
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 15:23, 20 September 2012 by Pattyman (talk | contribs)

80 × 80
Jamie as he appears in Pokémon White
Gender Male
Hometown Littleroot Town
Region Unova
Generation III, IV, V
Games Emerald, Pearl, Platinum, White

Coobreedan (named Jamie or JAMIE in the games) is a User of Bulbapedia. On his Pokemon journey, he uses many legendaries, but gets bored as he wins most battles. His first ever Pokemon Game was Pokemon Yellow Version.

The Pokemon he never takes out of his party are:


UncommonDID YOU KNOW?Uncommon I don't think you will know, lol

Rayquaza was Coobreedan's first legendary

    • It is also his favorite Pokemon

Fire Coobreedan is rubbish at the TCG


This user's favorite TV show is Kirby: Right Back At Ya!.
This user's DS friend code for Pokémon White is 5371 9629 5445.
sar This user is a native speaker of Sarcasm, and shouldn't be taken seriously too often.
This user has a shiny Suicune.
This user is a member of Project CharacterDex.