User talk:Helenaannevalentine

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Latest comment: 7 June 2013 by Funktastic~! in topic Link templates
Welcome to Bulbapedia, Helenaannevalentine!

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  • You can't create a userpage until you've added to the encyclopedia. It's a privilege. See the userspace policy.
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Link templates

Just so you know, when linking to some pages, there are link templates to use. For example, for Pokémon are linked as {{p|Pokémon's name}} instead of [[Pokémon's name]]. So, instead of [[Buneary]], it should be {{p|Buneary}}. For other link templates go to this page, which lists them. --It's Funktastic~!話してください 03:22, 7 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, I'll be sure to brush up on the formatting and link template rules with this wiki as I already have noted it's a lot different to typical template styles I am accustomed to. However, I find myself unable to edit even my own userpage although in my user preferences it says I'm under "Users" and "email confirmed" and yet when I click on the "Users" link, it redirects me to the Autoconfirmed Users page which states that they: "Can create and edit their userpage". If I'm not an autoconfirmed user (which I don't understand why I wouldn't be), this is rather misleading and misinterpreting. If you could help, this would be much appreciated -helenaanne  talk ♥ 03:45, 7 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Being autoconfirmed means you've made a certain amount of edits and have had an account for a certain amount of time (both numbers secret to everyone but staff), which I believe is relatively small. Once that happens when you go to your user preferences "autoconfirmed" will also show up. Then you can create your userpage and pages in the mainspace. --It's Funktastic~!話してください 03:56, 7 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Then I believe it to be further misleading having the "Users" link directly to the Autoconfirmed Users without any subnotification about the actual difference between the two. It just links to that page with no clarification. Plus also on the Bulbapedia:Userspace policy page, if you see in this particular section, it says "Your account is not autoconfirmed: a special status is required before you can edit your userpage; this can be automatically earned by editing Bulbapedia's mainspace." - the mainspace being where the majority of the articles are held within. It doesn't hold any reference to the number of edits one has to make before reaching "autoconfirmed". -helenaanne  talk ♥ 04:02, 7 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
After you edit the mainspace a certain amount of times the system automatically grants autoconfirmed. I'm not quite sure what your question is since the section of the userpage policy you linked to also links to the page on autoconfirmed users which says "An autoconfirmed user on Bulbapedia is a user who has achieved the following: Has had their account for an automatically determined amount of time/Has made a (top secret) number of edits to the mainspace". That makes it clear what needs to be done in order to gain autoconfirmed status. (and for the Users group linking to Autoconfirmed users, I do agree that that's confusing, but that'd have to be brought up with a staff member to fix.) --It's Funktastic~!話してください 04:14, 7 June 2013 (UTC)Reply