White Ruins (anime)

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White Ruins
白の遺跡 White Ruins

White Ruins
Region Unova
Debut BW120

The White Ruins (Japanese: 白の遺跡 White Ruins) are an anime-exclusive location in the Unova region. It is located above the Dragonspiral Tower, near Icirrus City.

With the help of Cedric Juniper and Looker, Ash, Iris and Cilan were taken to visit them in BW120. There, they met with N. Before Ash and his friends arrived, Cedric Juniper had found the Light Stone, which contains Reshiram, but it was taken away by N. During their stay, the ruins were attacked by a large amount of Team Plasma Grunts.

The ruins will appear again in BW121.

Pokémon seen in the White ruins

With the exception of Reshiram, which appeared in a flashback, the only wild Pokémon that was shown living around the ruins was a Sawsbuck, which made friends with N.


Animated series-exclusive locations in Unova
Absentia Natural ParkAmbiga TownAntimony Research LabArea 28Astilbe TownBattle ClubClock towerColossus Ruins
Deserted IslandEindoak TownFerroseed Research InstituteFlower Garden TroupeFull CourtHero's RuinInakano Town
Kingdom of the ValeLitwick MansionLuxuria TownMilos IslandMistralton TowerN's hideoutNew Tork CityNimbasa Town
Pokémon HillsRainbow ValleyRoshan CityStonesthrow TownSword of the ValeVertress CityVillage of Dragons
White RuinsWindy Station
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther