No Guard (Ability)

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Revision as of 02:38, 20 August 2007 by DarkfireTaimatsu (talk | contribs) (Templated links)

All moves used by or against a Pokémon with the No Guard ability cannot miss. It also allows Pokémon to be hit during the semi-invunerable turn of moves such as Fly or Dig. Three Pokémon have this ability.

In Pokémon Diamond/Pearl, a Pokémon with No Guard can successfully hit an opponent's Pokémon that has used Protect, but only if that Pokémon uses DynamicPunch.

Pokémon with No Guard

Single ability

No Pokémon have No Guard as their only ability.

Dual ability

Machop Machoke Machamp
Guts Guts Guts
