Catch rate

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Each species of Pokémon has a catch rate, a number out of a maximum of 255, that applies to all its members. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses a formula based on its current health, any status effect it may have, the type of ball being used, and that Pokémon's catch rate, to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon.

Approximately, the probability of catching a Pokémon starts with the species' catch rate divided by 255. Then it is multiplied by the following factors:

  • The health of the Pokémon (relative to its full health), which can reduce the probability to ⅓× at full health.
  • The type of Poké Ball, which can augment by some ×.
  • The status of the wild Pokémon, i.e. 2× increase for sleep or freeze, and 1.5× for others.

The effects stack multiplicatively — for example, a 2× and a 3× will combine to be 6×. If the calculation ends up greater than 1, the wild Pokémon is assured to be caught.

The rarity of the Pokémon (i.e. how often it appears in the wild) is totally independent from its catch rate after it is encountered. Even rare Pokémon may have high catch rates, making them relatively easy to catch in battle, such as Nosepass (catch rate 255).

Exact formula

The exact formula is as follows:

File:Catch formula 1.png


  • HPmax is the number of hit points the Pokémon has at full health,
  • HPcurrent is the number of hit points the Pokémon has at the moment,
  • rate is the catch rate of the Pokémon,
  • bonusball is the multiplier for the Poké Ball used, and
  • bonusstatus is the multiplier for any status ailment the Pokémon has (2 for sleep and freeze, 1.5 for paralyze, poison and burn).

Given this formula, the maximum value for a (if the Pokémon could have 0 HP) would be catch rate × bonusball × bonusstatus. The minimum value for a (for a Pokémon with full health) would be × catch rate.

Calculate b as follows:

File:Catch formula 2.png

Then generate 4 random numbers between 0 and 65535, inclusive. For each number, check whether it's less than b; if so, the ball shakes once. If any number is greater than or equal to b, the Pokémon immediately breaks free. If all four of the numbers are less than b, then the Pokémon is caught. Note that if a is 255 or greater, then b is 65535 or greater, and then the Pokémon is guaranteed to be caught.

Therefore, the probability p of catching a Pokémon, given the values a and b calculated above, is:

File:Catch formula 3.png

The second expression for p may be expanded as follows:

File:Catch formula 3 expansion.png

Since (216 - 1)4 ≈ 264, we can approximate p with the following expression:

File:Catch formula 3 approximation.png

The percentage error in this approximation approaches 0 as a approaches 255, and does not exceed 21.2%.

For a constant probability p, the probability P that a player can capture the Pokémon with no more than r tries is:

File:Catch formula 4.png

Note that this is the cumulative probability function for a geometric distribution. The expected value of r is 1/p, that is to say, on average, a Pokémon that can be caught with probability p will be caught with 1/p tries.

The inverse problem, the number of tries, r, needed to have a probability P of capturing a Pokémon is:

File:Catch formula 5.png

Poké Ball effectiveness rates

Ball Rate Notes
Poké Ball Poké Ball
Great Ball Great Ball 1.5×
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
Master Ball Master Ball 255× Never fails
Safari Ball Safari Ball 1.5× Safari Zones only
Level Ball Level Ball 1×, 2×, 4× or 8× 1× if the player's Pokémon is the same level as or a lower level than the wild Pokémon

2× if the player's Pokémon is at a higher level than the wild Pokémon but less than double it
4× if the player's Pokémon is more than double but less than four times the level of the wild Pokémon
8× if the player's Pokémon is of a level four times or more than that of the wild Pokémon

Lure Ball Lure Ball 1× or 3× 3× only if fishing
Moon Ball Moon Ball 1× or 4× 4× only if used on a Pokémon in the Nidoran♂, Nidoran♀, Clefairy, Jigglypuff or Skitty families
Friend Ball Friend Ball
Love Ball Love Ball 1× or 8× 8× only if used on a Pokémon of the same species as, but opposite gender of, the player's Pokémon
Heavy Ball Heavy Ball -20, +20, +30 or +40 -20 if used on Pokémon weighing less than 451.5 lbs

+20 if used on Pokémon weighing between 451.5 lbs and 677.3 lbs
+30 if used on Pokémon weighing between 677.3 lbs and 903.0 lbs
+40 if used on Pokémon weighing more than 903.0 lbs

Fast Ball Fast Ball 1× or 4× 4× only if used on a Pokémon that run from battle or roaming PokémonWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.

4× only if used on a Pokémon with a base Speed of at least 100Wrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.

Sport Ball Sport Ball 1.5× Bug-Catching Contest only
Net Ball Net Ball 1× or 3× 3× only if the target is a Bug- or Water-type Pokémon
Nest Ball Nest Ball 1× to 4× ((40 - Pokémon's level) / 10)×, minimum 1×
Repeat Ball Repeat Ball 1× or 3× 3× only if target has been caught previously
Timer Ball Timer Ball 1× to 4× ((number of turns passed in battle + 10) / 10)×, maximum 4×
Premier Ball Premier Ball
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball
Dive Ball Dive Ball 1× or 3.5× 3.5× only if divingWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc. or surfing/fishingWrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.Wrong template. See Template:Sup/doc.
Dusk Ball Dusk Ball 1× or 3.5× 3.5× only if inside a cave or night
Quick Ball Quick Ball 1× or 4× 4× only if it's the first turn
Park Ball Park Ball 255× Never fails, Pal Park only
Dream Ball Dream Ball 255× Never fails, High Link only


Most legendary Pokémon have a catch rate of three. Assuming its HP is almost depleted and it is paralyzed, and Dusk Ball is used at night or in a cave, then the chance of catching the Pokémon with each ball is approximated by 3 * 3.5 * 1.5 / 255 = 15.75/255 ~ 6.2%, resulting in about 16 Dusk Balls required to catch the Pokémon on average.

If an Ultra Ball were used instead, then the chance drops to 3 * 2 * 1.5 / 255 = 9/255 ~ 3.5%, which amounts to about 28 Ultra Balls on average.

Critical capture

In Generation V, there is a chance of a critical capture, where the Poké Ball will only shake once, thus providing a higher catch ratio. When a critical capture occurs, the Poké Ball will pause in mid-air and make a metal noise. Critical captures rarely fail and will almost always capture the Pokémon. Critical captures occur about as often as Critical hits, making them quite rare.


  • Most legendary Pokémon have a catch rate of 3 because it assures that a is always at least 1. This might be because the final result for a is rounded down when it is calculated, and to have a catch rate of zero would result in an error when trying to calculate b.
  • Some people claim to have discovered button combinations that increase a Pokémon's catch rate; this is merely idle thought, as there is no method to improve catch rates other than the methods described above.

See also


  • ポケットモンスター情報センター 2号館: ボール
This game mechanics article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.