User talk:Maverick Nate/Archives/9

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Revision as of 20:41, 24 March 2012 by FrozenMetal (talk | contribs) (TCG images: new section)

Latest comment: 24 March 2012 by FrozenMetal in topic TCG images

User:Maverick Nate/Mainspace

Please leave new messages at the bottom of this page.

Garchomp and Hydreigon half decks

There isn't any indication that they will be featured as Pokémon-EX. All Pokémon-EX so far have been (basic) Legendary Pokémon. Plus, even if they were, their artwork shows they likely won't be EXs (they don't have CGI artwork which is basically a staple in regular EXs), at least in these half decks. What you wrote was pure speculation. Another thing is, how do you know that Roserade and Foongus will be Grass type and not Psychic types and how do you know that Houndoom will be Fire-type and not Dark-type? It seems to me that, since Drifloon is in the deck, Roserade and Foongus will most likely be Psychic-types too, but since anything isn't confirmed, what should be in the page is that they could be featured with either type. Metalizard 18:24, 2 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

May I ask why you didn't just fix it instead of bitching at me? So I made a mistake. I was rushing through those pages when I made them because I had to get to class. You could have easily fixed it and posted an edit summary on why you removed things. I pay attention to all edits on everything I've ever created. I would have noticed, and in fact, I saw your edits before you posted this talk page message to me. Also, they do have the CGI "break the border" artwork featured on EX's. It is quite possibly that these Pokémon can be EX's, which is why I said "and may feature it as a Pokémon-EX card". There is evidence that supports it, and it was written in a way that represents that it both may and may not be an EX. Furthermore, I don't see you creating pages, so relax, and back down a bit. You're coming off as quite rude. MaverickNate 18:36, 2 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
lol, you're the one who's being rude! If I sounded rude, it wasn't the intention. I just came here to warn you about it because if I just had done it without telling you, you would probably undo it all, like it usually happens :\. First, I didn't fix the types, because I wasn't really sure on how to change that (that's why I came here to remind you about it). Second, no, they don't have the CGI art that breaks the border, they clealy have hand-drawn art (you should probably look closer). And there's no evidence they will be EX's like you're saying and I don't think it's quite possible at all because of the reasons I said earlier (at least, not in these half decks; the main set may be a different story). Metalizard 05:33, 3 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
haha, Pokébeach just confirmed they are not EX's, not even the main set ones. I told you they are only making Legendary Pokémon-EX... Metalizard 06:01, 3 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
How ignorant of you. It was the Japanese official site that revealed it. PokéBeach doesn't reveal anything. They just post news. MaverickNate 16:55, 3 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
Even more ignorant you are by thinking I don't know that it was the official site. I just mentioned Pokébeach because that's where I go to know about TCG News. Seriously, are you so mad just because I was right and you wrong? Or because I ironically corrected you about things that you warned me about in the past? I won't waste my time arguing with you anymore. From now on, everytime I see some detail wrong, or something obvious that should be in a page but isn't, I'll fix it without caring if you agree with it or not. Metalizard 18:31, 3 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
Both of you need to take a chill pill and calm down. Enough with the insults. If you can't continue this conversation without attacking each other then it ends with my comment. Werdnae (talk) 03:42, 4 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

TCG card edits

Sorry if it was meant to stay in the trivia section of the page. The 3-5 cards had it noted in the intro, so I thought that was where the other should have gone. Sorry if they were meant to stay in the trivia section. Frozen Fennec 18:18, 15 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

I only just started changing them. I didn't get around to fixing cards 3-5. MaverickNate 18:19, 15 February 2012 (UTC)Reply
Oh, ok. Again, sorry about doing so. Frozen Fennec 18:21, 15 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Featured content for today.

It's slightly incorrect, as it sounds like if ExtremeSpeed lost its increased priority for Generation III, saying In Generation II and IV. And since it's protected, I can't edit it. Marked +-+-+ 09:04, 16 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Remove a page?

Think you could remove [this userspace page]? Appears to be mostly blank party templates with nothing at all in most of them. Frozen Fennec 21:32, 19 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Brother's Friend Never got an Activation Notice Email

My brother's friend says he signed up with an account a couple weeks ago. I didn't see him create the account. There were very little names. He signed up with the name ShadowLugia and he wanted to come on here to make edits, have a profile, contact some people, even interact with me and he has gotten no email in his inbox. I believe that he's still trying to help us with our situation that I'm not a sock of my sibling and he has a sibling of his own. He wants to explain that after he proves that we're not him. My brother also has a friend named Ruckus Jorgee. If he has tried to register and received no activation notice email, please send one to him too. He is neither IMMORAL or AMORAL because whatever Serebii said to him on his profile about a year ago isn't true. (MichaelXD 19:42, 25 February 2012 (UTC))Reply

TCG Type

Hey Nate, would it be okay if the Elemental types (TCG) page be moved to Type (TCG) so as to reflect the recent change? TCG is more your domain, so I figure I'd ask before going gung-ho. --Spriteit 11:39, 29 February 2012 (UTC)Reply


Can you put my Flora, Bakkie, Akkie, Grace(Unova), Edmond, and Domon pages on your Future Pages sections of your mainspace? Chomper4 14:54, 5 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Another user

Seems this user is just using their talk page as an advertisement. They haven't contributed a thing since joining. Frozen Fennec 23:33, 8 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Provide a link next time, kthnx? This would have been acceptable. MaverickNate 23:42, 8 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
Alright. Will do. :) Frozen Fennec 23:49, 8 March 2012 (UTC)Reply


I noticed this was on the template, which kinda surprised me. Also my experiment page, which you called "Things" have been moved here. Finally, I was hoping you could put this page on the template as well, but if it's there already then nevermind.--ForceFire 09:58, 13 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Double colorless energy image

Why was it reverted?Arkenaw 00:16, 21 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Because the image names are final and should never be changed. What should have been done is uploading a new version of the old file on the archives, which I have done. MaverickNate 00:18, 21 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

TCG images

Heya, I'm a new user here at Bulbapedia. Among the first things I attempted to contribute with was uploading DragonBlastAron35.jpg. The summary included a few errors which another user was kind enough to solve, but there are still a few things I'm wondering if you could help me with.

  • The summary fix was good (judging by how it matches most other TCG summaries), but I'm a little puzzled by how it discarded information I tried to add (description, notes, summary). Isn't such information important after all, despite the upload-checklist?
  • While the image seems fine, can you check whether there are any errors about it? It'd be troublesome if I start uploading images while unknowingly breaking one or more rules. FrozenMetal 20:41, 24 March 2012 (UTC)Reply