Appendix:Pokémon Ranger 2 walkthrough/Section 4

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Mission 2: Investigate the Marine Cave


Mr. Woodward reports odd noises coming from Marine Cave. You and Crawford enter the cave and find a strange machine that is controlling the Pokémon.


Barlow assigns you a new mission- investigate the strange going-ons in Marine Cave at Nabiki Beach. Early on, you find a confused Zubat. Strangely, when you try to capture it, it doesn't join your party. Smash the wooden fence to proceed further into the cave. There, you'll find a machine that is making all of the Pokémon go crazy. Use Nosepass to smash the boulder that is trapping a Gastrodon. Then, use the Gastrodon to destroy the machine! Once you destroy the machine, Barlow gives you a rank-up!


Shellos: Field Move: (Soak) x1

   * Type: Water
   * Poké Assist: Water (10)
   * Friendship Gauge: 105
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Vientown
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Vientown
   * EXP: 14
   * Attacks: Water Gun- damage 1 (shoots water)
   * Shellos is fairly slow and its attacks are weak. Plus, it only has 1 attack. 

Glameow: Field Move: (Cut) x1

   * Type: Normal
   * Poké Assist: Normal (10)
   * Friendship Gauge: 112
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Vientown
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Vientown
   * EXP: 11
   * Attacks: Scratch- damage 3 (slashes fiercely with claws)
   * Glameow's Scratch is powerful for what is usually a weak Pokémon. Don't underestimate it. 

Geodude: Field Move: (Crush) x1

   * Type: Rock
   * Poké Assist: Rock (8)
   * Friendship Gauge: 126
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Marine Cave
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Marine Cave
   * EXP: 13
   * Attacks: Rock Throw- damage 1 (throws rocks that shatter on impact)
   * Geodude is slow and weak- an easy capture. 

Nosepass: Field Move: (Crush) x2

   * Type: Rock
   * Poké Assist: Rock (16)
   * Friendship Gauge: 252
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Marine Cave
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Marine Cave
   * EXP: 17
   * Attacks: Stone Throw- damage 2 (throws stones that shatter on impact)
   * Nosepass throws multiple rocks at once. Plus it has a farily high Friendship Gauge. 

Gastrodon: Field Move: (Soak) x1

   * Type: Water
   * Poké Assist: Water (20)
   * Friendship Gauge: 560
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Marine Cave
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Volcano Cave
   * EXP: 25
   * Attacks: Water Gun- damage 4 (shoots water), Mud Bomb- damage 4 (launches mud)
   * Gastrodon has powerful moves and a high Friendship Gauge. Plus, its Mud Bomb leaves behind a stick, and dangerous, mess. 

Graveler: Field Move: (Crush) x2

   * Type: Rock
   * Poké Assist: Rock (16)
   * Friendship Gauge: 700
   * Primarily Found (pre-ending): Marine Cave
   * Primarily Found (post-ending): Marine Cave
   * EXP: 30
   * Attacks: Rock Throw- damage 5 (throws rocks that shatter on impact), Stone Throw- damage 5 (throws stones that shatter on 
   * Graveler is a very strong Pokémon. It alternates between throwing stones and rocks. 

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Pokémon Ranger 2
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