Pokémon Ranger (Ranger series)

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This article is about the characters from the Nintendo DS games. For other uses, see Pokémon Ranger.

Pokémon Rangers Lunick and Solana

A Pokémon Ranger (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー Pokémon Ranger) is a class of character featured in the Nintendo DS games Pokémon Ranger, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.

They are not Pokémon Trainers, as their goals and methods for interacting with Pokémon are very different. They harness the power of certain Pokémon and utilize them to help defend nature.

In the games

Pokémon Rangers begin as Student Rangers after graduation they become Area Rangers. Pokémon Rangers known as Area Rangers primarily operate out of Ranger Unions in Fiore, Almia and Oblivia where nature is held in higher regard than in other regions. However, a rare promotion can be gained where they become Top Ranger. Pokémon Rangers use Capture Stylers to calm and control wild Pokémon to help them solve ecological problems, defeat criminals using Pokémon to commit crimes, and arrest Pokémon poachers, acting as a sort of cross between a police officer and park ranger. After a Ranger becomes a good Ranger, they have a small chance of becoming Top Rangers with many new privileges.

Pokémon Rangers usually have only one Pokémon - known as their "Partner", that is with them at all times, and has been trained to a high level. Pokémon Rangers do not usually send Pokémon to battle each other directly, but generally use the Pokémon with them to power up the energies and extra settings on their Capture Stylers or to distract wild or enemy Pokémon with attacks that are not directly offensive. These powers are known as Poké Assist and are activated by having the Pokémon Ranger absorb a wild Pokémon's power into their Capture Styler, where upon their Styler gains extra abilities depending on the Pokémon's type.

In the anime

Solana, Kellyn, Ben and Jack Walker are Pokémon Rangers that have appeared in the anime.

Many episodes have featured other rangers. They generally keep an eye on an area and look after the Pokémon there. Some of these areas are restricted and have to be protected from poachers. As these rangers train Pokémon normally, though, they may have more to do with the Trainer class than the Fiore and Almia Rangers.

Solana first appears in the The Green Guardian, and later in Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! Parts One and Two, where she is involved in the incident with Deoxys. She appears again together with Kellyn in Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Parts One and Two.

Ben, the male protagonist from Guardian Signs, made appearances in the anime in SS022, SS023, and Pokémon Ranger! Heatran Rescue Mission!!.

Jack Walker is the central character of the ninth movie, Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea.

In the manga

Pokémon Rangers appear in W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic manga, which is based on the W-Mission of Pokémon Ranger. The main characters of the game, Lunick and Solana, are the protagonists here as well.

Another comic, Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Batonnage - the Comic features characters from Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

In the TCG

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Notable Pokémon Rangers

Fiore Almia Oblivia Other
Solana Barlow Ben Jack Walker
Lunick Crawford Summer
Spenser Luana Rand

Top Rangers

Top Rangers
Pokémon Ranger
Main RangerTop RangerOperatorMechanic
Partner PokémonPoké AssistField MoveObstacles
Ranger SignRanger RankMissionQuestRanger Net
Locations FioreAlmiaOblivia
Ranger BaseRanger DepotRanger UnionRanger School
Capture Stylers Capture StylerSuper StylerPower Styler
Antagonists Go-Rock SquadTeam Dim SunTeam DebonairsPokémon Pinchers
Misc. The Almia TimesThe King of Almia and the Three PrincesGlossary

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