Team Rocket's mechas

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Team Rocket's mechas usually refers to mechas used by Jessie, James and Meowth in one of their wild schemes. Throughout the anime, Team Rocket has had many robots and machines. It is unknown how they get them, since they usually have little money, and how they are transported to the location it is to be used at. Most of the time, the robots fail and get destroyed, some even before getting a chance to be used. They first appeared in Pokémon Emergency! with the debut of Team Rocket's Balloon.

Original series

Mecha First Appearance Capabilities
Picture Name
Meowth Hot Air Balloon Pokémon Emergency! This balloon has often been Team Rocket's main mode of transportation. It can be given many attachments including rockets, vacuums, nets, fists and cages. The balloon has been changed on certain occasions as well. It was changed to other Pokémon, such as Wobbuffet or Gliscor, and even items, as in a Poké Ball.
Unknown The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Constructed of stolen massive vacuum and a giant hose. Used to suck water (and Pokémon, of course) from pool at Cerulean Gym.
Flying Stadium Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village Has vacuums which suck Pokémon into the stadium, balloons that make it fly.
A.H.S.D.W. Charmander – The Stray Pokémon Automatic-High-Speed-Super-Duper-Whatchamacallit. Remote controlled. Can drill a holes for a trap.
File:Gyarados sub.png Gyarados Submarine Beauty and the Beach (Japan) Sparks Fly For Magnemite (Worldwide) Beach Blank-Out Blastoise Powered by pedaling, serves as underwater transportation, capable of many attachments such as wheels and arms. Also capable of launching missiles.
File:TR Helicopter.png Team R Helicopter Bye Bye Butterfree Just an ordinary helicopter marked with big red "R" sign in front. However, it has a pole that can be utilized to create a giant net. It was used again in Let Bagons Be Bagons! when it had a jetpack.
Unknown The Kangaskhan Kid Giant Kangaskhan bot. Moving by and controlling from the car which are under it. Has two rockets in the form of paws.
File:TR Tickle Machine.png Unknown The Legend of Dratini This mecha was used to tickle Kaiser so much by using a feather on his foot, to tell Team Rocket where Dratini was. It appeared again in A Marathon Rivalry! to massage and tickle Daniel's Snorlax and to capture Ash's Pikachu.
Tank It's Mr. Mime Time Made of rubber. Has capture missiles with cannon net inside.
Unknown Lights, Camera, Quack-tion Giant claw crane. Used to grasp a bunch of Pokémon.
Unknown All Fired Up! Used to steal the flame of Moltres from Indigo Stadium.
File:Magikarp sub.png Magikarp Submarine Fit to be Tide! Powered by pedaling, serves as underwater transportation, has arms that can be extended, and legs that can also be extended on land. Its weapons include nets (once to capture Cresselia) and extendable fists.
File:TeamRocketMechaEP105.png Robotic Mole Charizard Chills Can dig underground and can hold Pikachu in a compartment.
File:MechaMeowthanator.png Mecha-Meowthinator Pokémon Food Fight! Shoots a rocket out of its ear and releases a claw that can grab packages and Pokémon. The whiskers on the top of its head act as lightning rods, and its tail grounds absorbed electricity. It also releases small drills from its fingertips which have the power to destroy rocks.
Robo-Rhydon Pokémon Double Trouble It uses Jessie's Lickitung and Arbok to power up. It uses James's Weezing's Smog and Jessie's Arbok's Poison Sting to attack.
Electrode Eliminator The Underground Round Up Has arms to pick up Electrode, and can make them explode.
Mechanical Pinsir A Sappy Ending Can suck sap from trees, can absorb electric attacks and send them out of its pincers.
Anti-Stantler No.7 The Little Big Horn Lures and captures Stantler. It is numbered 7 after the first 6 prototypes.
ArboTank Tanks a Lot Extendable arms, giant spring on bottom, can drill through rock. Also contains fireworks and a Pidgey cuckoo clock, apparently superfluous gadgets included to add to the price tag.
Gigantic Mistake Charizard's Burning Ambitions Planned to use to catch Charizard in Charicific Valley, but used to help Ash's Charizard to prove its strength instead.
Recycle Rubber Robot Chikorita's Big Upset Giant robot constructed of tires and remotely controlled by Meowth. Used to steal Ash's Chikorita and Pikachu
Mecha Spinarak The Superhero Secret Giant mechanical Spinarak controlled by Meowth. Used to try to unmask Gligarman.
Meowth Bubblegum Bot Good 'Quil Hunting Shoots bubblegum from fingers.
The Super Diglett Mark 2 A Shadow of a Drought Used to dig a large hole in order to get Team Rocket some water.
Torcher Scorcher The Fire-ring Squad Shoots fire out of hoses
Giant Gengar The Psychic Sidekicks! Has mirrors for eyes that reflect Psychic attacks, e.g. Psybeam. Has an extremely long tongue that grabs Pokémon.
Barrel Robot A Dairy Tale Ending Can squash anything it rolls over, extendable arms, drill.
Digatron Control Freak Can dig tunnels in the ground, uses rockets.
Robotic Bayleef Turning Over a New Bayleef Serves as transportation, but can use Vine Whip to pick up Pokémon from the ground.
Wobbuffet Boat Right On, Rhydon Inflatable for quick getaway.
Tentacruel Submarine The Joy of Water Pokémon Used mainly to capture Pikachu using extendable tentacles.
Lugia Balloon A Parent Trapped! Inflatable, lures Lugia
Wobbuffet Statue Nerves of Steelix Camouflaged as a giant Wobbuffet statue. Serves as transportation.

"Bellossom Wrangler Robot" and "Vileplume of Doom" Whichever Way the Wind Blows Possible ways to catch many Vileplume and Bellossom; however, they couldn't decide and they settled on a bag instead.
PikaPower Mach II As Clear as Crystal Drains electricity from any power source; unlocks and explodes when completely charged
Hot Air Balloon Transformer Model Wish Upon a Star Shape Hot Air Balloon's Robotic Transformer Model; shielded against electric attacks; comes with a hyper-ventilated, carbon-calibrated cannon and rear-seat cupholders.
Mataminder Mach III Outrageous Fortunes Controls a Pokémon's every move.
Robotic Politoed I Politoed Ya So! Paralyzes and grabs Pokémon with its tongue.
Ice Cream Robots The Ice Cave Able to make ice cream and steal Pokémon.
Robotic Crab Just Add Water Creates whirlpools and sucks in water with its claws.
Robotic Building Johto Photo Finish Has wheels and arms to allow for movement and combat.

Advanced Generation series

Mecha First Appearance Capabilities
Picture Name
Unknown Tree's a Crowd! Used to capture Treecko, including Ash's Treecko, can also hit the opponent with the spade.
Unknown The Lotad Lowdown! Used to capture Lotad including Brock's Lotad, vulnerable to Electric attacks.
Robotic Wurmple Gonna Rule The School! Protected from electricity.
Vacuum car Watt's with Wattson? Sucks up Pokémon with vacuums. It was used again in Promoting Healthy Tangrowth! instead of red it was purple where it could do the same.
Cacnea Bandit Mark 2 What You Seed is What You Get Shoots bazookas and X's to block Pokémon's mouths. Picks up watermelons with its arms or a net bag. It can also "eat" watermelons and shoot their seeds at its opponent.
Robotic Numel Game Winning Assist! Uses arms to grab Pokémon and places them in a compartment, uses the arms to "walk" along the ground
Hyper Kingler Alloy Z Evolutionary War Used to steal Huntail and Gorebyss. Can send out a net from its right claw and launch the left one.
Robo Diglett Beg, Burrow and Steal! Digs holes with drill, snatches Pokémon with grabber.
File:Rocket mecha 152.png Unknown On Olden Pond Unknown
File:Ag154 mecha.png Golem-Grabber Mark 2 Reversing the Charges! Can launch a net from its mouth. Used again in Trials and Adulations! where it was able to launch a rock rocket. Protected from electricity.
Unknown The Green Guardian Used to steal Celebi.
Potted Bonsai Boy Mark 1 All That Glitters is Not Golden! Super strength.
Robo Slaking Slaking Kong Used to steal and collect food.

Diamond & Pearl series

Mecha First Appearance Capabilities
Picture Name
Super Sinnoh Slinger Mark 1A Two Degrees of Separation! to When Pokémon Worlds Collide! This mecha is probably the strongest mecha yet. It is a solar powered mecha that can withstand any attack such as Pikachu's Volt Tackle and Thunderbolt, Dawn's Piplup's BubbleBeam, Aipom's Swift and Starly's Whirlwind. According to James this mecha can make lunch. Like other mechas, it can launch extendable arms and the unique extendable fingers.
Robotic Rabble Rowser Mach III Setting the World on its Buneary Extendable legs and claws, Pokémon containers, rockets.
You-Really-Can't-Take-It-With-You-Can't-Ya Mark 93 A Staravia is Born! Nets on hands, can be disguised as a house.
Fossil Restoration Device Wild in the Streets Can unfossilize Pokémon, has net-rockets, treads.
Mechabot Ya See We Want an Evolution Destroyed before being used.
Aspear Rock 1 Cooking Up a Sweet Story! Can launch extendalble arms.
Bouldermatic Mark 2 Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan! Can launch extendable arms and vacuums, and also can shoot out giant flower pots that trap the opponent.
Potent Pink Jessie Princess Power Mark 1 The Electrike Company! Can launch extendalble arms and can fly like a rocket.
Sharpedo Jetski Sandshrew's Locker! 3 seats, Magikarp Net Launcher with net, Carvanha torpedoes, 3 Remoraid torpedoes
Probopass Mind Manipulator Nosing 'Round the Mountain! A Device that can control a Probopass by making it use moves and controlling its three noses.
Badda Bing Supreme Soaker No.6 Hot Springing a Leak! Normally shouts the words "BADDA BOOM, BADDA BING". It can also shoot water from its hands and spill hot water from the tub.
Rhyhorn Mecha Sleight of Sand! This Mecha's defense mechanism is super, the head can open and it fires out a mechanical arm. It can also use a move called "Horn Rocket" where it can stab the opponent and fires its tail off as a rocket.
Slowbro Mecha Sleight of Sand! This Mecha can open its mouth and hit the foe with its arms but the special thing about it is it has its own move called "Tail Attack" where it can stab the foe or it can fire it off like a rocket.
Tone Deaf Mecha Chingling The Bells are Singing! Can sing rough notes and blow smoke.
Croagunk Robot Cream of the Croagunk Crop! Its tongue and also both its arms can stretch far to catch Pokémon. Its chest can also open up to serve as a big container of the caught Pokémon.
Unknown Hungry for the Good Life! A flying Mecha that can let out smoke and also the inside is full of holes and traps.
Unknown Arriving in Style! Can hover, the head can open and can launch extendable arms.
File:Dp092 mecha.png Back-to-the-Basics Bohemian Flytrap A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine! It can transform from the car-like form. Its "mouth" can be used for storage and its arms and eyes can fire lasers. It's vulnerable to Electric attacks.
Roly Poly Robot If the Scarf Fits, Wear It! This mecha rolls around a ball of Pokémon food (like a Stag Beetle) that can attract Pokémon such as Lickilicky. It can also fly and pick up rocks and kick them. It can even launch a rocket that fires out a rope.
Super Sucker Mark 9 A Trainer and Child Reunion! A Device that is attached to the Meowth Balloon that can suck up Pokémon into a big container. It was used again in Frozen in Their Tracks! where it had a different nozzle and it had a net. Vulnerable to Signal Beams.
Nightmare Maker Sleepless in Pre-Battle! This device sends out electromagnetic pulses that makes everyone sleeping have nightmares and blames it all on Darkrai.
File:TR Mechaman.png Mechaman Ancient Family Matters! It can drill using its head. It can also throw rocks and sand with its hands
File:109 rocketmecha.png Earth Moving Monster Masher Mover 1 Leading a Stray! This mecha transforms from a digger to this mechas. It uses it arms to slam into the opponent and the hands can grip and it can also move its legs. Vulnerable to Water.
File:Rocket mecha 115.png Unknown Stealing the Conversation! It can shoot mechanical bowling pins out of its arms that explode upon impact. It also has extendable arms and legs.
Unknown Noodles! Roamin' Off! This mecha was destroyed quickly by Pikachu using Thunderbolt, the only thing this mecha can do is jump great distances into the air.
Noodlebot Noodles! Roamin' Off! This mecha is based on a bowl of noodles, simalar to the design it can fires out long strings of noodles which wrap around the opponent. Vulnerable to Electric moves.
File:DP121 mecha.png Piprinoleon Stopped in the Name of Love! This mecha is as big as a building with tiny rooms and vents, it can launch extendable arms that can make Pokémon dizzy. If hit by a Thunderbolt in the underarm the bolt can travel down the arm into a mechanical room and zap the captured friend. Legs appear for hasty getaways, vulnerable to water.
File:TR Rocket DP142.png Unknown Where No Togepi Has Gone Before! This mecha is a rocket that has the trio's desires, it also has a dungeon a lift and a control system. It flew up to space and got attacked by a wild Rayquaza crash landing back on earth. Vulnerable to Hyper Beams.
File:TR Magcargo mecha.png Unknown Gone With the Windworks! Has a big cable, the head and body can become hot like lava. It can also launch a Zap Cannon called a Macargo Cannon. Vulnerable to Thunderbolt.
Digital Drapion Bagged Then Tagged! This mecha has extendable arms with sharp claws, for digging underground and appear, a hatch on its head opens. The mouth can open and send the captured Pokémon down to the abdomen. It can cause geysers. The computer inside the head which can check where it is going and show where other life forms such as Monferno.
Digital Drapion decoy Bagged Then Tagged! A mini mecha that is released from the big mecha (above) it can dig underground and self destruct. The big mecha is vulnerable to flying attacks and can also release geysers.
Unknown Try for the Family Stone! This mecha can fly and is activated by Meowth's controls, and has a container in its stomach. It also has a fan that can blow opponents away, it can also launch 2 extendable arms from its stomach which has a broom to sweep opponents away. It arm can fly off, Vulnerable to Electric and Flying attacks.
Unknown A Meteroic Rise to Excellence This mecha looks like an Altaria and captured Wilma's. It also has wheels and a compartment where Altaria was held , but got broke free with a combination of Altaria's Ice Beam and Flamethrower knocking the mecha on its side. Gible can also eat it.
File:TR mecha DP157.png Unknown Gotta Get a Gible! This mecha first appeared when it did not have a iron fist and got eaten up by Gible. It can leap great distances and can show its tongue. It has an Iron Fist to grab its foe and a regular hand too. Vulnerable to Thunderbolt and Iron Tail.
Unknown Fighting Ire with Fire! This mecha has glass capsules that can engulf an enemy in one. It comes out from Team Rocket's Balloon with extended arms for capturing Pokémon into a container. Weak against powerful Fire and Mach Punch attacks and strong against Protect.
File:TR Mecha DP168 1.png Meta-Caterpie Keeping In Top Forme! This mecha looks like a Caterpie and can dig underground and is controlled by a control. The forehead can open to reveal Team Rocket. Out of its mouth fires a gun which fires a sticky liquid similar to a String Shot and also if ths mecha is nearly destroyed the body will crack open to reveal another mecha (below). It is strong against attacks like Energy Ball, Ice Beam, Rock Climb and Whirlpool.
File:TR Mecha DP168 2.png Blockbuster Butterfree Keeping In Top Forme! This mecha looks like a Butterfree and can fly like one too. It comes out of the mecha (above). This mecha can also release a SolarBeam attack from the antennae on its head. It is vulnerable against air attacks like Air Slash.
Robo Diglett Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue! The new and improved Diglett mecha than the old one which is controlled by TRMeowth ([[{{{2}}} (move)|{{{2}}}]])'s controls. It can dig underground and can drill through rocks. It also has arms to picks things up with and even more when the arms were destroyed. Three nets fire out from its body, and can also walk along walls. Vulnerable to powerful Eruptions.
Aerial Ace Defense An Elite Coverup! This mecha is shaped like a Staraptor and was used like a missile to defeat Ash's Staraptor.
Guillotine Defense An Elite Coverup! This mecha is shaped like a Gliscor and was used like a missile to try and defeat Bertha's Gliscor but was defeated by a powerful Guillotine.
Powering-up Parts An Elite Coverup! This was armor fired out of Team Rocket's Balloon to make Jessie's Seviper stronger. It upped the strength of a Poison Tail, nearly defeating Ash's Buizel. It was defeated by Bertha's Golem's Rock Blast.
Powering-up Parts An Elite Coverup! This was armor fired out of Team Rocket's Balloon to make James's Carnivine stronger. It upped Carnivine's Vine Whip's strength, nearly defeating Dawn's Pachirisu. It was defeated by Bertha's Golem's Rock Blast.
Unknown Zoroark: Master of Illusions This Yanmega balloon was used while follow Ash, Brock, and Dawn while they traveled to Crown City.

Best Wishes series

Mecha First Appearance Capabilities
Picture Name
Hot-Air Balloon Enter Iris and Axew! This mecha is more of an upgrade of the original hot air balloon.
Unknown A Sandile Gusher of Change! The magnet crane was used to take the leader Sandile.
Unknown The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! The bubble-shaped mecha was used to protect attacks as in Oshawott's Water Gun but fell to Tepig's Ember.
Energy Excavating Robot A Sandile Gusher of Change! The robot can suck out the energy of dreams.

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