Template:Main Page/Did you know
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
- ...that due to Nintendo taking ownership of the Pokémon Trading Card Game from Wizards of the Coast, Wizards left several of their planned sets (Crosstrainer, Jamboree, and Legendary Collection 2) unreleased?
- ...that throughout the history of the Pokémon anime, four episodes (It's New Year's Eve! Pocket Monsters, Shaking Island Battle! Barboach VS Whiscash!!, and Team Rocket VS Team Plasma Part 1 and 2) remain unreleased, even to Japanese audiences?
- ...that the majority of figures in the Pokémon Trading Figure Game remain unreleased? The first set is the only one to be fully released. A second and third were planned, but the game was ultimately canceled.
- ...that the extreme failure of the Nintendo 64DD left one Pokémon game, Pocket Monsters RPG, unreleased?
- ...that several unreleased event items, such as the Azure Flute and Lock Capsule, would have allowed players to obtain Arceus and TM95, respectively?