
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 22:43, 4 December 2010 by Luminaria (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Introduction == You seemed to have stumbled across my page, why don't you listen to my ramblings anyway? The odd time that I am online I make minor edits regarding Pokémon th...")
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You seemed to have stumbled across my page, why don't you listen to my ramblings anyway? The odd time that I am online I make minor edits regarding Pokémon that I like.

I first got into the series with Sapphire Version, and so far I have played at least one game per Generation. I dislike the anime a little, but I love the manga. My favorite region is Sinnoh and I am currently playing through Pokémon Platinum. My username on Mangafox is "Luminaria" and on Smogon it is "Glacia".

I joined Bulbapedia in November 2010 and like all newbies I made a few useless edits, which got corrected thanks to the helpful users here. Now I just correct any mistakes on the Froslass page.

478 This user enjoys walking with her Froslass.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Froslass.
This user tends to be invisible.
File:Candice.png This user's favorite Gym Leader is Candice.
This user is an Ice-type trainer.

Competitive Battling

Although new at it, I go on Pokémon Online alot. I go under "Glacia" on the Smogon server. My first successful team was in Gen IV NU. It centred around a Jynx sweep with Vileplume and Quagsire being amazing walls. I was one of the original users of the Custap Berry on PBR. I used a gimmick Igglybuff with Endure and Endeavor.

I enjoy gimmick teams like Mono-Types and Single Pokémon teams.

Platinum Team