Talk:Bianca (anime)

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Latest comment: 27 May 2011 by 1rkhachatryan in topic Pignite


Could Bianca Be Considered A Rival? She's Collecting Badges And Battles Ash In Friendly Battles Just Like Barry Did. --Manaphy1 23:41, 15 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

To me, she deserves more than the title of "rival" that Ritchie for example.-Hikaru Wazana 22:10, 15 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

I agree, I think that she could be considered a "friendly" rival, much like Kenny, or Nando, for example. She is definitely not an "unfriendly" rival, like Paul or Ursula, for example. Why do you ask? --ジェダイの騎士デジタルテレビ 00:47, 16 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
She hasn't done anything significant to show she's a rival. She's just like Casey right now. --ケンジガール 02:42, 16 April 2011 (UTC)Reply


The Pignite it does not deserve its own page? After all, it is the starter, moreover had the most appearances of The Trip's Servine for example.-Hikaru Wazana 22:20, 15 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

We have one in my userspace, we are waiting for it to do a little bit more before mainspacing Diamond Lanturn CodeName: 05308 00:37, 16 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Oh come now if Chillarmy gets his own page then Choaboo should too.RBK 03:19, 27 May 2011 (UTC)Reply