New Plot, Odd Lot!
ハーリー&ロケット団!悪役同盟結成!? Harley and Team Rocket! Formation of a Villainous Alliance!?
First broadcast
April 27, 2006
United States
November 29, 2006
English themes
Japanese themes
Team Iguchi
冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
小山賢 Masaru Koyama
Assistant director
今野アキラ Akira Imano
Animation director
山本正文 Masafumi Yamamoto
No additional credits are available at this time.
- Screenshots on
- Early reports previously listed 大山和弘 Kazuhiro Ōyama as the storyboarder and 嵯峨敏 Satoru Saga as the director.
New Plot, Odd Lot! (Japanese: ハーリー&ロケット団!悪役同盟結成!? Harley and Team Rocket! Formation of a Villainous Alliance!?) is the 174th episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 448th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on April 27, 2006 and in the United States on November 29, 2006.
Another beautiful day is upon the Kanto Region while our heroes are inside of a Pokémon Center with May preparing herself for the upcoming Mulberry City Contest. A cart rolls across their path as her Pokémon stand diligently beside her. May stops Nurse Joy as she makes her way down the hallway. Joy questions May if she will be participating in the Contest and reminds her that this next Ribbon will be the last Contest and her last chance to obtain her fifth Ribbon for the Kanto Grand Festival.
May, depressed, begins devouring her drink as Harley appears behind her and whispers into her ear, frightening her. May's victory at this Contest is a must since this would complete the requirement of five Ribbons to enter the Kanto Grand Festival. Since this is the last Contest, she must achieve victory or be unable to enter the Kanto Grand Festival. Harley manages to drop his Ribbon case while May steps forward and picks it up. She opens it up to reveal that Harley has already obtained five Ribbons and is eligible to enter the Grand Festival. The Flames of Courage begin to grow within May as she marches off into the distance bringing Ash along to train.
Outside in a nearby field, Combusken ignites the area with a ferocious Fire Spin attack as Pikachu manages to evade and retaliates with a Thunderbolt. Combusken evades the attack as both combatants return to a battling stance.
Jessie makes her first appearance in Contest attire as she selects Meowth for her first Contest round. Jessie goes into a dream state as she imagines Meowth in a kimono performing a small dance as the crowd goes wild. The dream is broken as Meowth goes into a defensive state, refusing to enter the Contest with Jessie. As Jessie argues with Meowth, Harley appears in the distance and walks over and takes Jessie's hand. Harley shows his five Ribbons to Team Rocket and pledges his support to help Jessie to defeat May in the final Contest. Harley explains to Jessie that when he was young, he and a group of children sat down to enjoy a meal. After Harley almost finishes his last piece of food, a girl resembling May grabs a piece of food resembling an Octillery. As May walks off into the distance displaying her pleasure, Harley begins to break down into tears. As he continues mourning, he finally recovers and pledges his revenge to defeat May. Jessie is overwhelmed by Harley's story and agrees to assist Harley.
Harley then calls upon his Banette and Cacturne to assist Jessie in claiming the final Ribbon required by May. Cacturne takes a liking to Jessie and clamps onto her body, showing its approval. Lilian begins the Contest preparations by introducing the judges as usual, and displaying the final Ribbon up for claim. As Lilian begins the Contest, Drew steps inside the stadium to view the Contestants' progress. The first round of Contestants include Swablu, Clamperl, Koffing, and many more. Jessie finally makes her appearance with Cacturne. Jessie rotates a carrot into the air as Cacturne extends its needles and dices the vegetable to exact precision as the pieces fall to the ground forming a small structure. The crowd explodes with Jessie and Cacturne's display of skill. Cacturne follows up by releasing an array of small cylindrical objects and ignites the objects with a Bullet Seed attack creating a magnificent shower of sparkle and shine. All three judges show their approval as Harley claps for Jessie cheering her on.
May makes her Contest appearance as she begins to rotate to unleash her Poké Ball, but manages to slip and fall to the ground. Above the stadium, Meowth and James are controlling Ariados using its sticky fluid to cause May and her Pokémon to lose their balance and fall to the ground. As Combusken is unleashed from its Poké Ball, Ariados manages to catch Combusken causing it to lose its balance and crash to the ground. May runs towards Combusken but is tripped once again. As Ariados's web grasps onto Combusken once more, it becomes temporarily visible as Pikachu attempts to show the fault out to Ash. Pikachu and Ash begin heading towards the ceiling as May continues her routine. May rotates a circular object into the air as Combusken blasts into the air to strike but manages to miss its target. Ash and Pikachu reach James and Meowth as Pikachu blasts forward with Quick Attack. Ariados manages to stop Pikachu by attaching it to a handrail with its fluid. Combusken begins rotating at a high speed spewing a Fire Spin attack as the fire begins engulfing Ariados's web and begins climbing towards the ceiling. As James and Meowth continue bickering, the flames finally reach the stadium ceiling and engulf Ariados while James and Meowth move to attempt to put the fire out. The flames spark and dissolve the web around Pikachu's body. Meowth extends his claws and dashes forward while Pikachu counterattacks with a devastating Iron Tail blasting James, Meowth, and Ariados through the stadium ceiling. Combusken explodes into the air as May throws the Frisbee into the air and Combusken returns it back to her with a brilliant Sky Uppercut. Combusken lands elegantly to the ground as the three judges give approval of her first round. After the Contest, May doubts that she will advance to the next round as Ash arrives to announce to her that Team Rocket was trying to eliminate her in the first round. The television screen lights up and Lilian announces the second round participants. Both May and Jessie advance to the next round and May shouts in joy.
Meanwhile, Harley soothes his Ariados from its battle wounds and argues to James and Meowth's about their poor effort in managing to eliminate May from the Contest. With an extension of his arm, Harley returns his Ariados to its respective Poké Ball and stampedes out of the room. The Flames of Courage ignite in our heroes as a grueling competition awaits our heroine May. Will she be defeated by the elusive Jessie or come to defeat Jessie and claim her respective spot in the Kanto Grand Festival?
Major events
- For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.
Used by other coordinators
- Director 須藤典彦 Norihiko Sudō is added to the opening credits.
- Harley's Banette's Japanese voice actress in this episode was 西村ちなみ Chinami Nishimura, who is filling in for 大谷育江 Ikue Ohtani.
- A karaoke version of I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~ is used as background music.
- Jessie tells viewers "stay tuned" at the end of episode, instead of the Narrator.
- This is one of the rare instances when one of Team Rocket's members doesn't blast off. Only Meowth and James blast off.
- Also none of them recite their motto in any form.
- After the announcement of Coordinators who moved onto the second round, Ash's eyes are colored amber instead of brown.
Dub edits
In other languages