Pokémon Storage System

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A Pokémon Storage System allows Pokémon to be stored and transmitted as computer data, and allows Trainers to keep more than the six Pokémon allowed in the party. The first such system was originally developed by Bill. There have been at least six versions of the Storage System seen in various games.

Pokémon Storage Systems are typically accessed through the PCs in Pokémon Centers.


Bill's Pokémon Storage System in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

There have been at least six versions of the Pokémon Storage System seen in various games:

  • Bill's Pokémon Storage System (as seen in Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver) is a Pokémon Storage System used in both regions of Kanto and Johto. In Generation I and Generation II, Bill's system can store 20 Pokémon per box, while there are 12 boxes in Generation I and 14 in Generation II. (In the Japanese versions, 30 Pokémon can be stored per box, and there are 8 boxes in Generation I and 9 in Generation II.) Generation II also adds the ability to rename the boxes for easier organization. However, each time a box is changed, the game must be saved. If a box becomes full, the player must change boxes or no more Pokémon can be captured. In Generation II, Bill will contact the player via Pokégear when a box has become full. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Pokémon Storage System uses the Nintendo DS's touch screen and otherwise operates in the same manner as Bebe's system does in Generation IV. In Generation I only, Pokémon sent to Bill's PC are not restored to full health.
  • Lanette's Pokémon Storage System (as seen in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire) is an entirely new Pokémon Storage System, with a graphical user interface and the capacity to store up to 420 Pokémon in 14 boxes, each of which can hold 30 Pokémon. An added feature is usage of the start and select button, which respectively move the cursor to go to the box title and highlight the cursor, giving strict movement of Pokémon. When a box becomes full, Pokémon will be moved to the next available box eliminating the worry of running out of space.
  • Brigette's Pokémon Storage System (as seen in Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire) is based on Lanette's Pokémon Storage System, but with greatly expanded capacity and an improved interface; it can hold up to 1500 Pokémon, and allows the user to move many Pokémon at once.
  • Lanette's Pokémon Storage System (upgraded by Bill, as seen in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Pokémon Emerald) adds the ability to manage held items directly from the PC. The amount of boxes stayed the same and each holds 30 Pokémon.
  • Bebe's Pokémon Storage System (as seen in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum) is the same as Lanette's system, but the number of boxes has been increased from 14 to 18, for a maximum capacity of 540. It was created with help from Bill. It is possibly an upgraded version of Bill's modification of Lanette's system. In Platinum, six more wallpaper designs were added. When the Y button is pressed, the hand turns yellow instead of white, allowing players to simply pick up and drop Pokémon in necessary slots (as opposed to confirming this action every time the A button is pressed). Each box holds 30 Pokémon.
  • Amanita's Pokémon Storage System (as seen in Pokémon Black and White, and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2) has the player start out with eight boxes capable of holding 240 Pokémon total. When all 8 boxes have at least one Pokémon in them, the storage capacity will be increased to 16 boxes, holding 480 Pokémon. When all 16 of those boxes have at least one Pokémon in them, the capacity will be increased again to a maximum of 24 boxes, or 720 Pokémon. This allows for quicker save times early on, as save data for non-"unlocked" boxes does not need to be calculated, solving a common complaint about Generation IV's long save times. Each box still holds 30 Pokémon. The other boxes are also shown on the right, as opposed to the top as they were in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Box names cannot be any censored words; in Black and White only, Box names cannot contain more than four numerical characters.

Others involved

  • Celio operates a system in the Sevii Islands which initially was separate from all others. With the help of Bill, he was able to link his system to mainland Kanto, allowing travelers from the nearby region, such as the player, to access their Pokémon. Eventually, with more help from the player, as well as the Ruby and Sapphire to boost the power, Celio was able to connect to the far-off Hoenn region.
  • Hayley owns a Pokémon ranch where she collects information and data from Pokémon. She is good friends with Bebe and they still keep in contact with each other.



Wallpaper is a background to the Pokémon Storage System. Beginning with the interface of Generation III, the background of each box can be decorated with one of sixteen different default wallpapers. It can be changed, making it easier to distinguish between boxes. Changing wallpaper doesn't affect the Pokémon in the Pokémon Storage System.

Generation III

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Scenery 1
File:Box Forest RSE.png File:Box City RSE.png File:Box Desert RSE.png File:Box Savanna RSE.png
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
File:Box Crag RSE.png File:Box Volcano RSE.png File:Box Snow RSE.png File:Box Cave RSE.png
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
File:Box Beach RSE.png File:Box Seafloor RSE.png File:Box River RSE.png File:Box Sky RSE.png
Beach Seafloor River Sky
File:Box Polka-Dot RSE.png File:Box PokéCenter RSE.png File:Box Machine RSE.png File:Box Simple RSE.png
Polka-Dot PokéCenter Machine Simple

FireRed and LeafGreen
Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Stars PokéCenter Tiles Simple


In Pokémon Emerald, certain unique phrases will result in Walda in Rustboro City giving the player a special, customizable wallpaper design by cheering her up and making her laugh. These wallpapers can be generated online at various websites such as this generator at Filb.de. The player can only have one customized wallpaper, which is categorized under "Friends". The following are a few examples of the wallpapers that can be generated.

Zigzagoon Screen Horizontal Diagonal
Blocks Ribbon* Pokémon Center Frame
Symbol Circles Azumarill Pikachu
Legendary Dusclops Ludicolo Whiscash

Generation IV

The games of Generation IV all share the same basic wallpapers, most of which are derived from the wallpaper types of the preceding generation. In addition, there are 24 unlockable wallpapers; 8 for Diamond and Pearl, 8 for Platinum, and 8 for HeartGold and SoulSilver. In Sinnoh, these eight special wallpapers can be unlocked by speaking an unique series of words from the Easy chat system to a man in Jubilife TV, located in Jubilife City. In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the wallpapers can be unlocked by talking to Primo at Violet City's Pokémon Center. With the correct phrases, players can access eight wallpapers related to the two games, as well as three Eggs. Like with Emerald, online generators have been created to supply players with these phrases. The phrases generated are dependent on the player's game, ID number, and region.

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Checks PokéCenter Machine Simple

Diamond and Pearl
Friends 1
Space Backyard Nostalgic Torchic
Friends 2
Trio PikaPika Legend Team Galactic

Friends 1
Distortion Contest Nostalgic Croagunk
Friends 2
Trio PikaPika Legend Team Galactic

HeartGold and SoulSilver

The wallpapers in HeartGold and SoulSilver are not categorized.

Heart Soul Big Brother Pokéathlon
Trio Spiky Pika Kimono Girl Revival

Generation V

The scenic wallpapers of Generation V are nearly identical to those of Generation IV. Like Generation IV, there are eight unique unlockable wallpapers for Black and White and eight more for Black 2 and White 2. However, instead of being unlocked through online generators, these wallpapers are awarded to the player upon completing objectives.

Scenery 1
Forest City Desert Savanna
Scenery 2
Crag Volcano Snow Cave
Scenery 3
Beach Seafloor River Sky
Checks Poké Center Machine Simple

Black and White

In Pokémon Black and White, four additional wallpapers are unlocked after the end credits roll. Another four are unlocked after beating Champion Alder.

Special 1
Reshiram Zekrom Monochrome Team Plasma
Special 2
Munna Zoroark Subway Musical

Black 2 and White 2

In Pokémon Black and White 2 an additional four wallpapers are unlocked after beating the Unova Elite Four and Champion Iris. Another four are unlocked after capturing ZekromB2/ReshiramW2 and Kyurem.

Special 1
Monochrome Team Plasma Movie PWT
Special 2
Black Kyurem White Kyurem Reshiram Zekrom


A marking tool was introduced in the Generation III games, with Lanette's Pokémon Storage System. This tool helps the player to organize their Pokémon within the boxes, but is not necessary for game play. Each Pokémon can be marked with any combination of the different markings. Prior to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, this could be done only while the player was operating the Pokémon Storage System. In Generation III, there were four markings: ●, ■, ▲, and ♥. In Generation IV, two more markings were introduced and the order was rearranged, making the full list ●, ▲, ■, ♥, ★ and ♦, in that order (this order was kept in Generation V). The markings appear in the Pokémon Storage System and on the Pokémon's summary screen. A Pokémon will keep its marking settings if traded to another Trainer.

Battle Box

The Battle Box is a feature introduced in Pokémon Black and White. It allows the player to compete with six, user-determined Pokémon which can be used instead of the current party in infrared link battles, the Battle Subway, and Random Matchup. Tournaments which utilize the "Battle Competition" feature require its use; therefore, all the Global Battle Union tournaments require it. The user may access the Battle Box through the PC. Once the user of the Battle Box registers their Pokémon team for an official tournament that uses the "Battle Competition" feature, the team is locked in the Battle Box and may not be modified (even the reordering of moves) or removed from the box until the end of the competition.

Naming Storage Boxes

Starting Generation V, the inability to use censored words in any player-inputs, including storage Box names, was incorporated. This also included four numerical digits; however, in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, this limit was removed.

In the anime

A system for transferring Pokémon electronically exists, and is utilized in all Pokémon Centers as well as the labs of all Pokémon Professors. However, unlike in the games, Pokémon are not stored electronically, and in this continuity, the developer of the system was Dr. Akihabara. On one occasion, Jessie, James, and Meowth were able to invade this system in an attempt to steal Pokémon, but failed thanks to Ash and his friends.

It also seems that the Pokédex automatically connects to this system when a capture is made while there are six Pokémon in a user's party, as seen with the capture of Ash's Krabby in Mystery at the Lighthouse. Misty also states that there is a button on the Pokédex that can transfer Pokémon between the Trainer and where their Pokémon are sent. However, the Pokémon Storage System in Unova seems to lack this feature: in Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!, when Ash catches Sewaddle as his seventh Pokémon, the Poké Ball shrinks and locks up instead of being teleported straight to the Pokémon Storage System.

External links

Pokémon Storage System developers
Bill (Adventures) • LanetteBrigetteCelioBebeHayleyAmanitaCassiusMolayne (Masters) • Grand Oak