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This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

Green and Silver

ChoosenShipping (Japanese: ブルシル BuruShiru, or シルブル ShiruBuru) is the belief that Silver and Green belong in a romantic relationship. It's one of two popular Pokémon Adventures Ships that involve Green. The name stems from the fact that they were the only two of the masked children to defy the Masked Man. They do, however, have a canonical relationship not unlike siblings; some fans believe this bond strengthens the Ship, or believe it doesn't exist as anything but romantic in nature (not being sibling-like at all).


Silver and Green were kidnapped by the Masked Man at very young ages. Whilst they were held captive, they underwent special training in Pokémon trading and Evolution respectively. During this period of time, they developed a close bond with each other, and together they escaped from the Masked Man's Hideout. Before parting ways, they exchanged Silver's Horsea with Green's Snubbull, marking them as the first pair of Pokédex holders that officially traded Pokémon.



At flashback, Green and Silver grew close when they were raised as partners in the masked children; they seem to be much closer to each other than the pairs of Sham-Carl and Will-Karen do. This round showed the duo's escape from their captor. Early on, Green removes Silver's mask and touches his face in fascination, causing him to blush. She only breaks contact upon remembering that they have to hurry in order to escape detection. Blushing has long been interpreted as a sign of attraction, implying that Silver could have feelings for Green.
When one of the attacks manages to hit Silver in the leg, Green cries out his name in shock and quickly activates a pipe that releases smoke, momentarily distracting their pursuers and allowing them to escape. Later on, even after Green deems it safe to proceed, the duo continue holding hands.

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Green disguises herself with the help of Ditty and appears at the Pokémon League, where she teleports Silver to a safe place against his will. After he disappears, she acknowledges his hard work, but goes on to explain that now he doesn't have to fight alone, and announces her decision to take over his quest to take down the Masked Man and Team Rocket.
When Green encountered Will and Karen in the Ilex Forest and battled them, Green says she was glad that she didn't bring Silver along with her and that she spared him from such suffering by sending him to a safe place.
Much to her surprise, Will shows her an injured Silver (against a tree at first, then he falls down) and Green rushes to Silver's side. She appears to be blushing when she first sees him. Silver tells her how he managed to find her (which shows just how well he knows her), causing her to start crying, and she embraces him as she chides him for being reckless. Silver then admits he followed her because he wanted to battle alongside her and protect her. While this is more likely to show that he cares for Green's wellbeing than anything, this statement also hints at romantic feelings toward her. He then faints as he holds her hand, causing her to break down crying.
After Silver faints, their past together is displayed in a series of flashbacks, and Green is shown gritting her teeth. She then stands up and mutters his name. Will and Karen express their lack of emotion at their "reunion speech", infuriating her and prompting her to start fighting again.
Upon seeing Blue attempt to hand Silver over to the authorities for the theft of the Pokédex belonging to Professor Oak and the Totodile of Professor Elm, Green rushes forward and pleads for him to stop. While Silver talks about how he lived to fight his own battle and attain his goals, rendering him ready to do anything, she can be seen wearing a sombre expression in the background.
Gold adopts his typical slightly perverted attitude and touches Green's rear, only to be punched by none other than Silver, resulting in both of them fighting. After that, when Blue throws one of his usual 'Pesky/Obnoxious/Annoying Girl' comments, this causes Silver to be ticked off again and casts death glares at Blue.

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

Silver and Green chat on the Pokégear about Green's reunion with her parents. When Silver expresses his gratitude toward her for taking care of him for so many years and tells her to think for herself more, she whispers his name. The background appears to glimmer. In both the anime and the manga, such a background is often used to represent a type of passion.
It is learned that Silver bought or made Green's outfit for the story arc, and when Green thinks of this, she, too, blushes. When she asks Silver if she would look good in it, he says, "I'm sure you'll look gorgeous." It should be noted that Silver rarely provides compliments, so this implies that he thinks highly of Green, though whether in a romantic or friendly manner is unknown.

Emerald arc

  • Round 334, The Final Showdown VII
  • After the Pokédex holders are rescued, Green can be seen touching or clutching Silver's arm. None of the others assume the same position in that scene.
  • Round 337, Epilogue
In the scene where Emerald is shown gazing at his fellow Pokédex holders, Green is once again seen with a hand placed casually on Silver's back. This implies that the two are close enough to use affectionate gestures.
While the Pokédex owners are discussing about the Battle Dome tournament, Blue gives another 'Pesky/Obnoxious/Annoying Woman' comment, which results in Silver glowering at Blue.

Name origin

  • Choosen (pronounced choh-sen) is from the Japanese characters 挑戦 (chōsen) to mean 'challenge' or 'defiance'.
  • In result, ChosenShipping is an alternate (and frequently used) spelling of the couple's name.


  • Both own a Water starter Pokémon that can use an Ultimate Move, Hydro Cannon.
    • Both obtained the same Pokémon by theft from the Pokémon Professor of the region that they made their formal debuts in, Kanto and Johto respectively.
  • Both were kidnapped by the Masked Man at a young age, then trained in closely linked areas (trading and evolution).

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