Serperior (v03-015)

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This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Needs Battrio Puck Data

ジャローダ Jalorda

Front art from Fierce Gale - Thundering Thunderclaps expansion

art from expansion

Back art from Fierce Gale - Thundering Thunderclaps expansion
Name Serperior
Rarity Single
Option 1 2 3
Name Invisible Shiny Invisible Shiny
Attack type Grass Grass Grass
Defense type Grass Grass Grass
Level 81
Attack power
Defense power
HP 141 45 45
Base color:
Spin color:
Pokémon Battrio puck v03-015

Serperior (Japanese: ジャローダ Jalorda) is a Pokémon Battrio puck. It is part of the Fierce Gale - Thundering Thunderclaps expansion.


Option 1
Grass Pledge
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability
Option 2
Vine Whip
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability
Option 3
Vine Whip
Critical Hit Ratio ???
Unknown probability

Puck Data

Option 1
HP 141
Attack power
Defense power
Exhaustion -
Movement Normal
Berry Gauge
Team Gauge
Feature Combined move
If Samurott is on your side of the field when you attack, it will use Water Pledge in tandem with Serperior's move that has increased effectiveness.
Option 2
HP ??
Attack power ??
Defense power ??
Exhaustion -40
Movement Normal
Option 3
HP ??
Attack power ??
Defense power ??
Exhaustion -40
Movement Normal

Template:Project Battrio notice