Talk:Ash's Pikachu/Archive 1

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Revision as of 04:43, 23 October 2007 by Samrulz123 (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 23 October 2007 by Samrulz123 in topic Evolve?

Didn't he get taught Thunderpunch at some point? --Greengiant 19:04, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Not that I can recall. Fabu-Vinny 17:18, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Ash's Pikachu's Gender

Something like totally bothers me, does anyone know Pikachu's actual gender? --Hikari-chan 20:57, 28 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

I thought that characters refer to it as "he" or "him", but that might just be casual talk when they don't know. But Pikachu doesn't have a dent in its tail... hmm... I guess there's no official definition yet, though. Aiddat 10:43, 12 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Actually, no, Pikachu's gender has never been confirmed on the series, neither by the writers or anyone else involved. It's simply known as an "it". For some reason, many people believe that Pikachu is a male, but I personally believe it's a female. Anyway, my guess is, the characters on the show don't "know" what Pikachu's gender is, otherwise I'm sure it would've been revealed in the series at some point. Another theory I have is, maybe the writers hide Pikachu's gender purposely, so that everyone can have their own opinion about Pikachu's gender.

Judging by the fact that it lacks the dent at the end of it's tail in the DP series, this puts to rest any rumors and speculations, and confirms it to indeed be a male. - Jake

No it doesn't. Don't use Sinnoh Pokemon data for Kanto Pokemon. No female Pikachu from the other three regions (Gen II/III) have the dent, do they? - Cassius335

Until we get a GSDS, that'll definitely remain true. If and when we do, however, will prove it once and for all. Although, you technically can transfer a Pikachu from Kanto/Hoenn and it'll have a dent in the tail if it's female... TTEchidna 02:32, 5 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

On the contrary, until he see a Pikachu in the Anime with a dent in it's tail, then we will know Pikachu is a male. Until then, it remains final that no gender will ever be specified for it. --Proto Fan 03:53, 5 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

want bout buneary liking him or her does that mean either buneary is gay or buneary a male who likes to crossdress and what about the princess fest pikachu wasn't doing anything but carring misty's bags-sonicflames

Basically all evidence is circumstantial right now - Cassius335

In the episode "Lights, Camera, Quacktion!" is a hint that might help you solve this: first, since the movie being filmed is a love scene, the pokémon at the casting must be male to act as the wigglytuff's love interest (playing a Romeo part). So, Pikachu must be the same gender as Meowth (in love with the girl that trained a Parasect on a certain episode) or Psyduck (being called a "he" by brock in one episode of the first season). He is, therefore, a male, and so must be Arbok, Weezing, Meowth and Psyduck.--Snipe 07:12, 1 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

The sheer history of theatre is against you on that one: Men in female roles (or vice versa) is fairly well known. And the director was an idiot, so gender may not have mattered much to him. Cassius335 21:09, 18 October 2007 (UTC)Reply


I believe it was originally a Pichu. --Pikachu25 14:16, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Pikachu was originally a Pichu like Ash was originally a baby. Sure, it probably was, but in EP001 it is a Pikachu while Ash is 10. That's all that counts unless we get some kind of flashback in a future episode. --FabuVinny T-C-S 20:30, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

i can't remimber which episode it was, but i'm sure about the fact that pikachu will never age or get old because he drank some river liquid which made him eternal Gaiden 03:16, 26 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'm pretty sure that Pokémon never had the fountain of youth in the anime. Where'd you hear that? --Pie ~ 22:58, 26 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I actually saw it when the CW Was Kids WB, it wasn't a fountain of youth, but it was a rather strange river that made whoever drank from it eternal, it was possibly in the later or mid parts of indigo... or was it in orange islands? i remember misty and ash being there and another female but my memory is cloudy at that point - Gaiden 11:26, 04 August 2007 (UTC)
... I'm pretty sure there's no eternal life river, either, and if there was, they never did anything like make Pikachu special by drinking from it. Perhaps you've confused some details of another episode? --Pie ~ 17:07, 4 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
I'm also 100% sure that never happened. I saw almost every episode on KidsWB with the exception of one or two Johto League Champions episodes. I also have a fairly good memory in regards to the episodes. I can't think of any episode where a) Pikachu drank from anything or b) say that it is ageless. --PAK Man Talk 17:48, 4 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
Alright, it must have been something else then, i could have sworn something like that happened, but i could be thinking of another anime, thanks for your time everyone - Gaiden 02:51, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
No problem. You did the right thing by bringing it up on the talk page. Plus, in an anime with over 500 episodes, it's easy to get things mixed up. Don't worry about thinking it actually happened. --PAK Man Talk 19:54, 4 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
I know that it has been a while, but to avoid confusion, scientifically, if Pikachu kept living for,let's say, a thousand years, Pikachu would look VERY old but since the lifre force is eternal, I'm guessing when Pikachu turns to ashes, he's gonna be still alive (ouch) PsychicFile:Ani475MS.gif Agent 448δ | DP Fighting 13:24, 21 October 2007 (UTC)Reply


Wait a minute, when did Pikachu ever learn double-edge, and if it didn't specifically use learn as of Ash teaching it, when didit it first use the move. GlalieGuy 00:21, 5 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

I think it tried to use the move once but failed. Ash may have tried to teach Pikachu Double-Edge but they gave up - Cassius335

From what I can recall, Friend and Foe Alike was the first dub mention of Ash's Pikachu using a Double-Edge attack. However, it was the stadium announcer mentioning it after Pikachu slammed into Happy after coming off the sidelines. It could have been different in the original...--Shiningpikablu252 03:00, 5 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
That's correct. The exact line was "Pikachu jumps from the sidelines and delivers a devastating Double-edge attack!" --PAK Man Talk 17:35, 7 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bolded Moveset

Why was the last revision reverted? Looked like a reasonable idea to me. - Cassius335

No real need to indicate STAB for the anime. That's what the bolding's used for. TTEchidna 06:15, 22 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
Fair enough, except that wasn't what the poster was doing. He was highlighting Pikachu's current moveset (notice he'd bolded Iron Tail, but not Thundershock or Thunder). - Cassius335
Hmm. Well, the question is, do Pokémon have the four-move limit in the anime? TTEchidna 01:11, 23 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
Not as far as I've ever heard (Misty's Caserin has 5, for one). However, Ash's Pikachu hasn't used Thunder in about a season (since Volt Tackle turned up?), nor Agility since who knows when. A case could be made for moves being forgotten or at least becoming disused. - Cassius335
Hey guys, I'm the one who made the edit. Thunder has not been used at all since Pikachu learned Volt Tackle. Don't ask me when it started, but I think after a certain point, the anime tried to adhere a bit more to the games, and along with that, have the four move limit. It's never been spoken, but while you watch a battle in the show, you'll notice that the Pokemon never use more than 4 different moves... at least as far as I've seen. I haven't seen the episode with the Luvdiscs.- OmegaPlatinum
Hmm. Maybe we need to add notes to the moves for "First used" and "last used". - Cassius335
I don't think there is a case for moves being forgotten but stating that moves have not been used in a while is fine. --FabuVinny T-C-S 11:14, 1 September 2007 (UTC)Reply


Why does Ash not evolve Pikachu?Samrulz123File:Ani151MS.gif 05:48, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Because Ash is not that type of a trainer. He never forces them to evolve. If they want to evolve, they do so.--Jmath 09:56, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Isn't Ash that doesn't want that Pikachu evolves, it's Pikachu that refuses to do it. Watch the episode when Ash wins his 4th Gym Badge in Kanto. --Haruka uzumaki File:Ani038MS.gif 15:21, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

In Electric Shock Showdown, the fourteenth episode of the series, Ash asked Pikachu if it wanted to evolve. He made it very clear that he would let Pikachu decide for itself. Pikachu refused, and that refusal still stands, which is why Pikachu will never evolve. --PAK Man Talk 15:25, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Well, if Pikachu just wants to stay weak then why does Ash still use it? Maybe it will evolve at the end of it?Samrulz123File:Ani151MS.gif 19:08, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Because it's his freakin' starter. He loves Pikachu, so he ain't letting go with it. Geez. Power isn't EVERYTHING! TinaTheKirlia File:Ani281MS.gif 19:15, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

1.That's the problem with Pikachu in the way it is now? Why does it need to evolve? It won't be the same thing if it evolves to a damn Raichu 2.POWER IS EVERYTHING.--Haruka uzumaki File:Ani038MS.gif 20:08, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

I know very well that power isn't everything. Like I just said on Ash's discussion page: It depends on both the trainer and the Pokémon. Whats wrong with a Raichu, anyway? I thought that strength would be at least quater of a trainer's goal? Having your Pokémon look nice ain't gonna win you the league.Samrulz123File:Ani151MS.gif 04:43, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply