Appendix:Platinum walkthrough/Section 10

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Revision as of 15:59, 21 August 2012 by Micamike45 (talk | contribs) (Veilstone City: Fixed grammatical errors)

Veilstone City

Veilstone City

After traversing Route 215 and arriving in Veilstone City, it's time for you to explore the city. Veilstone City is the home of the Veilstone Department Store, Galactic Veilstone Building, the Veilstone Game Corner, and, of course, the Veilstone Gym.

In the house right above the Pokémon Center talk to the man there and he will give you a Porygon. Make sure to have a free slot in your party to be able to receive it.

class="roundytl" style="padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; background: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" rowspan="1" | Pokémon style="padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; background-color: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" rowspan="1" colspan="6" | Games style="padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; background-color: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" rowspan="1" | Location style="padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; background-color: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" rowspan="1" | Levels class="roundytr" style="padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; background-color: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" colspan="3" | Rate
style="background: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" colspan="15" | Gift Pokémon
Porygon Porygon
D P Pt
Gift Gift
25 One
class="roundybottom" style="background: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" colspan="14" | A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Game Corner

In the southern part of the city in the house with the glowing lights is the Game Corner. Here you can collect coins and then head to the house next to it which is where the Prize Exchange is. To find the Coin Case to store these coins head in the direction of the Gym right to where there are two nearby houses and head to the one that is further to the right. Then compete in the campaign clowns game of coin toss and once you get the right answer you will get the Coin Case. Also in the Prize Exchange building there is a man where if you talk to him and you have a Pokémon that knows Hidden Power at the front of your party, he'll let you know what type Hidden Power's damage will represent, unlike the previous Pokémon games where it was impossible to know this without testing.

Massage Lady

In the house next to the house where you find the Coin Case is the Massage Lady who will once per day massage your Pokémon and also find an Accessory for dressing up your Pokémon for Contests. The massage can also help raise the Pokémon's happiness factor.

Veilstone Department Store

B1F: Food & Produce

1F: Trainers' Zone

When you enter the Dept. Store, there is a lady to the left of the entrance who will give you a mask to be put in the Fashion Case. The mask will match the starter Pokémon of Rowan's assistant. The people at the reception counter sell items commonly found in Poké Marts.

2F: Battle Collection

On this floor, a man behind the counter will give you the Counter Pokétch app. Battle items and vitamins are sold here as well.

3F: TM Corner

TMs are sold here.

4F: Poké Dolls & Goods

Secret Base decorations are sold here.

5F: Rooftop Plaza

A man will give you a Sticky Barb here. Inexpensive healing items can be bought on this floor, too.

Veilstone Gym

Veilstone Gym

After exploring Veilstone City, it's time for you to challenge the Gym for your fourth Badge. Before you enter the gym you'll encounter Professor Rowan's research assistant Lucas/Dawn. The Veilstone Gym Leader specializes in the Fighting-type. The Gym is a maze consisted of many punching bags that must be pushed by you to smash barriers made up of tires and open up new paths. Your key goal in this mission is to aim for the punching bag in the upper left area of the gym to be able to destroy the barrier that will get you to Marlene but first you have to destroy three barriers positioned in a row to reach it.

First follow the path on the right moving punching bags and carefully head to the farthest area of the eastern area that you can reach to move the punching bag to first remove the barrier that separates the next area and then again to destroy the top most barrier from the set of three you need to remove to reach Maylene. Then head into the new area which is the west side of the gym and head to the northwest corner of the gym and move the punching bag to remove the lower barrier. Then head to the lower part of this area and move the punching bag near some cracks to remove another barrier around the southwest area of the gym by positioning it to strike from above in the following directions (↑←↓) and lastly carefully use the punching bag there to destroy the middle barrier. Now you can use the path where those three barriers were to reach the punching bag to remove the barrier covering the area where Marlene is and be able to reach her.

Veilstone Gym
The CobbleBadge

Maylene is not too terribly tough, but her Lucario may be a bit of a problem. She'll lead with her Meditite which can use Fake Out to force you to flinch and do some damage. It can use Rock Tomb to counter Flying-type and is resistant to Confusion due to being a Psychic-type. A quick flying type like Staravia using Wing Attack or Aerial Ace will take it out easily. Her Machoke is more offensive but should not be too difficult to beat though it can also counter Flying types with Rock Tomb. Last up is Lucario, Maylene's star Pokémon. It has a variety of attacks, but nothing too rough. It can counter Fire-types with Bone Rush so it's recommended either Fighting or Ground-type Pokémon take Lucario out as its Steel-type characteristics make them resistant to Psychic or Flying-type moves and will only take normal damage from them. Be careful of the signature move of her gym which her Pokémon have, Drain Punch, which can use a portion of the damage inflicted on your Pokémon to heal themselves, so make sure to take them out quick. Also, Maylene will use Hyper Potions when her Pokémon get weak, so be wary when getting them in the red zone HP-wise.

Team Galactic Tag Battle

After you defeat Maylene and earn the Cobble Badge, Professor Rowan's assistant Lucas/Dawn comes up to you and tells you that their Pokédex has been stolen. Upon hearing this, you and the assistant run to the Galactic Warehouse to find none other than two Team Galactic Grunts. The two challenge you and the assistant to a tag battle.

387 If the player chose Turtwig
390 If the player chose Chimchar
393 If the player chose Piplup

Upon defeat, the grunts give back the Pokédex and flee. Looker then shows up having heard of the robbery and is glad you were able to handle the situation. After your partner leaves, Looker then guides you into the warehouse. Inside he finds that the door is locked and states there is nothing they can do now. He does find HM02 (Fly) and you can pick it up. Before leaving, Looker mentions a rumor of Team Galactic moving something important to Pastoria City. Now that you've completed that task, it's time to head to Route 214.

Route 214

Route 214

Aside from the Trainers, this is a pretty straightforward route. The Maniac Tunnel is also located here. One important thing to do here is that when you are around the southern tall grass where Collector Jamal is to find the Razor Fang which is a hidden item and is located in the lower right corner where there is no tall grass. This is the only change of being able to obtain a Razor Fang for evolving Gligar into Gliscor since you won't be able to get another one until after defeating the Elite Four. Just remember this evolution only works at night.

Maniac Tunnel

File:Maniac Tunnel.png
Maniac Tunnel

By collecting the Unown at the Solaceon Ruins you can expand the tunnel and also affect the Pokémon Catch rate here in the Maniac Tunnel. Also by collecting all of the 26 regular Unown the tunnel will be complete and you'll by able to collect the ! and ? Unown in the second floor of the Solaceon Ruins. See this section for the info on the Solaceon Ruins.

Valor Lakefront

Valor Lakefront

Still on the way to Pastoria City, you arrive at Valor Lakefront. You can't access Lake Valor just yet... so why not go to the Seven Stars Restaurant? There, you will partake in Double Battles. If you find your Pokémon are getting weak, go over to the hotel and heal your Pokémon. You will also find a lady who lost her suite key and asks you for your help. Go near the entrance to the hotel and use your Pokétch's Dowsing Machine to find it and return it continue on your way. Some of the items will require the use of the HM move Rock Climb which you can use after defeating the seventh Gym leader in Snowpoint City.

Route 213

File:Route 213.jpg
Route 213

This is the final stretch to Pastoria City. Only a few Trainers and Pokémon stand in your way! Much like Valor Lakefront you will have to come back later with Rock Climb to recover a few items.

After completing the three areas south of Veilstone, you've finally reached your next destination and the location of your fifth badge... Pastoria City.

← Part 9 Solaceon Town to Veilstone City
Pastoria City, Great Marsh, Pastoria Gym, Route 212, Pokémon Mansion, Route 210 (North Side) Part 11 →
This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.