Magmar is a tailed, bipedal Pokémon with a red body that has a yellow flame design on it. It has a yellow tail that has a flame on the tip. Magmar has yellow thighs, and red feet with two toes each. Magmar's arms are covered in red, rigid scales and it has red hands with five fingers. It has black, metal shackles on its neck and legs. Magmar has a row of red spikes running down its back, two lumps on its forehead with a flame on top of each one and a yellow beak. Its body temperature is nearly 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Gender differences
Special abilities
As the Spitfire Pokémon, Magmar is famous for its fire-spewing abilities. Magmar is recognized as a powerful Fire-type Pokémon, and one that is especially adept in streaming and projectile attacking patterns. In this manner, Magmar can loose powerful, non-Fire-type special attacks, including Focus Blast. Along with this, Magmar are also considerably quick Pokémon, and usually possess impressive physical capabilities. This advantage puts an exciting emphasis on attacks such as Brick Break, Low Sweep, and ThunderPunch. Extremely well-trained Magmar have been known to achieve an ability called Air Lens, which prevents Electric-type attacks from affecting Magmar. They also have limited psychic powers. Additionally, Magmar is one member of a small group of Pokémon still capable of evolution that are also able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact.
Magmar are known to be tireless, “savage and intelligent” Pokémon that are prone to unprovoked violence and wily treachery. Magmar is reported as being very swift and alacritous in high temperatures, and rather dopey and sluggish in colder environments, similarly to a cold-blooded animal. Because it hates cold places, this Pokémon typically resides in and around active volcano’s. Magmar also seems to be able heal its wounds by “dipping its wound into lava”. Hardly submissive, this restless Pokémon has even been known to alter unfavorably wintry surroundings using its Fire-type powers. In areas it finds to frigid, Magmar will spit scorching flames about to warm up the area and establish an environment with a more conflagrant ambience. In battle, if Magmar is clearly dominant, it “blows out intense flames from all over its body” as to intimidate its foes. However, an outmatched Magmar will quickly retreat, using its fiery camouflage and its “wavering, rippling glare” to blend into any present fires.
Magmar prefer environments that are very hot, such as volcanoes. Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh are the best places that offer such habitats to these Pokémon.
Magmar, the Spitfire Pokémon. Its body is like a furnace, making Magmar a living inferno. It has been discovered only near active volcanoes.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Two Magmar were seen briefly burning up the Pewter Museum in Make Way for Magmar!, where Red battled them using his Sandshrew. Though they were stalled, Giovanni finished them off with his Cloyster.
In battle, Magmar blows out intensely hot flames from all over its body to intimidate its opponent. This Pokémon's fiery bursts create heat waves that ignite grass and trees in its surroundings.
In battle, it blows out intense flames from all over its body to intimidate its foe. These fiery bursts create heat waves that ignite grass and trees in the area.
It is also one of five Pokémon that didn't have any evolutionary relatives in the generation they were introduced in, but now are part of a three-stage evolutionary line. The other four are the previously mentioned three and Porygon (while all four of the other Pokémon got both an evolution and a pre-evolution, Porygon got two evolutions).
Magmar and Electabuzz seem to be counterparts; both evolve in a very similar way (first at level 30, then after being traded holding an "-izer" item), and both are typically exclusive to one version of a pair of games. They also learn all their moves at the same levels, such as Fire Punch and ThunderPunch at level 28. They even have the same special moves when purified from Pokémon XD: Follow Me and Cross Chop. Their pre-evolutions and evolutions were released in the same generation. Additionally, their Japanese names are essentially phonetic reversals of each other.
In all games within Generation IV, and by extension, Generation II, that Magmar can be caught in the wild, Magmar can be caught at levels lower than it evolves.
Magmar seems to be a combination of a booby or duck with a mythical salamander of fire. However, the tail and the spikes on its back resemble those of an iguana. It is also likely based on a Karura, considering that its counterpart Electabuzz is based on an oni.
Name origin
Magmar may be a corruption of the word magma (intrusive molten rock), but may also involve the word mar (to damage or spoil), referring to the incineration of its surroundings to suit its own needs.
Boober may be a combination of booby (a type of sea bird) and a corruption of burn.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.