Bellsprout is a plant-based Pokémon with a stem-like brown body. This stem is long, thin and very flexible, making it capable of swerving rapidly to avoid many attacks or moving with blinding speed to capture prey. Its roots resemble feet, and it uses them as such. It will plant these feet in the ground to replenish water, but it is unable to flee while it is rooted. It has one green leaf on each side of its body. Its yellow head is bell-shaped and has what appear to be pink lips at the end. Bellsprout prefers hot and humid places, living in forests as well as tropical jungles.
Another major appearance was in A Bout With Sprout. A boy called Zackie from Earl Dervish's Pokémon academy wanted to have Ash's Pikachu very badly. In his efforts to catch it, he captured a Bellsprout instead. This Bellsprout later saved the day when Team Rocket was causing trouble at the Sprout Tower.
Two Bellsprout appeared in the wild in The Grass Route while two appeared in the same episode belonging to two different unnamed competitors participating in the Grass-type tournament.
Bellsprout appeared in Zoroark: Master of Illusions as a few of the many local Pokémon who lives in Crown City. A Bellsprout worked with several other Pokémon in surrounding Zorua at the park to attack him, angry at Zorua for what Zoroark did to the city. Before a fight broke out, Bellsprout, along with the other Pokémon, were calmed by Celebi.
Later, Erika of the Celadon Gym is seen in possession of a Bellsprout, who, despite its small size, was able to daze the fully-evolved Poli by mimicking its DoubleSlap. Later, during the Yellow arc, it was revealed to have fully evolved.
A sextet of Bellsprout is seen in Bellsprout Rout during Gold's visit to Sprout Tower. Gold is attacked by the monks and their Bellsprout in an attempt to convince him to join their group. The excellent teamwork of the Bellsprout manages to make short work of Gold's Aipom, only to lose to Gold's Cyndaquil when it incinerates them from below.
Pokémon Pinball: A Bellsprout appears on the Red Table, when the pinball can be shot into the Bellsprout, Catch'em Mode is activated allowing for the capture of a Pokémon.
A Bellsprout's thin and flexible body lets it bend and sway to avoid any attack, however strong it may be. From its mouth, it leaks a fluid that melts even iron.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.