Annie (EP173)

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Revision as of 05:41, 19 April 2011 by Kenji-girl (talk | contribs)

Annie (Japanese: サチコ Sachiko) is one of the characters of the day that appeared in Wobbu-Palooza!.

She was a little girl whose Wobbuffet was attacked by the Wobbuffet Festival crashers and the first person whose Wobbuffet was attacked.


Annie's Wobbuffet

Annie has a Wobbuffet like everyone else living in Wobbuffet Village, it was the first to be attacked by the Wobbuffet Festival crashers.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 大谷育江 Ikue Ohtani
English Kerry Williams
European Spanish Felicidad Barrio


  • Even though Annie is a character of the day from the Johto region, she looks nearly identical to a character of the day named Stephanie from the Hoenn region, even though the two have no apparent connections whatsoever.

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