April Fools' Day 2015

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 00:36, 7 April 2015 by Musicjax (talk | contribs) (Others: added Tamashii's April fools video)
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April 1, 2015 was an April Fools' Day that fell on a Wednesday. In the Pokémon fandom, some websites pulled hoaxes on gullible fans.




  • The Bulbagarden forums had its sections replaced with Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra–themed sections, one section for each nation in the series. Unlike previous years, there was no enforced forum skin, although the custom skin did appear when browsing the themed forums.

Other fansites

  • The Cave of Dragonflies announced the site had been acquired by Daybreak Recreation & Activities Group Productions, Ltd., a fictitious corporation.
  • Pokémon Online changed Ubers to a tier based on usage rather than a banlist, which resulted in many Pokémon notoriously banned to Ubers being brought to OU, while many common OU Pokémon were banned to Ubers.


  • The Udon Journal released a news story about 800 Slowpoke escaping a research center.
  • The Youtuber TamashiiHiroka made a video about how to find all mega stones in "Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire". The gag was that Tamashii would say a digimon lookalike to a pokemon upon saying the name instead of saying the real pokemons name.

April Fools' Day

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