets in her kindergarten, Plusle and Minun. The trauma from being teased by her entire class with the name caused her to prevent others from finding out the reason.
Latest comment: 9 March 20102 comments2 people in discussion
I was wondering Since we all know that the opening Saikou Everyday! will show that dawn obtains a togekiss and that togekiss is confirmed to appear in DP171 it should be obvious that dawn will obtain it (or maybe it's pre-evolutions) so I'm asking if her page should be protected now...
It is protected due to speculation crackdown. We all know that she will get a togekiss but the opening song didn't revealed the episode number. People started speculation thing when the new opening was debuted (it was like DP158). The only way to keep this article away from fake/speculated/fanfiction data, protection is the best thing to do. So, wait until it airs. Thank you. ♫♪AdyNiz♪♫14:03, 9 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
Blue or Black?
Latest comment: 28 April 20102 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 20 May 20101 comment1 person in discussion
In the party template has the same name as the one on its page but it shows an old version of the picture....why is this? The picture that is displayed is just ugly. --HoennMaster15:39, 20 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 21 May 20102 comments2 people in discussion
My bad... Please excuse my rudeness. Isn't there a section in the Template:CharInfobox for slogans? Shouldn't we put that there? That was what I meant. ----Zewis(29)16:53, 11 August 2010 (UTC)Reply