Best Wishes! (song)

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The Greatest - Everyday!
Japanese opening themes
Be an Arrow!
Besuto Uisshu!
Best Wishes!
BW OP 01
Artist 松本梨香
Rica Matsumoto
Lyrics 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Composer たなか ひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Arrangement 河野陽吾
Yōgo Kōno
Pikachu Records single
Title ベストウイッシュ! / 心のファンファーレ
Best Wishes! / Fanfare of the Heart
Catalog no. ZMCP-5653

Best Wishes! (Japanese: ベストウイッシュ! lit. Besuto Uisshu!) is the first opening song of the Best Wishes series. It debuted with BW001. Best Wishes! (Movie Edit) (Japanese: ベストウイッシュ! (Movie Edit)) was used in the double-feature fourteenth film. It will be replaced by Be an Arrow! in BW085.

Opening animation

OP Text

Japanese English
The mysterious creatures of this planet
Pocket Monsters...
"Pokémon" for short!
Now, the story of the boy Satoshi and Pokémon,
Their meetings, adventures, and battles
Are about to begin!




All Pokémon are listed in order of when first revealed.


TV Size

Japanese English
はじめての風のにおい mm...
クシャクシャになるころ おれたち
ねぇ どこまで進んでるかな?

でも 楽しみは数えきれない!

耳をすませば なつかしい声
「きみは だいじょうぶ!
なぜか だいじょうぶ!
みんな だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 歩き出そう!
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 走っちゃおうか?
ドキドキは すぐに
いてもたっても いられないぜ!
At a place for the first time
The smell of the wind for the first time, mm...
But what isn't for the first time
Is this throbbing of my heart!
When this brand-new map
Gets all crumpled
Hey, I wonder how far we should go?

Keep this between us;
I have one or two or three worries
But there are countless things I'm looking forward to!

If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voice
A voice from the future
It's always praying for me
"You'll be all right!
Somehow it'll be all right!
Everyone will be all right!"

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking!
Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run?
The throbbing of my heart instantly changes
To an itching desire!
There's just no way I can calm down!

Full version

Japanese English
はじめての風のにおい mm...
クシャクシャになるころ おれたち
ねぇ どこまで進んでるかな?

でも 楽しみは数えきれない!

おだやかな時の流れ mm...
行く手をふさがれた おれたち
もう どうすりゃいいのさ?

でも 戻るとか考えられない!

耳をすませば なつかしい声
「きみは だいじょうぶ!
なぜか だいじょうぶ!
みんな だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 歩き出そう!
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 走っちゃおうか?
ドキドキは すぐに
いてもたっても いられないぜ!

終わらない出会いの旅 mm...
気づいているのかな おれたち
そう 友だちのはじまり!

でも すぐホントの笑顔でいっぱい!

風よ運んで おれのこの声
「おれは だいじょうぶ!
めっちゃ だいじょうぶ!
1人じゃないから 仲間がいるから だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 歩き出そう!
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 走っちゃおうか?
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey めざすものは
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey ずっと輝く!
ドキドキは すぐに
いてもたっても いられないぜ!
At a place for the first time
The smell of the wind for the first time, mm...
But what isn't for the first time
Is this throbbing of my heart!
When this brand-new map
Gets all crumpled
Hey, I wonder how far we should go?

Keep this between us;
I have one or two or three worries
But there are countless things I'm looking forward to!

A calm morning
The calm flow of time, mm...
But what isn't calm
Is what comes right after this!
When our path has been cut off
By some unexpected trouble
Well, now what should we do?

It's pretty pitiful to say
My knees are shaking, I'm dripping with sweat
But no way am I thinking of going back!

If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voice
A voice from the future
It's always praying for me
"You'll be all right!
Somehow it'll be all right!
Everyone will be all right!"

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking!
Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run?
The throbbing of my heart instantly changes
To an itching desire!
There's just no way I can calm down!

An endless road
A journey of endless encounters, mm...
But what I want to have end
Is this flurrying anxiety!
Even so, I wonder
If we've somehow realized
That's right, it's the beginning of a friendship!

This is frequently said
At first was a forced smile somewhere......
But soon it will be full of genuine smiles!

Wind, carry my voice
Carry my feelings
To that person in a distant town
"I'll be all right!
I'll be totally all right!
I'm not alone, I have my friends, so I'll be all right!

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking!
Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run?
Yeah-he-he-hey, what we're aiming for
Yeah-he-he-hey, is always shining!
The throbbing of my heart instantly changes
To a pounding excitement!
There's just no way I can calm down!


  • This is the first opening to the Pokémon anime to not feature any human characters.
    • This is also the first opening not to feature Meowth.
  • Pokémon silhouettes are revealed in the episode following their debut in the series.
  • This is the first opening to be composed completely of CGI.
  • Reshiram is the only Pokémon who has a white silhouette. However, it is given a black silhouette when it appears at the end.
  • Among the first opening songs of all series, this is the only one not to use terms of the franchise (location names, moves, etc.).


In the first episode, all Pokémon (except Pikachu) were shown in silhouettes. Whenever a Pokémon makes its debut, its silhouette is transformed into its revealed form in the episode following their debut in the series. Every episode after that showed that Pokémon without any transformation. As of BW014, all the silhoutted Pokémon have been unveiled.

External links

OS: Aim to Be a Pokémon MasterThe RivalsOK!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (Whiteberry version)Ready Go!
AG: Advance AdventureChallenger!!Pokémon Symphonic MedleyBattle FrontierSpurt!
DP: Together / Together2008High Touch! / High Touch! 2009The Greatest - Everyday! / The Greatest - Everyday! (Band Version)
BW: Best Wishes!Be an Arrow! / Be an Arrow! 2013Summerly Slope
XY: V (Volt) / Mega V (Mega Volt)Mad-Paced GetterXY&Z
SM: Alola!!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-Future ConnectionYour Adventure
JN: One, Two, ThreeAim to Be a Pokémon Master -with my friends-
HZ: Heart-Pounding DiaryHaloWill
Other: A New OathWe are the Pichu Brothers!Koko
The Greatest - Everyday!
Japanese opening themes
Be an Arrow!
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.