Talk:List of glitch Pokémon
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Latest comment: 28 January 2012 by Yamiidenryuu in topic So about those unobtainable RBY glitch 'mons
Non-Obtainable Glitches
We should get more info. on the "non-obtainable" glitches - they can still be obtained with a cheating device. Even if they don't "officialy" count as Glitch Pokémon, they do have stats, learn moves etc.
- Previously we had pages for these "glitches", but they got deleted. At this time, the 4 generations of glitch Pokémon had two templates: Generation I on one and the rest on an other, but soon after the pages were deleted, they were merged. I think the reason they were removed was because using an AR/Game Shark on Red/Blue, it is damaging the system, meaning that something bad is obviously going to happen. On the other hand, glitches are found without damaging the system, meaning that these are actually bugs in the game. They're still able to be found at a new page in the userspace, but I don't remember exactly where it is. Turtwig A (talk | contribs) 22:20, 13 April 2010 (UTC)
So about those unobtainable RBY glitch 'mons
Almost all the glitches listed for other generations can only be seen with a cheating device (as it says on the article itself), so it seems a little... odd to leave off the unobtainables just from the first generation. Should they be added? Yamiidenryuu 23:38, 28 January 2012 (UTC)