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Pacifidlog Town
キナギタウン Kinagi Town
"Where the morning sun smiles upon the waters."
Pacifidlog Town in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
This town first came into being as a floating storehouse used by people living on the ocean's surface.
Pacifidlog Town (Japanese: キナギタウンKinagi Town) is a town located in the seas south of the mainland of the Hoenn region.
Pacifidlog Town is a small town built on wooden rafts and logs that float on top of a Corsola colony. The people living in Pacifidlog Town all fish and dive as part of their lifestyle. The ancestors of the people in Pacifidlog Town were said to have been born on boats, and lived and died aboard them. According to legend, they lived that way because they were searching for something.
There is also a legend in Pacifidlog Town of a flying Dragon Pokémon that never needs to rest. This could refer to Rayquaza. There is also a legend of three sealed-away Pokémon that represent the powers of Ice, Rock, and Steel, which refers to the Legendary golems: Regice, Regirock, and Registeel.
An old man living on the east side of Pacifidlog Town looks out for Mirage Island and will shout out in excitement on days that it appears. Every day, the game generates a random number between 0 and 65535. If this number matches the personality value of any of the Pokémon in the player's party, Mirage Island will be accessible that day.
Pokémon Fan Club Chairman's sibling
The Pokémon Fan Club Chairman's younger brother lives in a house on the west side of the town. He will give out one of two possible TMs every seven days depending on the friendship of the player's Pokémon. If the first Pokémon in the party's friendship is high, he will give the player TM27 (Return); if it is low, he will give the player TM21 (Frustration). If the Pokémon's friendship is neutral, he will not give any TM, but the player may still receive a TM by showing him a different Pokémon.
In-game trade
Located south of the Pokémon Center, there is a woman who will trade a Corsola for a Bellossom in Ruby and Sapphire and in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. In Emerald, a man will trade a Horsea for a Bagon.
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Pacifidlog Town's population in the games is only 20, a very low number by Hoenn standards. This is because of its highly remote location.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In the anime
Pacifidlog Town in the anime
In the anime, Pacifidlog Town was shown to be a small archipelago instead of a town built on wooden rafts. Like many other towns in the Hoennregion, it is home to a Contest Hall.
Ash and his friends arrived in Pacifidlog Town in Mean With Envy, where they met up with Pokémon CoordinatorsErica and Joshua. Erica, who was expecting to win the Pacifidlog Contest together with her boyfriend Joshua, engaged in a rivalry with May after she saw her chatting with him. Later on, the three young Coordinators, as well as a disguisedJessie, entered the Pacifidlog Convention in hopes of getting the coveted Pacifidlog Ribbon.
The first match of the second round put Jessie against Erica. The battle ended rather quickly as Jessie was disqualified for cheating, giving Erica a free pass to the Contest finals. The battle between May and Joshua, on the other hand, was a hard fought one. It ended with an explosion caused by the clash of May's Skitty's Blizzard and Joshua's Houndoom's Flamethrower. Having won this battle, May advanced to the final round, where she faced Erica. She had a little trouble dealing with Jynx's Psychic attack, but got the win after Skitty's Assist became Fire Spin and knocked Jynx out. This victory gave May her fifth Contest Ribbon, allowing her to enter the Hoenn Grand Festival.
Pacifidlog's Japanese motto is あさひが みずべを てらす まち"The town where the morning sun shines upon the waterfront".
In the original Generation III games, Bicycles could not be ridden in Pacifidlog Town.
It was also the only town in the Pokémon world where it was impossible to run.
There is a possibility that Pacifidlog's concept was inspired by the Pokédex entry for Corsola in Pokémon Silver, which states, "In a south sea nation, the people live in communities that are built on groups of these Pokémon."
Despite the fact that Pacifidlog Town is said to have been built on a colony of Corsola, Corsola cannot be found or caught in this area by any means.