User:Crystal Talian/Signature Move

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A move can be considered a signature move if, at any point in one generation, only one Pokémon can learn it by leveling up. It can also be considered a signature move if no Pokémon learns it by leveling up, and only one can obtain the move by any other method. Finally, a move that is the only move a Pokémon can naturally learn is also considered a signature move.

Pokémon in the same evolutionary family, or members of the same group of related legendaries can share a signature move, so long as no Pokémon outside that family or related legendary group can learn the move.

A signature move remains a signature move even if other Pokémon later learn it.

Pay Day: Meowth, Persian
Gust: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
Mega Kick: Hitmonlee
Jump Kick: Hitmonlee
Rolling Kick: Hitmonlee
Twineedle: Beedrill
Submission: Machop, Machoke, Machamp
Low Kick: Machop, Machoke, Machamp
Counter: Hitmonchan
Petal Dance: Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume
Thunderbolt: Pikachu
Fissure: Diglett, Dugtrio
Dig: Diglett, Dugtrio
Teleport: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
Night Shade: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Bone Club: Cubone, Marowak
Waterfall: Goldeen, Seaking
Clamp: Shellder, Cloyster
Skull Bash: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise
Kinesis: Kadabra, Alakazam
Softboiled: Chansey, Blissey
High Jump Kick: Hitmonlee
Glare: Ekans, Arbok
Dream Eater: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Barrage: Exeggcute, Exeggutor
Lovely Kiss: Jynx
Sky Attack: Moltres
Dizzy Punch: Kangaskhan
Spore: Paras, Parasect
Psywave: Misdreavus
Splash: Magikarp
Crabhammer: Krabby, Kingler
Bonemerang: Cubone, Marowak
Hyper Fang: Rattata, Raticate
Sharpen: Porygon
Conversion: Porygon
Super Fang: Rattata
Substitute: Mr. Mime
Sketch: Smeargle
Triple Kick: Hitmontop
Spider Web: Spinarak, Ariados
Conversion2: Porygon, Porygon2
Aeroblast: Lugia
Mach Punch: Hitmonchan
Sludge Bomb: Grimer, Muk
Octazooka: Octillery
Bone Rush: Cubone, Marowak
Outrage: Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
Milk Drink: Miltank
Steel Wing: Skarmory
Sleep Talk: Whismur, Loudred, Exploud
Return: Lopunny
Present: Delibird
Frustration: Buneary
Pain Split: Misdreavus
Sacred Fire: Ho-Oh
Megahorn: Heracross
Vital Throw: Machop, Machoke, Machamp
Morning Sun: Espeon
Rock Smash: Sawk
Hidden Power: Unown
Extreme Speed: Arcanine
Beat Up: Sneasel
Torment: Nuzleaf
Facade: Chimchar
Focus Punch: Vigoroth
Smelling Salts: Makuhita, Hariyama
Assist: Skitty
Magic Coat: Spoink, Grumpig
Skill Swap: Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus
Secret Power: Audino
Arm Thrust: Makuhita, Hariyama
Camouflage: Staryu
Tail Glow: Volbeat
Luster Purge: Latios
Mist Ball: Latias
Feather Dance: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
Teeter Dance: Spinda
Blaze Kick: Blaziken
Ice Ball: Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Needle Arm: Cacnea, Cacturne
Slack Off: Slakoth, Slaking
Crush Claw: Zangoose
Weather Ball: Castform
Grass Whistle: Roselia
Signal Beam: Volbeat
Extrasensory: Nuzleaf
Muddy Water: Marshtomp, Swampert
Bullet Seed: Sunflora
Icicle Spear: Shellder
Poison Tail: Seviper
Leaf Blade: Grovyle, Sceptile
Doom Desire: Jirachi
Psycho Boost: Deoxys
Heart Swap: Manaphy
Vacuum Wave: Hitmonchan
Focus Blast: Yveltal
Avalanche: Smoochum, Jynx
Trick Room: Porygon-Z
Rock Wrecker: Rhyperior
Grass Knot: Pansage
Chatter: Chatot
Judgement: Arceus
Attack Order: Vespiquen
Defend Order: Vespiquen
Heal Order: Vespiquen
Roar of Time: Dialga
Spacial Rend: Palkia
Lunar Dance: Cresselia
Crush Grip: Regigigas
Magma Storm: Heatran
Dark Void: Darkrai
Seed Flare: Shaymin
Shadow Force: Giratina
Storm Throw: Throh
Ally Switch: Kadabra, Alakazam
Scald: Panpour, Simipour
Shift Gear: Klink, Klang, Klinklang
Quash: Murkrow, Honchkrow
Volt Switch: Emolga
Frost Breath: Snorunt, Glalie
Electroweb: Joltik, Galvantula
Horn Leech: Sawsbuck
Sacred Sword: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion (Keldeo)
Heat Crash: Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
Night Daze: Zorua, Zoroark
Psystrike: Mewtwo
Tail Slap: Minccino, Cinccino
Head Charage: Bouffalant
Gear Grind: Klink, Klang, Klinklang
Searing Shot: Victini
Techno Blast: Genesect
Relic Song: Meloetta
Secret Sword: Keldeo
Kyurem: Glaciate
Bolt Strike: Zekrom
Blue Flare: Reshiram
Fiery Dance: Volcorona
Freeze Shock: Kyurem (Black)
Ice Burn: Kyurem (White)
V-Create: Victini
Fusion Flare: Reshiram
Fusion Bolt: Zekrom
Flying Press: Hawlucha
Mat Block: Greninja
Trick-or-Treat: Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist
Noble Roar: Litleo, Pyroar
Forest's Curse: Phantump, Trevenant
Parting Shot: Pancham, Pangoro
Topsy-Turvy: Inkay, Malamar
Crafty Shield: Klefki
Electrify: Helioptile, Heliolisk
Fairy Lock: Klefki
King's Shield: Aegislash
Confide: Chatot
Diamond Storm: Diancie
Steam Eruption: Volcanion
Hyperspace Hole: Hoopa (Confined)
Water Shuriken: Greninja
Mystical Fire: Delphox
Spiky Shield: Chesnaught
Aromatic Mist: Aromatisse
Powder: Vivillon
Geomancy: Xerneas
Power-Up Punch: Lucario
Oblivion Wing: Yveltal
Land's Wrath: Zygarde
Light of Ruin: Eternal Floette
Origin Pulse: Kyogre
Prepicipice Blades: Groudon
Hyperspace Fury: Hoopa (Unbound)
Blast Burn: Charizard
Hydro Cannon: Blastoise
Frenzy Plant: Venusaur
Volt Tackle: Pichu
Dragon Ascent: Rayquaza
Transform: Ditto