Undella Town

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Undella Town サザナミタウン
Sazanami Town
"A Town of Rippling Waves"
File:Undella Town.png

Undella Town in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
A summer retreat with a beach full of people who enjoy summer vacations.
[[|Undella Town Gym]] - Unova Gym #{{{gymno}}}
No specialty type [[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[|Undella Town Gym]] - Unova Gym #{{{gymno}}}
specialist Gym
[[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[|Undella Town Gym]] - Unova Gym #{{{gymno}}}
specialist Gym
[[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion}}}|{{{champion}}}]]
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion2}}}|{{{champion2}}}]]
Route 13
Rebirth Mountain*
Undella Town
Undella Bay and Marine Tube*
Route 14

Location of Undella Town in Unova.

Undella Town (Japanese: サザナミタウン Sazanami Town) is a town in the east of the Unova region.

Caitlin of the Elite Four owns a villa in the town where Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia stays during the spring and summer. She can be battled once regardless of the season, and can afterwards be battled once a day during spring. The female Gym Leaders and Elite Four members will often visit her during summer and spring, respectively.

Outside of summer, this town has very few people and almost looks deserted; the villas are all empty. However, during summer, the villas in the town are all occupied by vacationists. One of the vacationists states that he came there from the far away region of Hoenn. Undella Town's sea is the people's favorite during this hot season.

Places of interest

The Riches' villa

This villa belongs to the Riches!

Upon visiting Undella Town, the player will see Draco outside the Riches' villa. After accepting his challenge and defeating him in battle, he will show the player inside, then tell the player to come back the next day. If he or she does, and defeats Draco again, Susan will enter the Villa and immediately challenge the player. Doing this the next day will cause Clairdonna to appear, then Zillion, and so on. After defeating Miles, the family will not accept any more challenges.

The head of the Riches, who appears as a Black Belt, is an item maniac who will buy the Relic items from the player.

The Riches' house is demolished by the time of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

Caitlin's villa

Cynthia, the Champion of the Sinnoh region, appears in Caitlin's villa and remains until she is battled, after which she will be present during spring and summer, and can be battled once per day in spring. During the spring, Shauntal and/or Caitlin may be found in the villa, visiting. During the summer, Lenora, Iris, Elesa and/or Skyla may be found in the villa.


Pokémon Black and White

Undella Town has a population of 12, excluding Cynthia, who stays in Caitlin's villa. It is the second smallest town in the Unova region.

Variable scoring

Unlike some other towns, where singular instrument tracks are added to the background theme in certain circumstances, Undella Town has two different themes depending on the season. In summer, a lively calypso tune is used; in autumn, winter, and spring, a mellow synth-led arrangement is used.

Poké Mart


Item Location Games

Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod Template:Itlistbod


Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sp Su Au Wi
Wingull Wingull
Surfing Surfing
25-55 60%
Pelipper Pelipper
Surfing Surfing
25-55 10%
Mantyke Mantyke
Surfing Surfing
25-55 30%
Ripping water
Corsola Corsola
Surfing Surfing
25-60 30%
Mantine Mantine
Surfing Surfing
35-70 10%
Wailmer Wailmer
Surfing Surfing
25-60 60%
Shellder Shellder
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 30%
Remoraid Remoraid
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 65%
Luvdisc Luvdisc
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 5%
Ripping water
Shellder Shellder
Super Rod Fishing
35-60 60%
Cloyster Cloyster
Super Rod Fishing
45-70 5%
Octillery Octillery
Super Rod Fishing
35-70 5%
Luvdisc Luvdisc
Super Rod Fishing
35-60 30%
Special Pokémon
Munchlax Munchlax
Cinccino Trade
60 - One - -
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sp Su Au Wi
Staryu Staryu
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
35-36 %
Frillish Frillish
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
28, 34 %
Ripping water
Staryu Staryu
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
29, 37, 39 %
Starmie Starmie
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
36 %
Jellicent Jellicent
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
31 %
Shellder Shellder
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
57 %
Luvdisc Luvdisc
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
59 %
Rippling water
Shellder Shellder
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
52 %
Luvdisc Luvdisc
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
41 %
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Black and White

Trainer Pokémon
The Riches Draco
The Riches Draco
ドレイク Drake
Reward: $12000
Buizel Buizel Lv.60
No item
The Riches Susan
The Riches Susan
スーザン Susan
Reward: $12200
Teddiursa Teddiursa Lv.61
No item
Lopunny Lopunny Lv.61
No item
The Riches Clairdonna
The Riches Clairdonna
クアドナ Quadona
Reward: $12400
Bronzor Bronzor Lv.62
No item
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Lv.62
No item
Golurk Golurk Lv.62
No item
The Riches Zillion
The Riches Zillion
ジリオン Zillion
Reward: $12600
Shuckle Shuckle Lv.63
No item
Lickilicky Lickilicky Lv.63
No item
Krookodile Krookodile Lv.63
No item
Politoed Politoed Lv.63
No item
The Riches Trish
The Riches Trish
トリッシュ Trish
Reward: $12800
Weavile Weavile Lv.64
No item
Excadrill Excadrill Lv.64
No item
Heatmor Heatmor Lv.64
No item
Vespiquen Vespiquen Lv.64
No item
Kingdra Kingdra Lv.64
No item
The Riches Miles
The Riches Miles
マイル Mile
Reward: $13000
Donphan Donphan Lv.65
No item
Bisharp Bisharp Lv.65
No item
Lanturn Lanturn Lv.65
No item
Tangrowth Tangrowth Lv.65
No item
Braviary Braviary Lv.65
No item
Haxorus Haxorus Lv.65
No item

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Normal Mode

Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:


Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:

Challenge Mode

Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:


Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:

Normal Mode

Challenge Mode

In the anime

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: image

Undella Town appeared briefly near the end of All for the Love of Meloetta! and was shown more in Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!. Cynthia owns a villa there and it is where Dawn reunited with Ash.


  • Undella's Japanese motto is 押しては返す波の音.
  • In Black 2 and White 2 Undella Town has the most connections of any settlement in the series, with 5 different areas leading away from the town.

Name origin

Language Name Origin
Japanese サザナミタウン Sazanami Town さざ波文様 sazanami-mon'yō, a pattern based on ripples. 漣/小波/細波 (sazanami) also means "ripple".
English Undella Town From undulatus, clouds displaying wavy patterns. It could also be derived from "underwater" and "umbrella."
French Vaguelone From vague (wave).
German Ondula From the Italian and Spanish word ondula (to wave).
Italian Spiraria From spira (curl) and aria (air).
Spanish Pueblo Arenisca From arenisca, sandstone.
Korean 물결마을 Mulgyeol Maeul 물결 (mulgyeol) means wave.

Nuvema TownAccumula TownStriaton CityNacrene CityCastelia CityNimbasa CityAnville Town
Driftveil CityMistralton CityIcirrus CityOpelucid CityPokémon LeagueLacunosa TownUndella Town
Black CityWhite ForestAspertia CityFloccesy TownVirbank CityLentimas TownHumilau City
Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
DreamyardWellspring CavePinwheel ForestLiberty GardenDesert ResortRelic CastleBattle SubwayLostlorn Forest
Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
Challenger's CaveVictory Road (BWB2W2) • N's CastleRoyal UnovaGiant ChasmUndella BayAbyssal Ruins
Abundant ShrinePoké Transfer LabP2 LaboratoryEntralinkUnity TowerFloccesy RanchPledge GroveVirbank Complex
Pokéstar StudiosCastelia SewersJoin AvenueCave of BeingPokémon World TournamentReversal MountainPlasma Frigate
Clay TunnelUnderground RuinsStrange HouseRelic PassageSeaside CaveWhite TreehollowBlack Tower
Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

This article is part of Project Cities and Towns, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every city and town in the Pokémon world.