Ash's Larvitar

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Ash's Larvitar
サトシのヨーギラス Satoshi's Yogiras

Ash's Larvitar
Egg obtained in Lapras of Luxury
Hatches in Hatch Me if You Can
Hatched at Route 46
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Released in Mother of All Battles!
Current location Mt. Silver
This Pokémon spent 1 episode in its Egg.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Larvitar Miyako Itō Tara Jayne

Ash's Larvitar (Japanese: サトシのヨーギラス Satoshi's Yogiras) is a Pokémon cared for by Ash briefly during the Master Quest season of the anime. Like Haunter, Ash did not "catch" this Pokémon (and therefore did not officially own it), but it was in his care for several episodes. He also used it to battle once, in Address Unown.


In its egg

Ash received an egg that he was supposed to deliver to Professor Elm in Johto. It hatched into Larvitar while Ash had it and became very close to Ash and his Pikachu, but Hardened if anybody else approached it.

It started out very shy and timid, but learned to appreciate life through its adventures with Ash, and learned about the world around it. It made new friends, such as an Elekid, a Slowpoke which later became a Slowking named Arthur and an Unown. Larvitar gains a very courageous attitude in You're a Star, Larvitar! where it manages to rescue a whole bunch of Pokémon from Team Rocket practically by itself. In Address Unown, an Unown teleported Ash, Brock, and Misty to a dimension which physically manifested images and experiences from Larvitar's life such as egg shells, representing birth, Elekid plugs, from Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid representing the Elekid it befriended, and Slowking crowns, from A Crowning Achievement representing Arthur the Slowking. Ash and co. then reached a giant Larvitar egg with holes in it, as well as a large crystalline thorn. Inside the holes were images of Ash, Misty, and Brock, however both Misty and Brock were black and white, symbolizing Larvitar's distrust towards them. When Ash touched the thorn, he was immediately sucked inside along with Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Togepi, putting them in another dimension where Larvitar was seen sleeping. There, Ash, Misty and Brock received visions of Larvitar as an egg and could hear Larvitar's voice as it was kidnapped by poachers and sensed its mother being brutally attacked. It was later separated from the poachers and mistakenly kicked around. The pain from its past manifested into thorn covered branches encasing Larvitar. Together, Ash, Misty and Brock were able to destroy the branches around Larvitar and help it open up more.

Since that incident, Larvitar opened itself up towards Misty and Brock, but still Hardened around other human beings. It was then reunited with its mother in Mother of All Battles!, who at first believed Ash and Co to be harming her child. However, once Tyranitar realised Ash and friends' peaceful and benevolent intentions, she calmed down. However trouble began when the poachers that initially had stolen Larvitar from her had returned to capture her. However thanks to Ash, Misty, Brock,Ranger Mason and her child (Tyrannitar's), the two helped ensure the poachers were brought to justice for their crimes. Larvitar was left at Mt. Silver where it could live in peace with its mother and be raised properly under the protection of the mountain rangers.

Moves used

Using Screech
Move First Used In
Screech  Hatch Me if You Can
Hidden Power  Hatch Me if You Can
Harden ×  Hatch Me if You Can
Bite You're a Star, Larvitar!
Dig You're a Star, Larvitar!
An × shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


File:Ash Larvitar Spurt.png
Larvitar with its mother as seen in Spurt!
  • Despite not officially being his, Larvitar appeared in the Spurt! opening, along with its mother.
  • Despite its weight (158.7 lbs, or 71.98 kg according to the Pokédex), it was seen being carried by Ash on his bag. This is a possible example of anime physics, or because Ash's Larvitar was a newborn that was not hatched underground, and as such did not eat "a mountain's worth of soil" as is mentioned in Ash's Pokédex.
  • Through the time it was with Ash, Larvitar had continually used Harden whenever it was scared However, Larvitar cannot learn Harden in the games.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Larvitar.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.