List of animated series characters

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

The following is a list of characters which appeared in the Pokémon anime by order of appearance.

Pokémon are listed in the evolutionary stage they were in when they debuted.

Main characters

Name Debut episode Voice actor
Japanese 4Kids TPCi
Ash Ketchum EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Rica Matsumoto Veronica Taylor Sarah Natochenny
Ash's Pikachu EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Ikue Ohtani Ikue Ohtani
Rachael Lillis (certain Indigo League episodes)
Ikue Ohtani
Misty EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Mayumi Iizuka Rachael Lillis Michele Knotz
Jessie EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Megumi Hayashibara
Akiko Hiramatsu (AG085-AG092)
Rachael Lillis Michele Knotz
James EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Shin'ichirō Miki Ted Lewis (EP002-EP009)
Eric Stuart (EP010-AG145)
Jimmy Zoppi
Meowth EP002: Pokémon - Emergency! Inuko Inuyama Nathan Price (EP002-EP031 except EP018)
Maddie Blaustein (EP018, EP032-AG145)
Jimmy Zoppi
Brock EP005: Showdown at Pewter City Yūji Ueda Eric Stuart Bill Rogers
Tracey EP084: The Lost Lapras Tomokazu Seki Ted Lewis Craig Blair
May AG001: Get the Show on the Road! KAORI Veronica Taylor Michele Knotz
Max AG003: There's No Place Like Hoenn Fushigi Yamada Amy Birnbaum Kayzie Rogers
Dawn DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Megumi Toyoguchi Did not appear Emily Jenness
Iris BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Aoi Yūki Did not appear Eileen Stevens
Cilan BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Mamoru Miyano Did not appear Jason Griffith

Original series

Pokémon: Indigo League

Name Debut episode Character type
Ash Ketchum EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Main character
Delia Ketchum EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Recurring character
Gary Oak EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Rival, recurring character
Gary's cheerleaders EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Recurring characters
Ash's Pikachu EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Pokémon, main character
Professor Oak EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Misty EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Gym Leader, main character
Ho-Oh EP001: Pokémon - I Choose You! Pokémon, recurring character
Officer Jenny EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Recurring character
Jessie EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Main character
James EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Main character
Meowth EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Main character
Nurse Joy EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Recurring character
Nurse Joy's Chansey EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Pokémon, recurring character
Jessie's Ekans EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Pokémon, main character
James's Koffing EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Pokémon, main character
Misty's Goldeen EP002: Pokémon Emergency! Pokémon, main character
Ash's Caterpie EP003: Ash Catches a Pokémon Pokémon, main character
Ash's Pigeotto EP003: Ash Catches a Pokémon Pokémon, main character
Samurai EP004: Challenge of the Samurai One-time character
Flint EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Recurring character
Brock EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Gym Leader, main character
Brock's Onix EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Pokémon, main character
Forrest EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Recurring character
Brock's siblings EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Recurring characters
Brock's Geodude EP005: Showdown in Pewter City Pokémon, main character
Seymour EP006: Clefairy and the Moon Stone One-time character
Brock's Zubat EP006: Clefairy and the Moon Stone Pokémon, main character
Misty's Staryu EP006: Clefairy and the Moon Stone Pokémon, main character
Daisy EP007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Recurring character
Violet EP007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Recurring character
Lily EP007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Recurring character
Seel EP007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Pokémon, recurring character
Misty's Starmie EP007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Pokémon, main character
A.J. EP008: The Path to the Pokémon League One-time character
Joe EP009: The School of Hard Knocks One-time character
Giselle EP009: The School of Hard Knocks One-time character
Ash's Bulbasaur EP010: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village Pokémon, main character
Melanie EP010: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village One-time character
Ash's Charmander EP011: Charmander - The Stray Pokémon Pokémon, main character
Damian EP011: Charmander - The Stray Pokémon One-time character
Ash's Squirtle EP012: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad Pokémon, main character
Squirtle Squad EP012: Here Comes the Squirtle Pokémon, recurring characters
Ash's Krabby EP013: Mystery at the Lighthouse Pokémon, main character
Bill EP013: Mystery at the Lighthouse One-time character
Lt. Surge EP014: Electric Shock Showdown Gym Leader, one-time character
Giovanni EP015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne Recurring character
Giovanni's Persian EP015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne Pokémon, recurring character
Ash's Raticate EP015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne Pokémon, one-time character
Magikarp salesman EP015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne Recurring character
James's Magikarp EP015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne Pokémon, recurring character
Brutella EP018: Beauty and the Beach One-time character
Moe EP018: Beauty and the Beach One-time character
Misty's Horsea EP019: Tentacool & Tentacruel Pokémon, main character
Nastina EP019: Tentacool & Tentacruel One-time character
Ghost of Maiden's Peak EP020: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak One-time character
Pink Butterfree EP021: Bye Bye Butterfree Pokémon, one-time character
Sabrina EP022: Abra and the Psychic Showdown Gym Leader, recurring character
Sabrina's father EP022: Abra and the Psychic Showdown Recurring character
Haunter EP023: Tower of Terror Pokémon, recurring character
Ash's Primeape EP025: Primeape Goes Bananas Pokémon, main character
Erika EP026: Pokémon Scent-sation! Gym Leader, one-time character
Misty's Psyduck EP027: Hypno's Naptime Pokémon, main character
Arnold EP027: Hypno's Naptime One-time character
Arnold's mother EP027: Hypno's Naptime One-time character
Suzy EP028: Pokémon Fashion Flash Recurring character
Brock's Vulpix EP028: Pokémon Fashion Flash Pokémon, main character
Anthony EP029: The Punchy Pokémon One-time character
Rebecca EP029: The Punchy Pokémon One-time character
Ash's Muk EP030: Sparks Fly For Magnemite Pokémon, main character
Construction director EP031: Dig Those Diglett One-time characters
Aya EP032: The Ninja Poké-Showdown Recurring character
Koga EP032: The Ninja Poké-Showdown Gym Leader, one-time character
Koga's Golbat EP032: The Ninja Poké-Showdown Pokémon, one-time character
Lara Laramie EP033: The Flame Pokémon-athon! One-time character
Dario EP033: The Flame Pokémon-athon! One-time character
Tommy EP034: The Kangaskhan Kid One-time character
Kaiser EP035 One-time character
Ash's Tauros EP035 Pokémon, main character
Chopper EP036: The Bridge Bike Gang One-time character
Tyra EP036: The Bridge Bike Gang One-time character
Duplica EP037: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion Recurring character
Dr. Akihabara EP038 One-time character
Mikey EP040: The Battling Eevee Brothers One-time character
Sparky EP040: The Battling Eevee Brothers One-time character
Pyro EP040: The Battling Eevee Brothers One-time character
Rainer EP040: The Battling Eevee Brothers One-time character
Hippie EP041: Wake Up Snorlax! One-time character
Melvin EP043: The March of the Exeggutor Squad One-time character
Cassandra EP044: The Problem With Paras One-time character
Cassandra's grandmother EP044: The Problem With Paras One-time character
Jigglypuff EP045: Song of Jigglypuff Pokémon, recurring character
Dr. Proctor EP047: A Chansey Operation One-time character
Jessibelle EP048: Holy Matrimony! Recurring character
James's parents EP048: Holy Matrimony! Recurring characters
Growlie EP048: Holy Matrimony! Pokémon, recurring character
Keith EP049: So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd One-time character
Misty's Togepi EP050: Who Gets to Keep Togepi? Pokémon, main character
Fiorello Cappucino EP052: Princess vs. Princess One-time character
Jessie's Lickitung EP052: Princess vs. Princess Pokémon, main character
Timmy EP053: The Purr-fect Hero One-time character
Reiko EP053: The Purr-fect Hero One-time character
Officer Jenny's Growlithe EP054: The Case of the K-9 Caper! Pokémon, recurring character
Todd Snap EP055: The Pokémon Paparazzi Recurring character
Butch EP057: The Breeding Center Secret Recurring character
Cassidy EP057: The Breeding Center Secret Recurring character
James's Victreebel EP057: The Breeding Center Secret Pokémon, main character
Blaine EP058: Riddle Me This Gym Leader, recurring character
Blaine's Magmar EP058: Riddle Me This Pokémon, recurring character
Oswald EP062: Clefairy Tales One-time character
Mewtwo EP063: Battle of the Badge Pokémon, recurring character
Gary's Arcanine EP063: Battle of the Badge Pokémon, recurring character
Mimey EP064: It's Mr. Mime Time Pokémon, recurring character
Stella EP064: It's Mr. Mime Time One-time character
Jessie's Shellder EP066: The Evolution Solution Pokémon, one-time character
Professor Westwood V EP066: The Evolution Solution One-time character
Victor EP067: The Pi-Kahuna One-time character
Puka EP067: The Pi-Kahuna Pokémon, one-time character
Potter EP068: Make Room For Gloom One-time character
Florinda Showers EP068: Make Room For Gloom One-time character
Cleavon Schpielbunk EP069: Lights, Camera, Quack-tion Recurring character
Katrina EP069: Lights, Camera, Quack-tion One-time character
Meowzie EP070: Go West Young Meowth Pokémon, one-time character
Bruno EP071: To Master The Onixpected! Elite Four member, one-time character
Bruno's Onix EP071: To Master The Onixpected! Pokémon, one-time character
Eve EP072: The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis One-time character
Otoshi EP073: Bad to the Bone One-time character
Charles Goodshow EP074: All Fired Up! Recurring character
Mandi EP075: Round One - Begin! One-time character
Pete Pebbleman EP076: Fire and Ice One-time character
Melissa EP077: The Fourth Round Rumble One-time character
Jeanette Fisher EP077: The Fourth Round Rumble One-time character
Ritchie EP078: A Friend In Deed Rival, recurring character
Zippo EP078: A Friend In Deed Pokémon, recurring character
Sparky EP078: A Friend In Deed Pokémon, recurring character
Assunta EP080: Friends to the End One-time character

Pokémon: The Adventures in the Orange Islands

Name Debut episode Character type
Professor Ivy EP083: Poké Ball Peril Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Hope, Faith and Charity EP083: Poké Ball Peril One-time characters
Ash's Lapras EP084: The Lost Lapras Pokémon, main character
Three punks EP084: The Lost Lapras One-time characters
Tracey Sketchit EP084: The Lost Lapras Main character
Tracey's Venonat EP084: The Lost Lapras Pokémon, main character
Senta EP085: Fit to be Tide One-time character
Cissy EP085: Fit to be Tide Gym Leader, one-time character
Marissa EP087: The Crystal Onix One-time character
Mateo EP087: The Crystal Onix One-time character
Tracey's Marill EP087: The Crystal Onix Pokémon, main character
Crystal Onix EP087: The Crystal Onix Pokémon, one-time character
Reporter EP089: Shell Shock! One-time character
Umberto EP089: Shell Shock! One-time character
Kay EP090: Stage Fight! One-time character
Roger EP090: Stage Fight! One-time character
Anne EP090: Stage Fight! One-time character
Len EP090: Stage Fight! One-time character
Marina EP091: Bye Bye Psyduck One-time character
Danny EP093: Navel Maneuvers Gym Leader, one-time character
Ruby EP094: Snack Attack One-time character
Ash's Snorlax EP094: Snack Attack Pokémon, main character
Captain EP095: A Ship Full of Shivers One-time character
Mikeosu EP096: Meowth Rules! One-time character
Shimajio EP096: Meowth Rules! One-time character
Tracey's Scyther EP097: Tracey Gets Bugged Pokémon, main character
Prima EP099: The Mandarin Island Miss Match Elite Four Member, one-time character
Emily EP100: Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon One-time character
Ralph EP100: Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon One-time character
Ethan EP101: Get Along, Little Pokémon One-time character
Mayor of Trovitopolis EP102: The Mystery Menace One-time character
Mahri EP103: Misty Meets Her Match One-time character
Rudy EP103: Misty Meets Her Match Gym Leader, one-time character
Tad EP105: Charizard Chills One-time character
Captain Aidan EP106: The Pokémon Water War Recurring character
Gulzar EP107: Pokémon Food Fight! One-time character
Luana EP108: Pokémon Double Trouble Gym Leader, one-time character
Sheldon EP108: Pokémon Double Trouble One-time character
Quincy T. Quackenpoker EP109: The Wacky Watcher! One-time character
Misty's Poliwag EP110: The Stun Spore Detour Pokémon, main character
Drake EP111: Hello, Pummelo! Head Leader, recurring character
Drake's Dragonite EP111: Hello, Pummelo! Pokémon, recurring character
Captain Crook EP113: Viva Las Lapras One-time character
Scuz EP113: Viva Las Lapras One-time character
Poncho EP114: The Underground Round-Up One-time character
Gary's Eevee EP116: The Rivalry Revival Pokémon, recurring character

Pokémon: The Johto Journeys

Name Debut episode Character type
Professor Elm EP117: Don't Touch That 'dile Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Casey EP118: The Double Trouble Header Recurring character
Casey's Chikorita EP118: The Double Trouble Header Pokémon, recurring character
Woodruff EP119: A Sappy Ending One-time character
Ash's Heracross EP119: A Sappy Ending Pokémon, main character
Rochelle EP120: Roll On, Pokémon! One-time character
Hagatha EP121: Illusion Confusion! One-time character
Nagatha EP121: Illusion Confusion! One-time character
Bailey EP122: Flower Power One-time character
The Black Arachnid EP123: Spinarak Attack One-time character
Snubbull EP124: Snubbull Snobbery Pokémon, recurring character
Madame Muchmoney EP124: Snubbull Snobbery Recurring character
Jeeves EP124: Snubbull Snobbery Recurring character
Ash's Chikorita EP126: The Chikorita Rescue Pokémon, main character
Arielle EP128: The Whistle Stop One-time character
Nurse Joy's Blissey EP129: Ignorance is Blissey Pokémon, one-time character
Zackie EP130: A Bout With Sprout One-time character
Miss Priscilla EP130: A Bout With Sprout One-time character
Earl Dervish EP130: A Bout With Sprout One-time character
Falkner EP131: Fighting Flyer With Fire Gym Leader, one-time character
Wilhelmina EP132: For Crying Out Loud One-time character
Liza EP134: Charizard's Burning Ambitions Recurring character
Charla EP134: Charizard's Burning Ambitions Pokémon, recurring character
Sonrisa EP135: Grin To Win! One-time character
Cyrus EP135: Grin To Win! One-time character
Mariah EP137: Foul Weather Friends One-time character
Gligarman EP138: The Superhero Secret One-time character
Latoya Parker EP138: The Superhero Secret One-time character
Mary EP139: Mild 'n Wooly One-time character
Ellen EP139: Mild 'n Wooly One-time character
Shingo EP140: Wired For Battle! One-time character
Muramasa EP140: Wired For Battle! One-time character
Ash's Cyndaquil EP141: Good 'Quil Hunting Pokémon, main character
Koji EP141: Good 'Quil Hunting One-time character
Maisy EP142: A Shadow of a Drought Recurring character
Kurt EP142: A Shadow of a Drought Recurring character
Brock's Pineco EP143: Going Apricorn! Pokémon, main character
Bugsy EP144: Gettin' The Bugs Out Gym Leader, one-time character
Sylvester EP145: A Farfetch'd Tale One-time character
Yosaku EP145: A Farfetch'd Tale One-time character
Benny EP146: Tricks of the Trade One-time character
Jessie's Wobbuffet EP146: Tricks of the Trade Pokémon, main character
Olesia EP148: No Big Woop! One-time character
Ash's Totodile EP151: The Totodile Duel Pokémon, main character
Miki EP152: Hot Matches! One-time character
Trixie EP153: Love, Totodile Style One-time character
Ash's Noctowl EP154: Fowl Play! Pokémon, main character
Dr. Wiseman EP154: Fowl Play! One-time character
Cherry EP156: The Psychic Sidekicks! One-time character
Mrs. Bellows EP156: The Psychic Sidekicks! One-time character

Pokémon: Johto League Champions

Name Debut episode Character type
Whitney EP158: A Goldenrod Opportunity Gym Leader, recurring character
Whitney's Miltank EP158: A Goldenrod Opportunity Pokémon, recurring character
Uncle Milton EP159: A Dairy Tale Ending One-time character
DJ Mary EP160: Air Time! Recurring character
Casey's Beedrill EP161: The Bug Stops Here Pokémon, recurring character
Pierre EP162: Type Casting One-time character
Marie EP162: Type Casting One-time character
Foster EP163: Fossil Fools One-time character
Malachi EP164: Carrying On! One-time character
Denjirō EP164: Carrying On! One-time character
Dr. Anna EP165: Hassle in the Castle One-time character
Keiko EP165: Hassle in the Castle One-time character
Kenzo EP166: Two Hits and a Miss One-time character
Shiro EP166: Two Hits and a Miss One-time character
Chigusa EP166: Two Hits and a Miss One-time character
Andreas EP168: Hook, Line, and Stinker One-time character
Zane EP169: Beauty and the Breeder One-time character
Old Man Shuckle EP170: A Better Pill to Swallow One-time character
Alex Davis EP171: Power Play! One-time character
Benji EP172: Mountain Time One-time character
Benji's father EP172: Mountain Time One-time character
Lulu EP173: Wobbu-Palooza! One-time character
Annie EP173: Wobbu-Palooza! One-time character
Nario EP173: Wobbu-Palooza! One-time character
Wobbuffet Festival crashers EP173: Wobbu-Palooza! One-time characters
Tōkichi EP176: Ariados, Amigos One-time character
Zachary Evans EP177: Wings 'N' Things One-time character
Mr. Evans EP177: Wings 'N' Things One-time character
Ephraim EP178: The Grass Route One-time character
Ephraim's parents EP178: The Grass Route One-time character
Charmaine EP179: The Apple Corp! One-time character
Morty EP181: Ghost of a Chance Gym Leader, recurring character
Sakura EP183: Trouble's Brewing Recurring character
Sakura's Eevee EP183: Trouble's Brewing Pokémon, recurring character
Satsuki EP183: Trouble's Brewing Recurring character
Sumomo EP183: Trouble's Brewing Recurring character
Tamao EP183: Trouble's Brewing Recurring character
Koume EP183: Trouble's Brewing Recurring character
Gan Gogh EP185: The Light Fantastic One-time character
Sophia EP187: Moving Pictures One-time character
Marcello EP187: Moving Pictures One-time character
Peggy EP188: Spring Fever One-time character
Rory EP188: Spring Fever One-time character
Ramona EP190: The Stolen Stones! One-time character
Keegan EP190: The Stolen Stones! One-time character
Bucky EP191: The Dunsparce Deception One-time character
Timothy EP191: The Dunsparce Deception One-time character
Goneff EP192: The Wayward Wobbuffet One-time character
Raiden EP194: Ring Masters One-time character
Shonosuke EP194: Ring Masters One-time character
Simon EP195: The Poké Spokesman One-time character
Tierra EP196: Conrol Freak! One-time character
Jack Pollockson EP197: The Art of Pokémon One-time character
Temacu EP198: The Heart Break of Brock One-time character
Haruno EP200: Turing Over a New Bayleef One-time character
Mackenzie EP201: Doin' What Comes Natu-rally One-time character
Mackenzie's father EP201: Doin' What Comes Natu-rally One-time character
Skyler EP202: The Big Balloon Blow-Up One-time character
Tenma EP202: The Big Balloon Blow-Up One-time character
Brad Van Darn EP203: The Screen Actor's Guilt One-time character
Pietra EP204: Ride on, Rhydon! One-time character
Madison and Alexa EP205: The Kecleon Caper One-time character
Janina EP208: Fight For The Light! Recurring character
Jasmine EP208: Fight For The Light! Gym Leader, recurring character
Myron EP208: Fight For The Light! One-time character
Chuck EP209: Machoke, Machoke Man! Gym Leader, one-time character
Chuck's wife EP209: Machoke, Machoke Man! One-time character

Pokémon: Master Quest

Name Debut episode Character type
Captain Marius EP210: Around the Whirlpool! One-time character
Orville EP211: Fly Me to the Moon Pokémon ,one-time character
Wilbur EP211: Fly Me to the Moon One-time character
Dayton EP212: Takin' It on the Chinchou One-time character
Mika EP213: The Corsola Caper! One-time character
Andrea EP213: The Corsola Caper! One-time character
Misty's Corsola EP213: The Corsola Caper! Pokémon, main character
Luka EP214: Mantine Overboard! Recurring character
Marcellus EP215: Octillery the Outcast One-time character
Maya EP216: Dueling Heroes Recurring character
Harrison EP216: Dueling Heroes One-time character
Christopher EP216: Dueling Heroes One-time character
Trinity EP217: The Perfect Match! One-time character
Rita and Sue EP218: Plan it Now... Diglett Later One-time character
Band of Diglett thieves EP218: Plan it Now... Diglett Later One-time characters
Ariene EP219: Hi Ho Silver, Away! One-time character
Jenaro EP219: Hi Ho Silver, Away! One-time character
Silver EP220: The Mystery is History Pokémon, recurring character
Dr. Namba EP220: The Mystery is History Recurring character
Oliver EP220: The Mystery is History Recurring character
Wings Alexander EP223: Throwing in the Noctowl One-time character
Carter EP225: Bulbasaur... the Ambassador! One-time character
Eusine EP227: For Ho-oh the Bells Toll! Recurring character
Mr. Shellby EP228: Extreme Pokémon! One-time character
Ash's Phanpy EP230: Hatching a Plan Pokémon, main character
TRDelibird ([[{{{2}}} (move)|{{{2}}}]]) EP231: Dues and Dont's Pokémon, recurring character
Wendy EP231: Dues and Dont's One-time character
Rocket Scout EP231: Dues and Dont's One-time character
Lokoko EP232: Just Waiting on a Friend One-time character
Kiyo EP233: A Tyrogue Full of Trouble One-time character
Calista EP234: Xatu the Future One-time character
TRTyson ([[{{{2}}} (move)|{{{2}}}]]) EP235: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution Recurring character
Lance EP235: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution Elite Four Member, recurring character
Lance's Dragonite EP235: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution Elite Four Member, Pokémon, recurring character
Red Gyarados EP235: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution Pokémon, recurring character
Professor Sebastian EP235: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution Recurring character
Pryce EP236: Rage of Innocence Gym Leader, recurring character
Pryce's Piloswine EP236: Rage of Innocence Pokémon, recurring character
Sheila EP237: Cold as Pryce Recurring character
Steven EP239: Whichever Way the Wind Blows One-time character
Egan EP240: Some Like it Hot One-time character
Lily EP241: Hocus Pokémon One-time character
Krystal EP242: As Clear as Crystal One-time character
Brittany EP243: Same Old Song and Dance One-time character
Madeleine EP244: Enlighten Up! One-time character
Ken EP246: Wish Upon a Starshape Recurring character
Mary EP246: Wish Upon a Starshape Recurring character
Delaney EP247: Outrageous Fortunes One-time character
Mason EP247: Outrageous Fortunes One-time character
Tammy EP249: I Politoed Ya So! One-time character
Kaburagi EP251: Beauty is Skin Deep Recurring character
Clair EP251: Beauty is Skin Deep Gym Leader, recurring character
Clair's Dratini EP251: Beauty is Skin Deep Pokémon, recurring character
Dorian EP256: Just Add Water One-time character
Naomi EP257: Lapras of Luxury One-time character
Ash's Larvitar EP258: Hatch Me if You Can Pokémon, main character
Nelson EP259: Entei At Your Own Risk One-time character
Professor Telesu EP260: A Crowing Achievement One-time character
Alice Telesu EP260: A Crowing Achievement One-time character
Satchel EP262: You're a Star, Lavitar! One-time character
Ranger Mason EP264: Mother of All Battles One-time character
Braggo, Blurt and Chico EP264: Mother of All Battles One-time characters
Harrison EP265: Pop Goes the Sneasel Rival, recurring character
Harrison's Houndoom EP265: Pop Goes the Sneasel Pokémon, recurring character
Harrison's Sneasel EP265: Pop Goes the Sneasel Pokémon, recurring character
Harrison's Blaziken EP265: Pop Goes the Sneasel Pokémon, recurring character
Macey EP267: Love, Pokémon Style Recurring character
Jon Dickson EP272: The Johto Photo Finish One-time character
Kim, Kai and Kail EP273: Gotta Catch Ya Later! Recurring characters
Captain EP274: Hoenn Alone! One-time character

Advanced Generation

Pokémon: Advanced

Name Debut episode Character type
May AG001: Get the Show on the Road! Main character
Professor Birch AG001: Get the Show on the Road! Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Joshua AG001: Get the Show on the Road! Recurring character
May's Torchic AG001: Get the Show on the Road! Pokémon, main character
Professor Alden AG002: Ruin With a View One-time character
Team Magma Grunts AG002: Ruin With a View Recurring characters
Max AG003: There's No Place Like Hoenn Main character
Norman AG003: There's No Place Like Hoenn Gym Leader, recurring character
Caroline AG003: There's No Place Like Hoenn Recurring character
Ash's Taillow AG004: You Can Never Taillow Pokémon, main character
Nicholai AG005: In the Knicker of Time! Recurring character
James's Cacnea AG006: A Poached Ego Pokémon, main character
Rico AG006: A Poached Ego One-time character
Ash's Treecko AG007: Tree's a Crowd Pokémon, main character
Jessie's Seviper AG008: A Tail with a Twist Pokémon, main character
Alex AG009: Taming of the Shroomish One-time character
Anthony AG010: You Said a Mouthful! One-time character
Katrina AG011: A Bite to Remember One-time character
Natalie AG012: The Lotad Lowdown One-time character
Nicole AG012: The Lotad Lowdown One-time character
Rita AG012: The Lotad Lowdown One-time character
Brock's Lotad AG012: The Lotad Lowdown Pokémon, main character
Janet AG013: All Things Bright and Beautifly! One-time character
Chaz AG013: All Things Bright and Beautifly! One-time character
Mr. Sukizo AG013: All Things Bright and Beautifly! Recurring character
Forrest Franklin AG014: All in a Day's Wurmple One-time character
Forrester Franklin AG014: All in a Day's Wurmple One-time character
May's Wurmple AG014: All in a Day's Wurmple Pokémon, main character
Jessie's Wurmple AG014: All in a Day's Wurmple Pokémon, main character
Roxanne AG015: Gonna Rule the School! Gym Leader, recurring character
Anita AG015: Gonna Rule the School! One-time character
Tommy AG015: Gonna Rule the School! One-time character
Kenny AG015: Gonna Rule the School! One-time character
Mr. Stone AG017: Stairway to Devon! One-time character
Kennedy AG017: Stairway to Devon! One-time character
Mr. Briney AG018: On a Wingull and a Prayer Recurring character
Peeko AG018: On a Wingull and a Prayer Pokémon, recurring character
Team Aqua Grunts AG018: On a Wingull and a Prayer Recurring characters
Brawly AG020: Brave the Wave Gym Leader, recurring character
Brawly's Makuhita AG020: Brave the Wave Pokémon, recurring character
Steven Stone AG022: A Hole Lotta Trouble Elite Four member,One-time character
Ash's Corphish AG023: Gone Corphishin' Pokémon, main character
Brock's Mudkip AG025: A Mudkip Mission Pokémon, main character
Old Man Swamp AG025: A Mudkip Mission One-time character
Keanu AG027: The Three Team Scheme One-time character
Tabitha AG027: A Three Team Scheme Recurring character
Shelly AG027: A Three Team Scheme Recurring character
Shauna AG030: A Meditite Fight Recurring character
Tommy AG032: Abandon Ship! One-time character
Drew AG033: Now That's Flower Power Rival, recurring character
Drew's Roselia AG033: Now That's Flower Power Pokémon, recurring character
Mr. Big AG033: Now That's Flower Power One-time character
Stephanie AG034: Having a Wailord of a Time One-time character
Stephanie's father AG034: Having a Wailord of a Time One-time character
Raoul Contesta AG035: Win, Lose or Drew Recurring character
Vivian Meridian AG035: Win, Lose or Drew Recurring character
Robert AG035: Win, Lose or Drew Recurring character
Marius AG036: The Spheal of Approval One-time character
Captain Stern AG036: The Spheal of Approval One-time character
Thatcher AG038: A Different Kind of Misty Recurring character
Alyssa AG038: A Different Kind of Misty One-time character
Trick Master AG039: A Poké-BLOCK Party One-time character
Alanna AG039: A Poké-BLOCK Party One-time character
Ivan AG039: A Poké-BLOCK Party One-time character
Wattson AG040: Watt's with Wattson? Gym Leader, recurring character
Watt AG040: Watt's with Wattson? Recurring character
Wattson's Electrike AG040: Watt's with Wattson? Pokémon, recurring character

Pokémon: Advanced Challenge

Name Debut episode Character type
Natasha AG041: What You Seed is What You Get One-time character
Romeo AG042: Love at First Flight One-time character
Juliet AG042: Love at First Flight One-time character
Michelle AG043: Let Bagons Be Bagons One-time character
Colonel Hansen AG044: The Princess and the Togepi Recurring character
Princess Sara AG044: The Princess and the Togepi Recurring character
Miranda AG044: The Princess and the Togepi Recurring character
King and Queen AG044: The Princess and the Togepi Recurring characters
Winstrate family AG046: Candid Camerupt One-time characters
Eliza AG047: I Feel Skitty! One-time character
May's Skitty AG047: I Feel Skitty! Pokémon, main character
Max AG049: Maxxed Out! One-time character
Grace AG050: Pros and Con Artists Recurring character
Sheridan AG052: Cheer Pressure One-time character
Julie AG053: Game Winning Assist One-time character
Professor Cozmo AG054: Fight for the Meteorite One-time character
Mr. Moore AG055: Poetry Commotion Recurring character
Flannery AG055: Poetry Commotion Gym Leader, recurring character
Claire AG057: Going for a Spinda One-time character
Royce AG057: Going for a Spinda One-time character
Kain AG057: Going for a Spinda One-time character
Ash's Torkoal AG058: All Torkoal, No Play Pokémon, main character
Dr. Abby AG060: Delcatty Got Your Tongue? One-time character
Dr. Moss AG060: Delcatty Got Your Tongue? One-time character
Timmy Grimm AG061: Disaster of Disguise Recurring character
Mrs. Grimm AG061: Disaster of Disguise Recurring character
Tommy Grimm AG061: Disaster of Disguise Recurring character
Stefano AG062: Disguise Da Limit One-time character
Mary AG063: Take the Lombre Home One-time character
Mr. Morita AG064: True Blue Swablu One-time character
Professor Jacuzzi AG065: Gulpin it Down One-time character
Guy AG066: Exploud and Clear One-time character
Poncho AG067: Go Go Ludicolo One-time character
Rose AG068: A Double Dilemma One-time character
Yaohei AG068: A Double Dilemma One-time character
Dee Dunstan AG068: A Double Dilemma One-time character
Kenny AG069: Love, Petalburg Style! Recurring character
Oscar and Andi AG072: The Bicker the Better One-time characters
Old Man Obee AG073: Grass Hysteria One-time character
May's Bulbasaur AG073: Grass Hysteria Pokémon, main character
Sullivan AG075: Whiscash and Ash One-time character
Nero AG075: Whiscash and Ash Pokémon, one-time character
Calista AG076: Me Myself and Time One-time character
Savannah AG077: A Fan with a Plan Recurring character
Sandra AG077: A Fan with a Plan Recurring character
Sonny AG078: Crusin' for a Losin' One-time character
Shane AG080: That's Just Swellow One-time character
Volt AG080: That's Just Swellow One-time character
Emily AG081: Take This House and Shuppet One-time character
Bart AG083: Unfair-Weather Friends One-time character
Millie AG083: Unfair-Weather Friends One-time character
Brodie AG083: Unfair-Weather Friends Recurring character
Zachary AG084: Who's Flying Now? Recurring character
Winona AG084: Who's Flying Now? Gym Leader, recurring character
James's Chimecho AG084: Who's Flying Now? Pokémon, main character
Elijah AG086: Lights, Camerupt, Action! One-time character
Mariah AG086: Lights, Camerupt, Action! One-time character
Marcel AG088: Garden of Eatin' One-time character
Kelly AG090: Pokéblock, Stock and Berry Recurring character
Otane AG090: Pokéblock, Stock and Berry Recurring character
Vladimir AG090: Pokéblock, Stock and Berry Recurring character
Jimmy AG092: Judgement Day! One-time character
Sarina AG092: Judgement Day! One-time character

Pokémon: Advanced Battle

Name Debut episode Character type
Isaiah AG093: Clamperl of Wisdom One-time character
Madeline AG093: Clamperl of Wisdom One-time character
Adam AG094: The Relicanth Really Can One-time character
Evelyn AG094: The Relicanth Really Can One-time character
Nancy AG095: The Evolutionary War One-time character
Keith AG095: The Evolutionary War One-time character
Rocky AG096: Training Wrecks One-time character
Randy AG096: Training Wrecks One-time character
Maxie AG097: Gaining Groudon Recurring character
Archie AG097: Gaining Groudon Recurring character
Tate and Liza AG099: It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! Gym Leader, recurring character
Rachel AG099: It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! Recurring character
Jin AG099: It's Still Rocket Roll to Me! One-time character
Drake AG101: Vanity Affair Elite Four member, one-time character
Fitzwilliam AG101: Vanity Affair One-time character
Professor Proctor AG102: Where's Armaldo? One-time character
Annie Proctor AG102: Where's Armaldo? One-time character
Harley AG103: A Cacturne For the Worst Rival, recurring character
Harley's Cacturne AG103: A Cacturne For the Worst Pokémon, recurring character
Sigourney AG104: Claydol, Big and Tall One-time character
Samantha AG105: Once in a Mawile One-time character
Elisa AG106: Beg, Burrow and Steal One-time character
Hal AG106: Beg, Burrow and Steal One-time character
Nicky AG107: Absol-Ute Disaster One-time character
Gordon AG107: Absol-Ute Disaster One-time character
Ash's Snorunt AG108: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt Pokémon, main character
Juan AG110: The Great Eight Fate Gym Leader, recurring character
Sebastian AG110: The Great Eight Fate Recurring character
Kimmy Shoney AG112: Showdown at Linoone One-time character
Korben and Harmony Shoney AG112: Showdown at Linoone One-time character
Roderick AG113: Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut One-time character
Carlos AG114: Date Expectations One-time character
Joshua AG115: Mean With Envy Recurring character
Erica AG115: Mean With Envy Recurring character
May's Munchlax AG117: Berry, Berry Interesting Pokémon, main character
Morrison AG118: Less is Morrison Rival, recurring character
Morrison's Beldum AG118: Less is Morrison Pokémon, recurring character
Anthony AG122: Deceit and Assist Recurring character
Robin AG124: Island Time One-time character
Tyson AG125: Like a Meowth to the Flame Rival, recurring character
Tyson's Meowth AG125: Like a Meowth to the Flame Pokémon, recurring character
Jump AG126: Saved by the Beldum One-time character
Vivica AG126: Saved by the Beldum One-time character
Gilbert AG126: Saved by the Beldum One-time character
Gavin AG127: From Brags to Riches One-time character
Dominick AG127: From Brags to Riches One-time character
Johnny AG128: Shocks and Bonds One-time character
Clark AG128: Shocks and Bonds One-time character
Katie AG128: Shocks and Bonds Recurring character
Scott AG132: The Team Scheme Recurring character
Agatha AG132: The Team Scheme Elite Four member, one-time character

Pokémon: Advanced Battle (continued)

Name Debut episode Character type
Noland AG135: Numero Uno Articuno Frontier Brain, recurring character
Sergio AG135: Numero Uno Articuno Recurring character
Mitch Mitchum AG138: Rough, Tough Jigglypuff One-time character
Lisa Mitchum AG138: Rough, Tough Jigglypuff One-time character
Emily AG140: Sitting Psyduck One-time character
Rhonda AG141: Hail to the Chief One-time character
Rhoda AG141: Hail to the Chief One-time character
Dr. Gordon AG142: Caterpie's Big Dilemma One-time character
Xander AG142: Caterpie's Big Dilemma One-time character
Lilian Meridian AG143: The Saffron Con Recurring character
Master Hamm AG145: Pasta La Vista One-time character
Kyle Hamm AG145: Pasta La Vista One-time character
Terri AG145: Pasta La Vista One-time character

Pokémon: Battle Frontier

Name Debut episode Character type
Nanny and Pop-Pop AG147: Sweet Baby James One-time characters
James's Mime Jr. AG147: Sweet Baby James Pokémon, recurring character
Mariah AG148: A Chip Off the Old Brock One-time character
Cadee AG148: A Chip Off the Old Brock One-time character
McCauley AG148: A Chip Off the Old Brock One-time character
Greta AG149: Wheel of Frontier Frontier Brain, one-time character
Nicolette AG150: May's Egg-Cellent Adventure One-time character
Christopher and Jeannie AG150: May's Egg-Cellent Adventure One-time character
Jeremy AG151: Weekend Warrior One-time character
Mandy AG151: Weekend Warrior One-time character
Nicholas AG151: Weekend Warrior One-time character
Tiffany AG152: An Olden Pond One-time character
Galea AG152: An Olden Pond One-time character
Mr. Saridakis AG152: An Olden Pond One-time character
Tucker AG153: Tactics Theatrics!! Frontier Brain, one-time character
Victor AG153: Tactics Theatrics!! One-time character
Solana AG155: Green Guardian Pokémon Ranger, recurring character
Evian AG156: From Cradle to Save One-time character
Angela AG156: From Cradle to Save One-time character
Brock's Bonsly AG156: From Cradle to Save Pokémon, main character
Edna AG157: Time-Warp Heals All Wounds One-time character
Katrina AG157: Time Warp Heals All Wounds One-time character
Jonathan AG157: Time Warp Heals All Wounds One-time character
May's Eevee AG157: Time-Warp Heals All Wounds Pokémon, main character
Lucy AG158: Queen of the Serpentine! Frontier Brain, one-time character
Barbara AG158: Queen of the Serpentine! One-time character
Lucy's Seviper AG158: Queen of the Serpentine! Pokémon, one-time character
Brianna AG162: Spontaneous Combusken! One-time character
Spenser AG163: Cutting the Ties that Bind Frontier Brain, recurring character
Spenser's Venusaur AG163: Cutting the Ties that Bind Pokémon, recurring character
Director AG165: King and Queen for a Day! One-time character
Hiroshi AG166: Curbing the Crimson Tide! One-time character
Luna AG166: Curbing the Crimson Tide! One-time character
Yuma AG167: What I Did for Love! One-time character
Mollie AG167: What I Did for Love! One-time character
Anabel AG169: Talking a Good Game! Frontier Brain, recurring character
Maron AG169: Talking a Good Game! Recurring character
Keenan AG173: All That Glitters is Not Golden! One-time character
Howie AG176: The Ole' Berate and Switch! One-time character
Oriba AG176: The Ole' Berate and Switch! One-time character
Brandon AG178: Battling the Enemy Within! Frontier Brain, recurring character
Regirock AG178: Battling the Enemy Within! Pokémon, recurring character
King of Pokélantis AG178: Battling the Enemy Within! One-time character
Samuel AG178: Battling the Enemy Within! Recurring character
Ash's Aipom AG179: Slaking Kong! Pokémon, main character
Taylor AG179: Slaking Kong! One-time character
Solidad AG180: May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! Rival, recurring character
Hank AG183: Aipom and Circumstance! One-time character
Zeus AG183: Aipom and Circumstance! One-time character
Ada AG184: Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight! One-time character
Corina AG184: Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight! One-time character
Kerrigan AG185: Duels of the Jungle! One-time character
Registeel AG186: Overjoyed! Pokémon, recurring character
Matt AG188: Pinch Healing! One-time character
Regice AG190: Pace - The Final Frontier! Pokémon, recurring character

Diamond & Pearl

Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl

Name Debut episode Character type
Dawn DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Main character
Johanna DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Recurring character
Professor Rowan DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Yuzo DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Recurring character
Dawn's Piplup DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Pokémon, main character
Mesprit DP001: Following a Maiden's Voyage! Pokémon, recurring character
James's Carnivine DP002: Two Degrees of Separation! Pokémon, main character
Ash's Starly DP002: Two Degrees of Separation! Pokémon, main character
Paul DP002: Two Degrees of Separation! Rival, recurring character
Paul's Elekid DP002: Two Degrees of Separation! Pokémon, recurring character
Paul's Chimchar DP003: When Pokémon Worlds Collide! Pokémon, main character
Nando DP004: Dawn of a New Era! Rival, recurring character
Nando's Budew DP004: Dawn of a New Era! Pokémon, recurring character
Ash's Turtwig DP005: Gettin' Twiggy With It! Pokémon, main character
Clara DP005: Gettin' Twiggy With It! One-time character
Paul's Ursaring DP006: Different Strokes for Different Blokes! Pokémon, recurring character
Jeffrey DP008: Gymbalair! One-time character
Brock's Croagunk DP008: Gymbalair! Pokémon, main character
Dawn's Buneary DP009: Setting the World on its Buneary! Pokémon, main character
Landis DP010: Not on My Watch Ya Don't! One-time character
Pokétch Co. President DP010: Not on My Watch Ya Don't! One-time character
Zoey DP011: Mounting a Coordinator Assault! Rival, recurring character
Zoey's Glameow DP011: Mounting a Coordinator Assault! Pokémon, recurring character
Rosebay DP013: A Staravia is Born! One-time character
Roark DP015: Shapes of Things to Come! Gym Leader, recurring character
Ian DP015: Shapes of Things to Come! Recurring character
Roark's Cranidos DP015: Shapes of Things to Come! Pokémon, recurring character
Dawn's Pachirisu DP019: Twice Smitten, Once Shy! Pokémon, main character
J DP020: Mutiny in the Bounty! Recurring character
J's Salamence DP020: Mutiny in the Bounty! Pokémon, recurring character
Melodi DP020: Mutiny in the Bounty! One-time character
J's henchmen DP020: Mutiny in the Bounty! Recurring characters
Oralie DP021: Ya See We Want an Evolution! One-time character
Haley DP021: Ya See We Want an Evolution! One-time character
Theresa DP024: Cooking Up a Sweet Story! One-time character
Abigail DP024: Cooking Up a Sweet Story! One-time character
Forsythia DP025: Oh Do You Know The Poffin Plan! One-time character
Kenny DP026: Getting the Pre-Contest Titters! Rival, recurring character
Kenny's Prinplup DP026: Getting the Pre-Contest Titters! Pokémon, recurring character
Marnie and Paige DP028: Drifloon on the Wind! One-time characters
Karsten DP028: Drifloon on the Wind! One-time character
Rhonda DP029: The Champ Twins! Recurring character
Jack DP029: The Champ Twins! Recurring character
Ryan and Bryan DP029: The Champ Twins! One-time characters
Cheryl DP030: Some Enchanted Sweetening! Recurring character
Cheryl's Burmy DP030: Some Enchanted Sweetening! Pokémon, recurring character
Gardenia DP031: The Grass-Type is Always Greener! Gym Leader, recurring character
Dawn's Buizel DP034: Buizel Your Way out of This! Pokémon, main character
Lucian DP035: An Elite Meet and Greet! Elite Four member, recurring character
Galactic Grunts DP036: A Secret Sphere of Influence! Recurring characters
Saturn DP036: A Secret Sphere of Influence! Recurring character
Yōko DP037: The Grass Menagerie! One-time character
Brock's Happiny DP038: One Big Happiny Family! Pokémon, main character
Old man DP039: Steamboat Willies! One-time character
Cynthia DP040: Top-Down Training! Champion, recurring character
Cynthia's Garchomp DP040: Top-Down Training! Pokémon, recurring character
Paul's Murkrow DP040: Top-Down Training! Pokémon, recurring character
Paul's Torterra DP040: Top-Down Training! Pokémon, recurring character
Zoey's Shellos DP041: A Stand-Up Sit-Down! Pokémon, recurring character
Jaco DP042: The Electrike Company! One-time character
Cal DP042: The Electrike Company! One-time character
Mira DP047: Sandshrew's Locker! One-time character
Nando's Kricketune DP049: Dawn's Early Night! Pokémon, recurring character
Conway DP050: Tag, We're It! Rival, recurring character
Holly DP050: Tag, We're It! Recurring character
Enta DP050: Tag, We're It! Recurring character

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Battle Dimension

Name Debut episode Character type
Old woman DP056: The Keystone Pops! One-time character
Isis DP057: Bibarel Gnaws Best! One-time character
Expert stonecutter DP057: Bibarel Gnaws Best! One-time character
Head engineer DP057: Bibarel Gnaws Best! One-time character
Alan DP058: Nosing 'Round the Mountain! One-time character
Marble DP059: Luxray Vision! One-time character
Spring and Summer DP062: Tanks for the Memories! One-time characters
Autumn DP062: Tanks for the Memories! One-time character
Leona DP063: Hot Springing a Leak! One-time character
Leona's parents DP063: Hot Springing a Leak! One-time characters
Ash's Gligar DP064: Riding the Winds of Change! Pokémon, main character
Maylene DP066: Lost Leader Strategy! Gym Leader, recurring character
Maylene's Lucario DP066: Lost Leader Strategy! Pokémon, recurring character
Reggie DP066: Lost Leader Strategy! Recurring character
Paul's Magmar DP066: Lost Leader Strategy! Pokémon, Recurring character
Saturn's Toxicroak DP069: Enter Galactic! Pokémon, recurring character
Francesca DP070: The Bells are Singing! One-time character
Kellyn DP071: Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1) Pokémon Ranger, recurring character
Aura Sphere Riolu DP071: Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1) Pokémon, recurring character
Austin DP073: Crossing Paths One-time character
Astin DP073: Crossing Paths One-time character
Sho DP074: Pika and Goliath! One-time character
Wallace DP075: Our Cup Runneth Over! Champion, Gym Leader, recurring character
Roman DP076: A Full Course Tag Battle! One-time character
Kylie DP076: A Full Course Tag Battle! One-time character
Kyle DP077: Staging a Heroes Welcome! Recurring character
Azelf DP078: Pruning a Passel of Pals! Pokémon, recurring character
Tyler DP080: The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! One-time character
Crasher Wake DP082: Cream of the Croagunk Crop! Gym Leader, recurring character
Hamilton DP082: Cream of the Croagunk Crop! One-time character
Carny DP082: Cream of the Croagunk Crop! One-time character
Monica DP084: Hungry for the Good Life! One-time character
Mr. Backlot DP084: Hungry for the Good Life! One-time character
Dawn's Swinub DP084: Hungry for the Good Life! Pokémon, main character
Paris DP086: Arriving in Style! One-time character
Cocoa DP086: Arriving in Style! One-time character
Hermione DP086: Arriving in Style! One-time character
Angie DP088: Camping It Up! Recurring character
Kendall DP088: Camping It Up! Recurring character
Mitchell DP088: Camping It Up! Recurring character
Ghost girl DP090: Ghoul Daze! One-time character
Fantina DP093: Playing the Leveling Field! Gym Leader, recurring character
Fantina's Drifloon DP093: Playing the Leveling Field! Pokémon, recurring character
Lila DP095: Battling the Generation Gap! One-time character
Mars DP096: Losing Its Lustrous! Recurring character
Cyrus DP096: Losing Its Lustrous! Recurring character
Jupiter DP097: Double Team Turnover! Recurring character
Angie's parents DP098: If the Scarf Fits, Wear It! One-time characters
Aaron DP099: A Trainer and Child Reunion! Elite Four member, recurring character
Aaron's Beautifly DP099: A Trainer and Child Reunion! Pokémon, recurring character
Barry DP101: Barry's Busting Out All Over! Rival, recurring character
Barry's Empoleon DP101: Barry's Busting Out All Over! Pokémon, recurring character

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles

Name Debut episode Character type
Byron DP107: Ancient Family Matters! Gym Leader, recurring character
Riley DP110: Steeling Peace of Mind! Recurring character
Riley's Lucario DP110: Steeling Peace of Mind! Pokémon, Recurring character
Charon DP111: Saving the World from Ruins! Recurring character
Ursula DP114: Another One Gabites the Dust! Rival, recurring character
Ursula's Gabite DP114: Another One Gabites the Dust! Pokémon, recurring character
Poacher DP116: The Drifting Snorunt! One-time character
Christopher DP117: Noodles! Roamin' Off! One-time character
Steveland DP118: Pursuing a Lofty Goal! One-time character
Provo DP118: Pursuing a Lofty Goal! One-time character
Taylor DP118: Pursuing a Lofty Goal! One-time character
Teacher DP121: The Lonely Snover! One-time character
O DP124: To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! One-time character
Halverson DP124: To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! One-time character
Wilkinson DP124: To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! One-time character
Theodore DP124: To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! One-time character
Marilyn DP125: Battling a Cute Drama! One-time character
Candice DP126: Classroom Training! Gym Leader, recurring character
Jeremiah DP126: Classroom Training! Recurring character
Mr. Honcho DP126: Classroom Training! Recurring character
Maria DP128: A Pyramiding Rage! Recurring character
Ampharos Train crew DP130: Frozen on Their Tracks! One-time characters
Looker DP130: Frozen on Their Tracks! Recurring character
Olivier DP131: Pedal to the Meddle! Recurring character
Uxie DP133: Uncrushing Defeat! Pokémon, recurring character
Verona DP134: Promoting a Healthy Tangrowth! One-time character
Azure DP135: Beating the Bustle and Hustle! One-time character
Crimson DP135: Beating the Bustle and Hustle! One-time character
Lulu DP137: Three Sides to Every Story! One-time character
Noelle DP138: Strategy Begins at Home! One-time character
Izzy and Cara DP138: Strategy Begins at Home! Recurring characters
Sayer DP138: Strategy Begins at Home! Recurring character
Nathaniel DP138: Strategy Begins at Home! One-time character
Palmer DP140: Historical Mystery Tour! Frontier Brain, recurring character
Goldeen Scoop Master DP140: Historical Mystery Tour! One-time character
Lyra's Marill DP143: An Egg Scramble! Pokémon, recurring character
Lyra DP143: An Egg Scramble! Recurring character
Khoury DP143: An Egg Scramble! Recurring character
Khoury's Totodile DP143: An Egg Scramble! Pokémon, Recurring character
Khoury's father DP143: An Egg Scramble! Recurring character
Dawn's Cyndaquil DP143: An Egg Scramble! Pokémon, main character
Benjamin DP144: Gone with the Windworks! One-time character
Mario DP146: Dressed for Jess Success! One-time character
Rhyanna DP148: Try for the Family Stone! One-time character
Mitchell DP148: Try for the Family Stone! One-time character
Professor Kodama DP149: Sticking With Who You Know! One-time character
Sebastian DP153: The Treasure is All Mine! One-time character
McCann DP154: Mastering Current Events! One-time character
Maya DP154: Mastering Current Events! One-time character
Wilma DP156: A Meteoric Rise to Excellence! One-time character
Ash's Gible DP156: A Meteoric Rise to Excellence! Pokémon, main character

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors

Name Debut episode Character type
Crispin DP158: Regaining the Home Advantage! One-time character
Clayton DP159: Short and To the Punch! One-time character
Daniel DP160: A Marathon Rivalry! One-time character
Flint DP165: Flint Sparks the Fire! Elite Four member, recurring character
Flint's Infernape DP165: Flint Sparks the Fire! Pokémon, recurring character
Volkner DP165: Flint Sparks the Fire! Gym Leader, recurring character
Proprietor DP165: Flint Sparks the Fire! Recurring character
Thomas DP167: Teaching the Student Teacher! One-time character
Marley DP168: Keeping in Top Forme! One-time character
Ben DP169: Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue! Pokémon Ranger, one-time character
Roland DP170: An Elite Coverup! One-time character
Bertha DP170: An Elite Coverup! Elite Four member, one-time character
Freesia DP171: Dawn of a Royal Day! One-time character
Princess Salvia DP171: Dawn of a Royal Day! One-time character
Salvia's butler DP171: Dawn of a Royal Day! One-time character
Dawn's Togekiss DP171: Dawn of a Royal Day! Pokémon, main character
Narissa DP173: Dealing With a Fierce Ditto Drama! One-time character
Mamie DP178: For the Love of Meowth! One-time character
Buck DP181: Bucking the Treasure Trend! One-time character
Shimako DP183: League Unleashed! One-time character
Tobias DP183: League Unleashed! Rival, recurring character
Normajean DP190: The Brockster Is In! One-time character

Best Wishes

Pokémon: Black & White

Name Debut episode Character type
Iris BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Main character
Iris's Axew BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Pokémon, main character
Professor Juniper BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Trip BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Rival, recurring character
Ash's Oshawott BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Pokémon, main character
Trip's Snivy BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom! Pokémon, recurring character
Jessie's Woobat BW002: Enter Iris and Axew! Pokémon, main character
Ash's Pidove BW002: Enter Iris and Axew! Pokémon, main character
Sunglasses Sandile BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change! Pokémon, main character
Dan BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change! One-time character
Dan's father BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change! One-time character
Don George BW004: The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Recurring character
Ash's Tepig BW004: The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Pokémon, main character
Cilan BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Gym Leader, main character
Chili BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Gym Leader, recurring character
Cress BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Gym Leader, recurring character
Chili's Pansear BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Gym Leader, recurring character
Cilan's Pansage BW005: Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Pokémon, main character
Fennel BW006: Dreams by the Yard Full! Recurring character
Fennel's Munna BW006: Dreams by the Yard Full! Pokémon, recurring character
Nurse Joy's Audino BW006: Dreams by the Yard Full! Pokémon, recurring character
Ash's Snivy BW007: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! Pokémon, main character
Elder BW009: The Bloom Is on Axew! Recurring character
Iris's Excadrill BW009: The Bloom Is on Axew! Pokémon, main character
Pierce BW010: A Rival Battle for Club Champ! Recurring character
Cilan's Dwebble BW011: A Home for Dwebble! Pokémon, main character
Daniela BW012: Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! One-time character
Karena BW012: Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! One-time character
Avery BW012: Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! One-time character
Bianca BW013: Minccino-Neat and Tidy! Rival, recurring character
Bianca's Pignite BW013: Minccino-Neat and Tidy! Pokémon, recurring character
Bianca's Minccino BW013: Minccino-Neat and Tidy! Pokémon, recurring character
Hawes BW014: A Night in the Nacrene City Museum! Recurring character
Lenora BW014: A Night in the Nacrene City Museum! Gym Leader, recurring character
Ash's Scraggy BW017: Scraggy-Hatched to be Wild! Pokémon, main character
Dr. Zager BW017: Scraggy-Hatched to be Wild! Recurring character
Ash's Sewaddle BW018: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest! Pokémon, main character
Burgh BW018: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest! Gym Leader, recurring character
Burgundy BW019: A Connoisseur's Revenge! Rival, recurring character
Sally BW021: The Lost World of Gothitelle! One-time character
Captain BW021: The Lost World of Gothitelle! One-time character
Mayor of Castelia City BW022: A Venipede Stampede! One-time character
James's Yamask BW023: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types! Pokémon, main character
Iris's Emolga BW024: Emolga the Irresistible! Pokémon, main character
Emmy BW027: The Dragon Master's Path! One-time character
Stephan BW028: Oshawott's Lost Scalchop! Rival, recurring character
Professor Icarus BW030: A UFO For Elgyem! One-time character
Alder BW031: Ash's and Trip's Third Battle! Champion, recurring character
Trip's Timburr BW031: Ash's and Trip's Third Battle! Pokémon, recurring character
Ash's Palpitoad BW032: Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! Pokémon, main character
Cilan's Stunfisk BW032: Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! Pokémon, main character
Georgia BW033: Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! Rival, recurring character
Drayden BW033: Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! Gym Leader, recurring character
Ash's Roggenrola BW034: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola! Pokémon, main character
Mr. Garrison BW034: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola! One-time character
Doyle BW035: Where Did You Go, Audino? One-time character
Christie BW035: Where Did You Go, Audino? One-time character
Mimi BW035: Where Did You Go, Audino? One-time character
Luke BW038: Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"! Recurring character
Luke's Zorua BW038: Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"! Pokémon, recurring character
Mr. Matthews BW038: Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"! One-time character
Antonio BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Recurring character
Emmanuel BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! One-time character
Omega BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! One-time character
Dino BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Recurring character
Sylvester BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! One-time character
Scooter BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Recurring character
Jimmy Ray BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Recurring character
Freddy O'Martian BW039: Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Recurring character
Stephan's Sawk BW041: The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk! Pokémon, recurring character
Misha BW044: Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky? One-time character
Leon BW045: Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! One-time character
Ingo BW045: Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! Recurring character
Emmet BW045: Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! Recurring character
Cliff BW046: The Beartic Mountain Feud! One-time character

Pokémon Black & White: Rival Destinies

Name Debut episode Character type
Elesa BW049: Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader! Gym Leader, recurring character
Bianca's father BW049: Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader! One-time character
Erina BW051: Lost at the Stamp Rally! One-time character
Toby BW053: A Maractus Musical! One-time character
Robert BW054: The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck! One-time character
Robert's grandfather BW054: The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck! One-time character
Katharine BW055: Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita! One-time character
Bobby BW056: The Lonely Deino! One-time character
Clay BW057: The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! Gym Leader, recurring character
Charles BW057: The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! Recurring character
Linda BW057: The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! One-time character
Doctor Ferrara BW057: The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! One-time character
Lewis BW059: Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1 Recurring character
Cedric Juniper BW063: Evolution Exchange Excitement! Pokémon Professor, recurring character
Mick BW065: Battling the Bully! One-time character
Glenn BW065: Battling the Bully! One-time character
Sean BW065: Battling the Bully! One-time character
Skyla BW067: Cilan Takes Flight! Gym Leader, recurring character
Miles BW067: Cilan Takes Flight! Recurring character
Ricky BW069: Climbing the Tower of Success! One-time character
Montgomery BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Edmund BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! One-time character
Flora BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! One-time character
Angus BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Betty BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Getty BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Gail BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Delbert BW070: The Clubsplosion Begins! Recurring character
Ferris BW075: A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1 Recurring character
Sierra BW075: A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1 Recurring character
Shamus BW077: Evolution by Fire! One-time character
Kylan BW077: Evolution by Fire! One-time character
Brycen BW078: Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain! Gym Leader, recurring character
Rizzo BW078: Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain! One-time character
Ricard Nouveau BW080: Clash of the Connoisseurs! One-time character
Marigold BW080: Clash of the Connoisseurs! One-time character
Mr. Hatterly BW080: Clash of the Connoisseurs! One-time character
Case BW081: Crisis at Ferroseed Research! One-time character
Professor Malveaux BW081: Crisis at Ferroseed Research! One-time character
Mr. Gold BW082: An Epic Defense Force! One-time character
Jules BW082: An Epic Defense Force! One-time character
Meloetta BW082: An Epic Defense Force! Pokémon, recurring character
Roxie BW083: Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1) Gym Leader, recurring character
Billy Jo BW083: Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1) Recurring character
Nicky BW083: Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1) Recurring character

Pokémon Black & White: Rival Destinies (continued)

Name Debut episode Character type
Jervis BW086: Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! Recurring character
Chris BW088: The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo! One-time character
Iris's Dragonite BW089: Iris and the Rogue Dragonite! Pokémon, main character
Caitlin BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Elite Four member, recurring character
Manning BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Kenton BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Shepherd BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Horatio BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Simeon BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Marris BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Geraldo BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Cassie BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Ramone BW090: Jostling for the Junior Cup! Recurring character
Kotetsu BW093: Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure! Rival, recurring character
Marlon BW094: The Road to Humilau Gym Leader, one-time character
Layla BW095: Unrest at the Nursery! One-time character
Larry BW096: Meloetta and the Undersea Temple! Recurring character
Maya BW098 One-time character
Mizuki BW098 One-time character
Shion BW098 One-time character
Chihaya BW098 One-time character
Soran BW099 One-time character
Riku BW099 One-time character
Shōbu BW100 One-time character
Martha BW101: Drayden versus Iris...! One-time character
Virgil BW102 Rival, recurring character
Davey BW102 Recurring character
Jeff BW102 One-time character
Raul BW103 One-time character
Michael BW103 Recurring character
Ultimo BW103 Recurring character
Kenō BW103 Recurring character


Name Debut episode Character type
Mewtwo M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back Pokémon, recurring character
Dr. Fuji M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back Recurring character
Raymond M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back One-time character
Neesha M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back One-time character
Corey M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back One-time character
Fergus M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back One-time character
Miranda M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back One-time character
Mew M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back Pokémon, one-time character
Lawrence III M02: The Power of One One-time character
Maren M02: The Power of One One-time character
Tobias M02: The Power of One One-time character
Carol M02: The Power of One One-time character
Melody M02: The Power of One One-time character
Articuno M02: The Power of One Pokémon, one-time character
Zapdos M02: The Power of One Pokémon, one-time character
Moltres M02: The Power of One Pokémon, one-time character
Lugia M02: The Power of One Pokémon, one-time character
Spencer Hale M03: Spell of the Unown One-time character
Molly Hale M03: Spell of the Unown One-time character
Schuyler M03: Spell of the Unown One-time character
David M03: Spell of the Unown One-time character
Lisa M03: Spell of the Unown One-time character
Unown M03: Spell of the Unown Pokémon, one-time character
Entei M03: Spell of the Unown Pokémon, one-time character
Sam M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest One-time character
Old Towa M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest One-time character
Celebi M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest Pokémon, one-time character
Mr. White M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest One-time character
Diana M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest One-time character
Iron-Masked Marauder M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest One-time character
Suicune M04: Celebi: Voice of the Forest Pokémon, one-time character
Annie M05: Pokémon Heroes One-time character
Oakley M05: Pokémon Heroes One-time character
Latias M05: Pokémon Heroes Pokémon, one-time character
Latios M05: Pokémon Heroes Pokémon, one-time character
Ross M05: Pokémon Heroes One-time character
Lorenzo M05: Pokémon Heroes One-time character
Bianca M05: Pokémon Heroes One-time character
Butler M06: Jirachi: Wish Maker One-time character
Diane M06: Jirachi: Wish Maker One-time character
Jirachi M06: Jirachi: Wish Maker Pokémon, one-time character
Groudon M06: Jirachi: Wish Maker Pokémon, one-time character
Professor Lund M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Yuko M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Tory Lund M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Deoxys M07: Destiny Deoxys Pokémon, one-time character
Rayquaza M07: Destiny Deoxys Pokémon, one-time character
Rafe M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Sid M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Audrey and Kathryn M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time characters
Rebecca M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Block Bot M07: Destiny Deoxys One-time character
Lucario M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Pokémon, one-time character
Sir Aaron M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew One-time character
Mew M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Pokémon, one-time character
Queen Rin M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew One-time character
Queen Eileen M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew One-time character
Kidd Summers M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew One-time character
Banks M08: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew One-time character
The Phantom M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Galen M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Jack Walker M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Pokémon Ranger, one-time character
Judy M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Lizabeth M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Ship M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Meredith M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Kyle M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time character
Manaphy M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Pokémon, one-time character
Ship's shipmates M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea One-time characters
Kyogre M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Pokémon, one-time character
Dialga M10: The Rise of Darkrai Pokémon, recurring character
Palkia M10: The Rise of Darkrai Pokémon, recurring character
Tonio M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Maury M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Allegra M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Kai M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Alice M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Baron Alberto M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Darkrai M10: The Rise of Darkrai Pokémon, one-time character
Alicia M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Godey M10: The Rise of Darkrai One-time character
Shaymin M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior Pokémon, one-time character
Giratina M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior Pokémon, recurring character
Zero M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior One-time character
Infi M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior One-time character
Newton Graceland M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior One-time character
Layla M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior One-time character
Moose M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior One-time character
Regigigas M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior Pokémon, one-time character
Arceus M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life Pokémon, one-time character
Damos M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Kato M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Kiko M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Sheena M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Kevin M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Marcus M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Tapp M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life One-time character
Spiky-eared Pichu M12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life Pokémon, one-time character
Zoroark M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Zorua M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Grings Kodai M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Goone M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Rowena M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Joe M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Tammy M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Karl M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Peg M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions One-time character
Raikou M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Entei M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Suicune M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Celebi M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokémon, one-time character
Victini M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram Pokémon, one-time character
Damon M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Reshiram M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram Pokémon, one-time character
Zekrom M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram Pokémon, one-time character
Carlita M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Juanita M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Mannes M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Mako M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Tatsuki M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Leeku M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Luisa M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Luis M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Glacine M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Donuke M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Ravine M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Manuke M14: White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram One-time character
Malin M15: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice One-time character
Keldeo M15: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Pokémon, one-time character
Swords of Justice M15: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Pokémon, one-time characters
Kyurem M15: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Pokémon, one-time character


Name Debut episode Character type
Amber The Birth of Mewtwo One-time character
Domino Mewtwo Returns One-time character
Luna Carson Mewtwo Returns One-time character
Luka Carson Mewtwo Returns One-time character
Cullen Calix Mewtwo Returns One-time character
Attila The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Hun The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Jimmy The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Jimmy's Typhlosion The Legend of Thunder! Pokémon, one-time character
Marina The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Little Miss The Legend of Thunder! Pokémon, one-time character
Wani-Wani The Legend of Thunder! Pokémon, one-time character
Vincent The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Vincent's Meganium The Legend of Thunder! Pokémon, one-time character
Shinji The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Kudo The Legend of Thunder! One-time character
Dr. Yung The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon One-time character

Pokémon side stories

Name Debut episode Character type
Lola SS001: A Family That Battles Together Stays Together! Recurring character
Kate SS003: We're No Angels One-time character
Professor Brown SS003: We're No Angels One-time character
Kinso SS005: The Blue Badge of Courage One-time character
Gym Badge thieves SS005: The Blue Badge of Courage One-time characters
Georgio SS011: A Date with Delcatty! One-time character
Jubei SS012: Training Daze One-time character
Drill Sergeant Viper SS012: Training Daze One-time character
Nick SS013: Celebi and Joy One-time character
Gilbert SS014: Journey to the Starting Line One-time character
Jared SS015: Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl! One-time character
Dora SS015: Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl! One-time character
Crystal SS015: Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl! One-time character
Caserin and Luverin SS016: Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing Pokémon, one-time characters
Corey Demario SS017: Those Darn Electabuzz! One-time character
Benny Demario SS017: Those Darn Electabuzz! One-time character
Silver SS018: The Search for the Legend One-time character
Team Go-Getters SS019: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go Getters Out of the Gate! Pokémon, one-time characters
Team Meanies SS019: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go Getters Out of the Gate! Pokémon, one-time characters
Team A.C.T. SS019: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go Getters Out of the Gate! Pokémon, one-time characters
Team Poképals SS020: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness Pokémon, recurring characters
Wigglytuff's Guild SS020: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness Pokémon, recurring characters
Ben SS022: Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part One) Recurring character
Professor Hastings SS022: Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part One) One-time character
Red Eyes SS022: Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part One) Recurring character
Booker SS023: Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part Two) One-tme character
Shinko SS024 One-time character