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Dawn's Buneary ヒカリのミミロル Hikari's Mimirol
File:Hikaritomimirol.jpg Dawn and Buneary
Voice actor
As Buneary
Dawn's Buneary (Japanese: ヒカリのミミロル Hikari's Mimirol) was the second Pokémon caught by Dawn. Its Japanese voice actress is 川上とも子 Tomoko Kawakami and its English voice actress is Sarah Natochenny.
In a similar fashion to Misty's Corsola fascination in the Whirl Islands and Ash Ketchum fishing a Corphish a couple of episodes before catching his own, Dawn battled more than one wild Buneary before meeting the one that would become her own Pokémon. However, her capture attempts failed as she was still inexperienced. Dawn captured her own Buneary in Setting the World on its Buneary, though it was first shown in the opening Together which debuted in Dawn of a New Era.
Dawn's Buneary has a crush on Ash's Pikachu. It knows some powerful attacks and has often been able to hold its own in battle.
Moves used
- For DP018, Professor Oak's lecture is about Dawn's Buneary. He writes this Pokémon senryū about it: ミミロルが みみをまるめて みみロール Mimirol, rolling up its ears, ear-roll.
- In Steamboat Willies!, Buneary (along with Aipom and Happiny) was seen in a dress after the three discovered a rack of them. This would seem to suggest Buneary is female. What that, if anything, would mean for Ash's Pikachu is pure speculation at this point.
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Buneary.
External links
Dawn's Pokémon
On hand:
In training:
Traded away: