Professor Oak's Rotom (Japanese: オーキド博士のロトムDr. Okido's Rotom) is the only Pokémon caught on screen by Professor Oak. It was caught in the Decolore Islands.
Professor Oak caught Rotom in To Catch a Rotom! at Torom Island. He came to meet Ash and his friends to the Decolore Islands on Torom Island and told them that he wanted to catch himself a Rotom in order to study its forms. They went to a site where lots of old electrical machines were kept, luring in three Rotom. At first, Professor Oak's attempt to capture one failed, but once he had, along with Ash and friends, saved the Rotom from being captured by Team Rocket, one of them freely accepted to come with him, and allowed itself to be captured by him.
Rotom reappeared in Butterfree and Me! where it surprised Ash on the computer screen when he was contacting Professor Oak. Rotom was shown to be very affectionate towards him as it shocked him the first time it happened.
It appeared briefly in The Dream Continues!, in which it suddenly popped up from behind Alexa, scaring her. It was later seen being filmed by her.
XY series
Rotom appeared again in A Battle of Aerial Mobility! when Ash was contacting Professor Oak. It also appears in Professor Oak's Holo Caster at the end of each episode, helping Professor Oak with his explanation, and often laughing at him when he gets hurt.
As Mow Rotom
Personality and characteristics
Rotom is a mischievous prankster. A running gag is that it often likes to fill up the screen whenever it appears and laughs; whenever Ash has phoned Professor Oak since its capture, Rotom will appear first on the monitor, often scaring him. This habit has also been shown during Professor Oak's Holo Caster, where the segment will always begin and conclude this way. Rotom also likes using Thunderbolt to shock Professor Oak and laughs when he gets hurt.