Barbaracle's body consists of two gray rocks connected by an orange, segmented waist. Two Binacle have multiplied into seven, giving Barbaracle two legs, four arms and one head. The arm and leg Binacle are now orange with a single brown stripe, as opposed to a white one, and have brown "hands" with three claws each. The four arms have a single eye in each palm. In place of an eye, each foot has an orange four-pointed star-shape. The head, which resembles a left fist, has two eyes, four clawed fingers on top and a fifth clawed "thumb" on its right cheek. Each limb thinks for itself and moves independently, though they usually follow the head's orders.
Barbaracle seems to be based on the goose barnacle, due to their general shape and use of a connective "stalk" to cling to rocks. Considering one "main" Barbaracle survives together with others, it may possibly reference to the rarer, same species symbiosis, in particular conjunctive symbiosis due to their fusion into a single body. Considering its hand-like limbs and bodies, and its eyes within its many hands's "palms", it may have also been based on the hamsa. Its limbs having minds of their own may be a reference to alien hand syndrome.
Name origin
Barbaracle may be a combination of barbarian and barnacle.
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