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Today is Sunday 16 February, 2025

Trainer's toolkit: Dream Mist

  • Dream Mist (Japanese ゆめのけむり Dream Smoke) is a smoke released by Munna and Musharna after they have eaten a dream. It is an unobtainable, yet key item to the plot of Pokémon Black and White.
  • Fennel is a scientist studying dreams and dream mist.
  • In the games, the player is asked to retrieve Dream Mist for Fennel from the Dreamyard. After taking care of some Team Plasma Grunts, Fennel successfully collects a sample of Dream Mist from a Musharna.
  • In the anime, a Musharna's Dream Mist flooded Striaton City, causing the Pokémon there to fall asleep if they came into contact with it. Fennel appeared to investigate and used her Munna to help awaken Iris's Axew. It then released a cloud of Dream Mist, revealing Axew's dream of evolving. Fennel later explains her research to utilize Dream Mist as a clean energy source to power machinery. They later use this energy to revive an Archen.
  • In Pokémon Adventures, Black's Munna, Musha eats one of N's dreams and reveals N's true, good intentions through Dream Mist. Musha is later drawn to the Dreamyard where he is attacked by Team Plasma grunts. Black arrives with Fennel and successfully rescues Musha, and Fennel is able to receive a sample of Dream Mist from Musha's head.
  • The Pokémon Dream World is a feature that revolves around Dream Mist, and allows the player to enter their Pokémon's dream and befriend rare Pokémon, and find valuable items.