
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 12:27, 23 January 2013 by SnorlaxMonster (talk | contribs)


Timotheus (my chosen Latin name)
Eye color
Blue (type)
Hair color
Champion, Trainer,
Aqua Leader, Collector

My Talk page size:
(5,293 bytes, 10% filled)

Pokémon Stuff

This user's favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Lugia.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Mudkip.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Kyogre.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Suicune.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Swampert.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Mewtwo.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Ho-oh.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Charizard.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Lapras.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon LeafGreen Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.

Odd-ish Stuff

This user is from the state of Massachusetts.
This user is a twerp.
File:Pokeship.jpg This user's favorite shipping is PokéShipping.
This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.
This user is a member of Team Aqua.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
This user is Christian.
This user is a Catholic.
This user is an advocate of gay rights.
This user is independent.
This user is liberal.
This user plays the drums.
This user loves ketchup as much as Pikachu.
This user lieks Mudkipz.
This user's favorite movie is Destiny Deoxys.
This user doesn't like cheating in Pokémon games.
This user collects Pokémon cards.
This user's blasting off again!
This user's favorite baseball team is the Boston Red Sox.
This user's favorite TV show is The Simpsons.
This user's favorite TV show is Arrested Development.
This user's favorite TV show is 24.
This user's favorite TV show is 30 Rock.
This user's favorite band is Tears for Fears.
This user's favorite band is Ultravox.
This user likes cats.
This user's favorite video game is Medal of Honor: European Assault.
This user's favorite video game is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

This user's favorite song is "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears.

This user's favorite song is "Africa" by Toto.
SOVA This user supports SOVA.
Seatbelts, everyone!

My Templates

This user is crazy!
This user likes to take up entire templates with long, unnecessary, and annoyingly incoherent babblings about various subjects, like how much wood would a Bidoof chuck if a Bidoof could chuck wood.
This user doesn't care about Generations IV or V (with the exception of Munchlax) because they stink.
This user hated the anime after Misty left. :(
Saur Bulba Saur Bulba Bulbasaur SaurBulba Saur BulbaBa Bulb, SaurSaur BulbBulbSaur Bulba.
This user is a pro-life liberal.


This user is pro-life.
This user needs more cowbell.
This user is Down with the Sickness!
This user likes the music in Dewford Town.
This user's account is [Bulbajer.]

Hi. My name is Jerry, aka Bulbajer. My favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur, so that's where my username comes from. I'm a typical college geek that hides his nostalgic love for Pokémon.

I was first introduced to the franchise through the anime. Ash was making his journey through Johto when I first tuned in. Later, I received my first Pokémon TCG cards (from the Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge series). In around fourth grade, Pokémon and Yu-gi-oh! were all the rage among boys, and after losing interest in the latter, I purchased Sapphire version for the Gameboy Advance. I don't play it much anymore, but I still visit my 150 Pokémon caught (I've seen 186) and 8 Hall of Fames. (See my teams for each of my games below)

After Sapphire, I got interested in the TCG, and started collecting (I prefer collecting to battling). Currently I have about two-thirds of the Pokémon up to #386. I don't collect Generations IV or V because I have no interest in them and I don't like the new card styles. (And Gen. V Pokémon really stink, imao.) Late sumer 2012, I found a Cloyster in a shop, completing my collection of the Gen. I Pokémon!

Besides Sapphire, I own LeafGreen and Red Rescue Team; I play LeafGreen off an on, but I gave up Red Rescue Team. I also own (both literally and figuratively) Super Smash Bros. Melee, which I have completed except for a few trophies.

My main areas of interest in Pokémon are the characters themselves and the anime. I have watched the entire original series twice, which totally dominates the later series. I did follow the Advanced Generation series up until Kids' WB cut it (I don't receive Cartoon Network).

I have known about Bulbapedia for a long time; I didn't really become interested in it until I started watching the anime over again. I finally joined on February 21, 2010; my first edit was to EP117, to which I added trivia and an error. A bunch of my edits have been undone by more experienced users, but I am getting better, and I aspire to be as wise in the ways of Bulbapedia as any!

Pages I have started

My Teams


"Muddy" the Swampert (♂) "Xeon" the Kyogre "Muddy" the Mudkip (♂) Latias (♀) "Icey" the Regice "Seagull" the Wingull (♂)

Leaf Green

Bulbasaur (♂) Pidgeot (♀) Kingler (♂) Weepinbell (♂) (others to be determined)

Red Rescue Team (inactive)

"Jerry" the Bulbasaur (♂) "Muddy" the Mudkip (♂) (others to be determined)

Favorite Anime Characters

Federation of Pokémon

My version of a world cooperation organization - for Pokémon, by Pokémon. Based on the idea of the UN, but loosely. Delegates have rankings. The Legendary Council includes all Legendary Pokémon up to Deoxys (I don't really like Generation IV that much) and is comparable to the Security Council of the UN; the General Assembly features non-Legendary Pokémon, with a delegate for each type at each delegation rank; this can be compared to the UN General Assembly. General Assembly delegates are elected. For the election, each non-Legendary species of Pokémon nominate candidates, and then each type in each delegation rank vote. Members of the Legendary Council are permanent (with a few exceptions, I assume that there are only one of each Legendary Pokémon).

Legendary Council

Level 6 delegates

Level 5 delegates

Level 4 delegates

General Assembly

Level 3 delegates

Level 2 delegates

Level 1 delegates

Other FOP personnel

Jerry's Pokémon (if they were real)

Unless it is marked otherwise, the Pokémon are male or neuter.

  • Jerry's Bulbasaur - friendly, reliable, wise, can play drums
  • Jerry's Mudkip "Muddy Jr." or just Mudkip - friendly, enthusiastic
  • Jerry's Swampert "Muddy" - strong, sometimes fun-loving, sometimes responsible
  • Jerry's Wingull "Seagull"
  • Jerry's Sandshrew - timid, shy
  • Jerry's Abra - quiet
  • Jerry's Dewgong
  • Jerry's Haunter - playful, mischievous
  • Jerry's Cubone - solitary
  • Jerry's Hitmonchan
  • Jerry's Hitmonlee
  • Jerry's Scyther - cool
  • Jerry's Pinsir "Jaws"
  • Jerry's Vaporeon (female) - graceful
  • Jerry's Bayleef "Bay" (female) - playful, feisty, emotional
  • Jerry's Quilava "Bageye"
  • Jerry's Furret "Killconey"
  • Jerry's Espeon (female) - quiet, wise
  • Jerry's Umbreon - solitary, somewhat of a show-off, haughty
  • Jerry's Houndour "Joey" - eager, friendly, hyper
  • Jerry's Miltank "Yuppy" (female) - friendly, motherly
  • Jerry's Whismur "Bunny" - shy, emotional
  • Jerry's Anorith "Trigar" - enthusiastic
  • Jerry's Turtwig
  • Jerry's Torterra "Europio"
  • Jerry's Shieldon "Buffa" - timid, doesn't know own strength
  • Jerry's Buizel "Skipper"
  • Jerry's Gastrodon (East Sea) "Sluggy"
  • Jerry's Pidgeotto (x5) - Thunderhawks (Falcus - leader; Aquila - second-wing; Stang; Warbeak (female) - fiesty, brave; Skarlath)
  • Jerry's Linoone - "Skinpaw"

My Other Interests

I like social studies, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Percabeth 4evah!), Harry Potter, Redwall, guns and weapons, World War II, Teen Titans (BBRae all the way!), playing and listening to music, and much more. You can read more on my interests at my blog: Bulbajer's Encyclopedia I also play NationStates, in which I administer the region Pokemon World, Particracy, and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.