Bryony is one of five Team Flare scientists that are the driving force behind the team, being identified by her green hair. She is first seen with Celosia and one of Team Flare's Admins at the Poké Ball Factory, trying to coerce the company president into working for them. At the factory, the player and Calem or Serena will fight against Bryony and Celosia in a double battle.
"Your ability flies in the face of all probability! Just what is the source of your power?"
After being defeated
"We've been using the electricity we stole from the Power Plant to get everything prepared for activating the ultimate weapon. But it's not like that's all we'll need to use it. Are you following me? We'll need energy absorbed from Pokémon to power the device! Yes! It's the stones on Route 10 that will steal that energy for us and power the ultimate weapon!"
If talked to again
"That's right. The stones on Route 10 normally put out energy, but when the ultimate weapon is activated, that reverses and they begin to absorb energy from Pokémon!"
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Bryony in Pokémon Adventures
Bryony makes her first appearance in the X & Y arc alongside her fellow Team Flare members. She, Celosia, and Xerosic witness the legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal rampage through Vaniville Town during a battle with each other. They note that they need the Pokémon to power their ultimate weapon, but currently have no means as to capture them.